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Everything posted by billyblade

  1. Did you really need to share your private fantasy with the rest of us? Like one of my friends in college said after another dude told everyone about a homoerotic dream he had: Lots of people have homoerotic dreams. They just don't go telling everyone about them! curious bog...by "friend in college( as if you really had any)" do you really mean yourself????? cmon dude...fess up...you'll feel better..... oh man...GAMECHANGED AGAIN...DAAAAMMNNNNN!!!
  2. try using one and rack up the kills chappie...that might make you feel better....or go into console and type /+ frag...that should take care of it....
  3. she may have to youtube some episodes to get familiar with this one...but i think it is da bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. i changed my avatar to go with my new sig and BAM..now everytime i click a forum post, i get this layout just like the one you screenshotted earlier....
  5. you gotta add mine to the slideshow now
  7. I notice at pretty much all times the chicago beta server is full. Maybe, since we have some servers with not much traffic, we could set up an identical server so that everyone who wants to play that particular mod can get in. I suspect in a short amount of time that it will remain full all the time as well.Sooo many people are wanting to play this mod.......
  8. do like i did...go to Bind r' us .com ....enter your email and BAM...great binds!!!!!! I got "DA STUNNA!!!OH YEAH!!!!" and "DA GAMECHANGER!!!!OH YEAH!!!" from there at a really really low price...can you say...DA AWESOME!!!!OH YEAH!!!!!!!
  9. Cmon HXTR...fess up...you're really crying because havent seen me in the politicsl forum with the election coming and whatnot...cmon...cmon......ther ya go. Dont you feel better now?
  10. give it acouple more years gorilla...now that your 40, every passing year looks and feels like 3 more.........but the good thing is your now old enouigh to have the patience to wait for the really bad things about getting older....bwahaahahahahahaha!!!
  11. looks like to me, besides being just plain looney toons, the collection plate might have eventual been sent around, and thats where the payoff would have come from. Nice job admins...chris and rugger especially......most people who pull a scam of some sort have to be patient...the patsy is not always so quick give, but when they do, it's on.
  12. DirtyRat Barnacle....thats CAPTAIN DirtyRAt Barnacle to all you scallywags....now swab this deck before i give you all Da Stunna backhand!!!!!!
  13. question...why did you use Dayton's pic for your sig...i assume thats him cuz he throws just like a girl ...so...................
  14. yah bitch, dats what happens when you step to da gamechanger.....you get dealt with.......!!!!bwahahahahahahah!!!!
  15. is this the new fuck you llama thread????????? it is now...FU llama...and your black eye!!!
  16. yeah, ya got one across your lower back so when youre wearing a thong it just tops it nicely????????
  17. you asshat....come back and play in the mornings....gotta introduce you to DA GAMECHANGER!!!!!!what a chicken!
  18. I'm not sure if it weorks in the mod, but what is the chance of seeing Remagen back in rotation...that, i think, is one of the best, if not the best, ftag maps we have ever seen...great layout and rounds, not too long. just curious.Thanks.
  19. rusty, i'm sure there are alot of sites for uploading your own tunes...couple XI guys have over the last couple years to share with us here. Good luck finding the site you like and let some of us here listen to your music since you have become a frequent poster her on the site. As a musician i am always interested in hearing other folks play, original or cover, matters not to me.
  20. well, i was a professional musician for 25 years, and IMO the royalty thing these days is just crap. Publishing companies and record companies (who usually own alot of publishing rights) get most of that, unless the artist inked a good deal with the record company on their contract, which, unless you are U2 or RUSH or KISS or somebody at the level of complete self sustainment by fanbase, most artists these days make shit for royalties. Most artists make their real revenue by touring. Thats is always money in the pocket, even after all overhead is payed for. Royalties are usually used by artists to reimburse record companies for advances and such anyways. As far as sharing, remember the days of the mix tape on cassette, or just recorded copies for your buds?? that was the same thing as filesharing, without the internet. Nobody in the biz kicked up too much fuss back then, so i am always confused by the fervor about it now.
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