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Everything posted by DorkNRok

  1. It would appear I didn't get either the 1911 or the scope
  2. Thanks for reminding me...i'll have to look
  3. Im not familiar with that site, is it reliable when it comes to reporting? If it is, this is welcomed news. To me, fixing the stability of the base game will go far. In my opinion, the remainder of the bugs, glitches, ect are minor compared to a game that causes people to crash out every two, three or four matches. I commend DICE for putting actual game stability and quality above "staying ahead of COD", too bad it took this long to get that mindset. I blame EA!
  4. Downloading the client-side/CR patch now...let you all know how it works if you haven't tried it already.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqggW08BWO0 While the onion is a satire news show...this is a funny clip which touches on what you were saying
  6. Welcome to the forums. Hope you like what you see and stick around!
  7. Thanks everyone! Trioxin, I will enjoy the free leave and Caliber, i def will say hello for you! Hope to have him home soon!
  8. Hey gang...just wanted to inform the gang, especially those who were following the developments that the wife gave birth to our 'lil Dork last night. Baby weighed in at 8lbs 15oz and both him and the proud mom are doing very well. I expect to be offline for a day or two while we wait to get released from the hospital and get him settled in to the home life. Catch you idiots soon, and our ranks just got a bit bigger!
  9. I've seen the videos from here in the states...targeting the elderly and women. Absolutely ridiculous...I hope those degenerates who play this "game" get caught and get the maximum punishment available...and why call this a "game"...lets call it what it is, assault. If anyone tried this on me they had better hope they get the knockout in the first punch...otherwise they are going to have one pissed off vet coming after their ass!
  10. Welcome Ozzie! Glad to see you got your tags!
  11. Great find TSW...never one to turn down tips for optimization.
  12. I haven't used it yet, but if you are running NVIDIA GPU(s), NVIDIA's Shadowplay is supposed to be less taxing on machines than other programs and take up less space. Just what I've read though...not through personal experience.
  13. I'll second everyone...Avast! and malwarebytes works great. neither catches everything but both together do a pretty good job.
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