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Everything posted by EastCoast50

  1. Me in Wuhan, China back in December ...
  2. Here's a question for all ... how come it has been said that international flights in and out of the United States have been limited, or even cut off, when they HAVE NOT? How do I know? I'm in the direct flight path of inbound and outbound international flights going into -- and out of -- Washington, DC (DCA), Baltimore (BWI) and Virginia (Dulles - IAD). Not only do I monitor flight RADAR, but I physically see them flying over the mountains heading into those major airports.
  3. Me being attacked back in December in Wuhan, China ...
  4. It's ironic (sadly) that there are news articles circulating these days about how "preppers" (who were once considered fools) are actually NOT fools. I'm not talking about the paranoid zombie apocalypse types ... just the ones concerned about realistic natural disasters, pandemics and war. And here we are in a global viral pandemic. I started "prepping" about 15 years ago, give or take. Food, water, "equipment" (you can define your own take on that). Granted, I've had plenty of training and professional experience prior to this point, but the fact is that everyone should have seen SOMETHING coming. For the last month, I've supplied people that were unprepared with basic essentials such as PPE, food, water and shelter. Yes, shelter. It's sad to say that so many friends have said in the past, "Hey, if something goes bad I'm coming to your house." The bottom line is that they will not -- maybe cannot -- and if they do, it's not my problem. Too bad, so sad. You should have had the survival mindset to prepare. Now, we have morons raiding store shelves of toilet paper and basic cleaning supplies. Up next is meat and non-essential groceries and supplies. Check out eBay, Amazon, Etsy and other online marketplaces. You'll be surprised at what is no longer available ... or has been price-gouged to ridiculous amounts of money if it's available. The positive point is that natural selection is in progress. The downside is that we (you) should have been prepared before this viral pandemic occurred. What have YOU done to prepare and are you managing it well based upon your training and preparedness efforts?
  5. Numerous court cases -- both previous and current -- clearly establish that in a state of emergency, the President of the United States along with individual state governors have the Constitutional and legal right to restrict travel, business, etc. In this specific case, it isn't about a military action nor civil unrest. It's about the overall health, safety and well-being of all American citizens. The visus doesn't choose political or military sides ... it only chooses illness and death. I understand the financial and social hardship that this virus creates. However, only fools would contest any attempt to reduce and eliminate the threat. In fact, those that gather to protest are only creating a greater danger to themselves and the American public in general. We have only begun to see this virus in the real world and the deadly threat that it creates. It will only get worse if protests occur and politicians succumb to weakness and their overall lack of education, training and experience with this deadly virus and situation.
  6. Numerous court cases -- both previous and current -- clearly establish that in a state of emergency, the President of the United States along with individual state governors have the Constitutional and legal right to restrict travel, business, etc. In this specific case, it isn;t about a military action nor civil unrest. It's about the overall health, safety and well-being of all American citizens. The visus doesn't choose political or military sides ... it only chooses illness and death. I understand the financial and social hardship that this virus creates. However, only fools would contest any attempt to reduce and eliminate the threat. In fact, those that gather to protest are only creating a greater danger to themselves and the American public in general. We have only begun to see this virus in the real world and the deadly threat that it creates. It will only get worse if protests occur and politicians succumb to weakness and their overall lack of education, training and experience with this deadly virus and situation.
  7. I don’t know why they call this stuff Hamburger Helper, it does just fine by itself. I like it better than Tuna Helper myself, don’t you Clark?
  8. I just want to thank XI for the ability to connect with people around the world during this pandemic. We play, voice chat, type comments and post comments using XI's game servers and website. It's our way of traveling and connecting when we cannot do so otherwise. So, thank you XI ... and to all that use it to its potential. Especially now. Be MORE than safe out there.
  9. Fair enough. Enjoy the Internet access from the home while you have it.
  10. I created 5G back in the 7th grade ... and it lives in my head. I need to talk to somebody before it gets out.
  11. When I created the Coronavirus, I was a student at Beverly Hills High School. It was a science project. BTW, I was also Asian back then. Now, since they hired me, I identify as whatever the CIA tells me to ... it's all been planned. Hence the term "plandemic". For the most part, we (the team) operate from the safe mountainous regions far outside of Washington, D.C., within Camp David, Site R and Site C. Contrary to popular belief, Fort Ritchie is still a very active military base. They even have undercover operatives dressed as groundhogs, black bear and coyote operating in and around the old fort. Rumor has it that one undercover operative wears a timber rattlesnake disguise and has been very successful infiltrating the surrounding towns that are believed to harbor foreign virus spies (FVS's). Since we began this false propaganda of the virus and the ensuing tens of thousands of American deaths, we recently began pushing the states to open back up. We realize that citizens are more open to going out for beer, cigarettes, parties and unnecessary grocery supplies than stopping the virus spread. Our plan is working perfectly. American stupidity is playing into our hands. We shall prevail! Heed our warning! #COVID19ForPresident2020. *Editor's Note: For the record, the previous post was submitted by an anonymous user. We at XI in no way support the opinion nor statement of anyone involved with COVID19 -- which was CLEARLY started in China -- (hence the "Wuhan Virus"). We also recognize that only STUPID Americans are ignoring common sense restrictions and violating legal orders that comply with the U.S. Constitution and law. You're on your own, stupid America.
  12. Why does a pond have to be involved? That seems more like going fishing ...
  13. I finally got a date! Marital aids are for quitters.
  14. Up here in the hills we call it a hostage.
  15. It's his accent ... they can't tell if he's from England, Scotland or from Boston, Massachusetts.
  16. Rob's dick pic is just an empty sock.
  17. It happens from time to time. Maybe I like it.
  18. My cruiser when I retired in 2019. Times change. That Dodge Charger scared the fuck outta me ... it was faaaaaaast! Because hemi.
  19. Old school police when we had a RADAR unit on the dash of every car. I was 20 years old.
  20. I went to the beer store the other day and wore a mask. I felt like a robber. It was great. I picked the wrong profession.
  21. BTW, IceQueenHerb is a Dickless Tracy. She investigates thefts of dildos from unlocked vehicles. I, on the other hand, AM retired. I don't have to deal with you Wuhan fuckers or their kind. I hide in the mountains, collect a check every month and laugh with a cold beer in my hand. Well, I deal with pugs. Which is pretty much the same thing. FML
  22. Here's your speed camera ticket, sir. You have 30 seconds to comply ...
  23. One time, at band camp ... I tried out a CoD4 server. And I shoved a potato into --- well, nevermind. Best play times are around 10 a.m. (U.S. EST) and then into the afternoon. Other time zones don't count for shit, especially if you have an accent. CoD 4 >XI<MW2 DM I will admit this much: I enjoy it more than CoD5 ... except for Byalistok (or however it's spelled). NOTE: Some older members will leave the server to take a nap. They know who they are and are shamed for it. You have been warned.
  24. According to you, all I did was mail speeding tickets. I was a Class E Secret State Agent. IceQueenHerb is still only a Class D Secret Agent. You living, breathing, human Q-Tip. lololololol (p.s. check your mail tomorrow ... we were behind in sending out tickets).
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