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Everything posted by mickvette

  1. just played my first game, love it, just one thing,(and maybe I'm being a klutz here ) but how do you resite the sentry gun after picking it up?
  2. jeez I better change my mind, with Dean agreeing with me... I was concerned when I put this post up that maybe I sounded like I was just complaining for the sake of it, couldn't be further from the truth, and having played Black Ops with all the bloody glitches and hackers on those servers, XI is by far the best server host ANYWHERE! However, like Dean, and now others too it seems, there do seem to be a lot of maps that suit the camping frat, and they are wlcome to their style of play too, but the majority do seem to prefer the run and gun, or in more pure military terms (and I am speaking with 25 years experience as a Tank soldier), fire and movement, that's proper tactics, using the 'dead ground' to allow you to move to a new fire position, take the shot and move again. Anyhoo back to hunting down those pesky knife folks...
  3. Sonovabich When you say the good maps do you mean the maps you like best, because the maps that are on now might be favourites of other people too, we ain't going to please everyone all the time fair comment
  4. There were, until recently, loads of really good COD4 maps, big ones that really challenged, now we seem to have a lot of revamped old maps doing the circuit. So where have the really good ones gone? I hate these small 'corner hugger' favorites, lets have more of the 'real maps' that challenge the thinkers and tacticians amongst us. PS I would love to see a spherical map with no corners for camping available...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...now that would be very interesting....
  5. PrPleKusH Mick add me on xfire.. ill give ya my config file. that ll help i promise you. erctiger is my xfire. Hi mate added you!!
  6. over the last couple of weeks I have found it really hard to play and get any decent score. Now I know I may not be the best player ever but some how I just keep getting really and totally trashed, so what's going on? Anyone else have this problem or am I just now totally shit on COD4? And just how does Hummel manage to win EVERY time, even when joining 10 mins into a map?
  7. used to have Crysis but just couldn't get into it, otherwise would defo have joined in, great idea tho, hope it goes well
  8. jeez and here I thought I was going to get totally ripped apart!! Cheers guys, bit of Irish here too lastcoldbeer, N Ireland originally, that wee bit of the UK that causes soooo much trouble and bushape, well what else is the left hand for...oooops and don't have...nightmares...nightmare LOL
  9. Hi all, for those who have been playing the last couple of days, yes I have been indulging in a spot of camping, HOWEVER there is a genuine reason. Just had surgery on a shoulder injury, hurts like a SOB (come on sympathy guys!!!) but still want to get on and 'have a play', so set up my mouse wheel for forward and back movement, now playing mostly left handed, move when I can, but yes tending to hide a bit and take out what I can. Can't wait to get back to full movement, can't say this camping lark really suits me. The other down side is not allowed to drive for 2 weeks , medically disallowed so not worth the risk, so the Vette's sitting all alone, in the snow, waiting to get fired up!!
  10. cheers guys, glad it wasn't just me being a klutz :-} I have no probs playing on the Steam servers, just like I said, feels like running in treacle, so slow, I have the same issue with MW2!
  11. just installed Black Ops, treid to launch on the servers listed here... and no luck, are there patches to be installed first? Been playing on the Steam servers, jeez like running in treacle :-{
  12. will do my best to be there, probs using Xfire
  13. again lots of varied and good comments, just to clear a few points tho: I class camping as: hiding behind barrels, doors, bottom of steps etc, and just sitting there for as long as possible, the whole 20mins if able to. This to me is NOT in the spirit of the game. Tactical play: this means running, using the dead ground, the occasional stop to seek out and shoot, then continue advancing in this manner. This is battle tactics (I should know after 25 years tank service and various encounters including Kuwait) Running and spraying: fun but suicidal, but at least they get out and have a go! Finally: the knifers (Bigmeandean :-} my hero!) love this type of player, and just wish I could do it, alas my connection speed wont allow it, have tried but useless!! However the whole game experience is always fun!
  14. fair comments about playing as you wish, tho points about poor connection rate etc, jeez I live out in the sticks in the UK, my connection is under, yes really, under 0.5meg!! So if I can run (well stroll is the best I can manage!) and still win the odd game, then there is no excuse for just sitting and waiting for players to pass and get shot. I really think we do need maps for those of us who like to get off of our asses and run about, hiders will self destruct after say 1 minute, is this doo-able? Wish I had the know how and wherewithall to set it up, bet there are loads would join in! Anyhoo, picking up my Vette tomorrow (and no tow bar PingLo!!) new headers and an extra 25BHP so now 325BHP, mmm wonder what i will be doing this weekend!!
  15. well certainly plenty of comments, opened a bit of discussion didn't I? I still think we should have the odd map where if you sit in the same spot for say over 1 minute, you explode. Fair comment about sniping, but the majority camping aren't sniping. The worst, in my opinion, are those who crouch down on stairs, sight in, and use a silencer, just lying there popping away. I spectated one last night, 15 mins, yes I timed it, in the same spot! Anyhoo, just off to hitch the trailer onto the vete for a spot of...camping ;-}...see you there PingLo hehehehehehe
  16. Is it just me or is camping becoming the norm? I really get pissed off with people (I will not mention names) entering a a game only to sit in a corner waiting for someone to pass and be be shot at. It seems to have become a real new way to play lately and for one I think this is not in the spirit of the game, if I am wrong then shoot me down (pun intended!). I just do not see the point in joining the XI site only to hide away and snipe and not join in! Anyway rant over, oh and by the way, the MP44 is a good choice of weapon and obviously not that of the camper!! :-}
  17. well after managing to get it to work for a while, all fucked up again! I am going to uninstall COD2 and 4, PB, remove McAfee and all that crap, then go for a complete reinstall, what a total pain in the ASS!!!!!
  18. mmm have disabled firewall (McAfee) no good, switched off the virus checker, also no solution, all seems to have happened since, like I said, my ISP downloaded my updated McAfee version, all stinks of Big Brother, or is this SkyNet taking over...(Terminator 1,2,3 and all the rest!)
  19. I have been having majopr issues with punkbuster being disabled on my PC, seems to have started ever since BT (my ISP) downloaded their new McAfee realtime virus checker system. Even when I do into Multiplayer options and turn it back on, ity doesn't actually turn on! The only way I can get PB to work is to restore back a to the point before they, in their infinite wisdom, chose to inflict their new system upon me! I have tried (with Rockape's help) to reinstall PB, no good, get the error 'floating point not installed' and when I do get into a game, runs like a SOB and loads of error messages 'CRITICAL ERROR: cannot load C:program files/activisioncall of duty 4...../pb/pbcls.dll Totally at a loss, any ideas anyone? Real pain in the ass having to carry out a restore to get an hour or so game time before it all kicks off again!!! ps have a couple of screen grabs but can't remember how to upload here...DOH!!!
  20. how crap is mine then? No wonder it takes me all frickin day to download all the new maps!!!
  21. that firing rate was aaaaaawwwesome!!!
  22. BlackOp8 I find it interesting they call it redundant in the UK. great to hear good news about your significant other What's it called the the US? My company (VT Group) which also has (had) a big stake in the US, with NASA and the DoD, was taken over by another and the work I do (Training Analyst specifically with the Fire Service sector) was not something they wished to keep on, so a case of thanks but Byeeee!! Mother F*ckers!!! Haven't checked the lottery yet, fingers crossed. Meet with loads of Vettes tomorrow to who gives a shit eh?? and at least Karen is back home for now. Thanks for all the kind words etc guys.
  23. Update for you all, Karen was allowed home on Monday as she is doing so well. Now just waiting for the phone call to get us back to Cambridge when a liver becomes available, so getting back to some kinda normality! We have our Corvette club meeting tomorrow (Sunday) and both looking forward to meeting up with people we haven't seen in ages. So now all I need to do is get a job after being made redundant July 8, fingers crossed for a lottery win tonite :-}
  24. StanG, I had to go to hospital after your remark, my side had split from laughing... :-} And DIRTRIDER, a freeeeekin Ferrari :-O, never so long as they keep producing Vettes!!!
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