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Everything posted by RD

  1. she might want to make shorter lines or take a few less Adderal or Dexidrene .......It will make the dope last. Damn sure aint no caffeine driving that machine.
  2. Use do be Jim Beam but then Crown Royal stepped up to the plate
  3. Yes ...Thanks...and right back at ya!
  4. dayton - why isn't there..... why isn't there a map were everyone has to use night vision? a prison with searchlights would be cool but totally dark otherwise.....or a big ass cave......(haha "ass cave" is that a synonym?) anywho just a thought.Would that ass cave take 32 players or 64? Just wondering . Pic's maybe LOL. JK Sorry...couldnt help it
  5. Nice upgrade Merlin......You should se some remarkable improvement throughout the everything . ........funny as I also am doing the same as we speak but with some slightly different hardware specs. I gave up the Opteron dual socket 8 core server platform and went this route.... MB - Foxconn A7DA-S 3.0http://www.foxconnchannel.com/product/Motherboards/detail_spec.aspx?ID=en-us0000444 CPU- AMD 1100T 6core Black Edition 3.3Ghz http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&safe=off&authuser=0&q=amd+phenom+ii+x6+1100t+black+edition&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1026&bih=642&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14678895150520375047&sa=X&ei=it78Te6pDcry0gHazeXoBg&ved=0CDAQ8wIwAA I used another 900W PS I had and added 8G DDR3 @1333mhz Gonna use my 6970 in here. I lucked out and found 2 brand new WD Raptors from 6yrs ago I had no idea I had. Must be oldtimers disease catching up eh? It wont make my skillz any better but I will bad skillz will be much faster now They sent wrong ram so I'll be grinning sometime this week.......I hope
  6. Thank you for taking time for the little ones. My wife and I have rescued many little ones that had been physically abused and neglected over the past 20yrs we've been married. We have taken in ones that were ill and physically challenged. I managed to catch a felony charge 15yrs ago for defending an animal that I came up on that the owner was abusing. Well worth it in my opinion. God Bless you brother
  7. @ Pinglo.....LOL Its out of habit from my electronics forum. Lots of older folks....with bad eye's but for you young grasshoppa I will make an exception @ SOV ......Thanks man.. Yes SOV...I spent many hours picking bullets and shrapnel out of my body. As for my irritation with my skills.....I once had very good skills when I played BF2 and then I stopped playing for a couple years and after my incident my Dr suggested doing gaming to exercise my coordination and such with I lost. It should not take this long for me to get my groove back on yet it seems to worsen.LOL I just stay pissed with myself for screwing up@ Johnny.....Hey thanks Johnny....I need to scratch up my pennies and get the other COD games so everybody can enjoy some EZ kills. I have a bunch of time and have found it fun to hang out with this crowd @Bear..... I Appreciate it Bear. Yep no problem helping your kill ratio out. If one didnt know better they may think I'm stat padding right? Pretty sad when your deaths and your ping are about the same per game @Hoth....Glad to be here to Hoth...Thanks And thank you for the abuse in game. Its just lovely @ Deerhunter......Thanks for the welcome. I'm gonna see but what if I can get my hands on a cod5 so you can get a piece of me too @Xray.....And just how would I be better than you? Dying? Collecting lead? The most unfrozen? or is it the most point blank misses? @Merlin......No problem my man. Call them as you see them right? I dont know if I could unfreeze Deerhunter or not. I spend most of my game dead and whats left of it I'm trying to figure how to straighten my apparently bent gun barrels
  8. Angel For me....it would have to be the time me and cspears were driving around one nite and I was for once lettin her drive, which I hardly ever do cause my driving is awesome lol, but anyway we were going down this road around 55-60 mph and she starts slowly down so much as finally stopping in the middle of the road and when I asked her "what in the world are you doing stopping" and her reply was "there is a dog in the middle of the road". The funny part...there was no freakin dog anywhere and I let her keep driving. Well that was a Kodak moment. We use to have to spend $20 to see "things" on the road
  9. I had similar issue and I resolved it by plugging DVI cord into other socket the windows recognized it. Just a thought. Check your device manager and see what if its registered on Windows
  10. Well since I suffered that dam stroke last Aug I pretty well am an un-coordinated blithering Idiot . I might even go as far as saying I've showcased the word. My game pretty much backs that up . Quite sad indeed as I played BF2 and was on a league for 2yrs. Think I need to change my in game name to Ray Charles or Steve Hawking
  11. Well every time I've called upstairs I've been put on hold so I figured I would look into a Rita's Ice cream franchise and open one up at the gates of hell
  12. Hey Sabre.....its always a great pleasure knowing its you that froze me....and unfroze me. What a great player you are too. Always a good time no matter what.
  13. Thanks to the last wave of members that welcomed me . Its very comfortable here and I like it alot. Dont know that I'd ever get an invite based on my skills (ROFL) but as far as the great folks that are here and can overlook that (I think) it would be nice to participate. Perhaps even as an Idiot poster child . I'm well qualified you know. But one thing you all can count on and thats I'll take a bullet for ya........thousands of them and knife jobs and nades. Cripes I look like swiss chesse now.
  14. Well....thanks for the welcome folks. I do recognize many of you as my rapist BUT its all in fun. So nice to see I'm not the only one here that tosses back shots of Geritol and Mylanta. Yes you all may call me "RD" or what ever you find fitting at the moment. I'm sure you have a short list compiled as per my current skillz. I was wishing to multi-quote and answer each individual but cant seem to find it here. Well I'm feeling the lack of being shot,killeded, slashed ,naded, naded again, sliced a bit more and rocketed 3 times ,sniped,re-sniped and dieded a few dozen times...per round......soooo I think I'll head out to the field and let you guys bitch me around. For those that dont know me yet....I'll be the one roaming about the map with my head up my butt and a seeing eye dog
  15. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.........I'm a 58 (yes fifty eight) yr old man from South Georgia. RD is my initials and KL is the wife. I had to laugh at the registration here as it only allowed me to be born as far back as 1960 .. Is that a sign ? Just wanted to say "Yello!!" and thanks for putting up with my sad game performance thus far but the clan has given me a chance try and get my ass back in line and without reminding me of how bad I suck. Trust me....I beat myself to a bloody pulp for screwing up I was not always this crappy but I suffered a stroke last year and it landed me in a wheelchair and did a memory wipe on my mind as well as my motor skills. Quite tough to get eye/hand/mind coordination back. Dr says may never be 100% but I'm not quitting in-spite of the extreme frustration and aggravation of dealing with such . No sympathy please....just understanding. I was in commercial transportation for 39yrs and owned trucks in the past 20 till last year. I spend my days at home and play(try to) on your servers. I can still build custom workstations and extreme machines which I did in spare time for many years .I have been an avid player on BF2 for many moons and was staff on =RIP= (Rusty in Places) & =OBC= (old Bastards Clan). Also was involved with Crytec, EA devs on Dev Beta's (no public stuff) ......they like a geezers opinion I guess I own a HF communications forum (Amateur Radio & Extreme 11meter stuff) OK then.........I'll leave it at that. Just wanted to put that out there and thank you folks for putting up with me. Every clan needs a Gomer Pyle in the field right? But I'm not "funny" like Gomer
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