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++ COD4 Admin
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  • Donations

    250.00 USD 
  • Points

    1,936,659 [ Donate ]

Totty last won the day on April 15

Totty had the most liked content!


About Totty

  • Birthday 08/28/1973

Clan Membership

  • Start Date

External Contact

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  • Origin

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Devon , UK

Game Integration

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Recent Profile Visitors

3210 profile views

Totty's Achievements

Totty's Awards

Run And Gun

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

Run And Gun

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

Run And Gun

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

Helping Others

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

Helping Others

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

Helping Others

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

Moderators Medal

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

Moderators Medal

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

Moderators Medal

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

>XI< Spirit

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

>XI< Spirit

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

>XI< Spirit

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.


Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.


Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.


Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

COD2 Player

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

COD2 Player

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

COD2 Player

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

COD4 Player

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

COD4 Player

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

COD4 Player

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

United Kingdom

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

United Kingdom

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

United Kingdom

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

>XI< Clan Member

Awarded , by ROCKAPE

No reason provided.

>XI< Clan Member

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.

>XI< Clan Member

Awarded , by ROCKAPE
No reason provided.
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