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Posts posted by Flybyyr

  1. First of all.....where is this Cheesy Dill Bread recipe posted?  I need it.

    Second, I have a recipe for Guiness Bread I'm going to try this weekend.  It's attached in Word format.  Should be able to get these ingredients across the pond.

    I have some personal recipes for good, southern mac and cheese, collard greens and  other stuff to go with bbq chicken, ribs and what-not.  However, you have to come to The Cafe to eat it.....😁

    Irish Guinness Soda Bread.docx

  2. 11 hours ago, E-raser said:

    Had the pleasure of meeting up with an old friend who is also an XI member.. 'Buffalo Cody' .. he is the one who had told me about the XI servers some time ago , and I've been playing them ever since.  Course I had to wear my XI colors 🙂  Couple Idiots!


    So where might one find a shirt like that??

  3. On 2/27/2021 at 7:24 AM, major-mark63 said:

    Ill do some of this shit too but later in spring , wife want a new kitchen , so wall plugs , switches and lighting fixtures gonna change place .

    Lot of drywall and plaster , fucking dust all over the place.. need to let the windows openeed..

    Damn....that's going to be a mess.

  4. Ok...Im going to make a suggestion and it's probably way out there.  I'd love to see a COD4 freeze tag map that is pistols only.  I know it would require limiting the weapons setup of the players but I'm not a map maker.  This is where I'm hoping you guys can use your expertise.  I'm just sharing my hopes and dreams.

    Thanks for listening!


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