A very serious question and survey that came to me watching several suspicious characters around the toilets in the park this morning, so whatever you are at the moment what would you prefer to return as, I list a few pro's and cons. Secondly what period in history and what occupation would you like to do, me I'd come back as a boy again and as Pablo Escobar, I love zoos.
Pro's - Sex is easier to get, you are clean and tidy, people don't mock you in makeup
Con's - Parking, getting drunk can land you in a heap of trouble, you have to buy makeup
Pro's - No need to bathe every day, picking your nose is viewed as normal, you can lift heavy weights
Con's - You constantly worry about the size of your dick, you can't wear dresses or makeup, you worry at being ousted as the worlds best driver
Pro's - You can have sex with everyone, you can wear any clothes, you can choose to wear what you like
Con's - Toilet choice, having to speak really gruff or in a falsetto, careful hairstyle choice necessary
What would you be?