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Everything posted by Janey

  1. ??? Didn't link or is it my phone
  2. You'll be in my thoughts, Morris. Be careful and keep posting
  3. Now I want grilled cheese too!
  4. just found this thread. thank you all for the birthday wishes. it means a lot.
  5. I'm going to be in Baton Rouge for about a month for work. Anyone live out there? Want to meet up? Let me know. Text me with your screen name so I'll know who you are. 504-578-2230 Janey (Katharine)
  6. P!nk because she is downright evil with the gun Slave because she is sneaky Roxy because she is good
  7. I got an apartment and I'm moving in today (and next week... I have to make lots of trips because I don't have a truck and can't afford to rent one.) I'm very happy that after 8 months of being semi-homeless and sleeping in my son's living room I'll finally have my own bedroom... and kitchen... and bathroom! (note to self: get a shower massage!!! hee hee) I'm trying to get internet turned on there, but it make take a week or more. If you don't see me around, that's why. anyone who wants to can text/call me. (texting is better as I work a lot). My number is 504-578-2230 and I have unlimited texts. Maybe I should leave my pc at my son's until I get net... hmmm. anyway.. YEA!!! Katharine aka Janey p.s. I'll post pics of the apt as soon as I can. My camera is in pawn right now so...
  8. look up this address on google maps, click street view and turn left. you're welcome 1760 Northeast 66th Street, Miami, FL
  9. The first game I played online was FEAR where I used my real name of Katharine. When I joined Pirates 'Nsane Posse I was dubbed Captain Janeway because in the Star Trek Voyager the Captain's first name was Catherine and Pirate was a Star Trek fanatic. After a while it reduced to Janey. My normal online name is MetryKat because I'm from Metairie (Metry for short) and the first 3 of my name.
  10. Janey

    Its me...

    Just watched borat and then read your post.... too funny
  11. Janey

    Its me...

    it is nice to be meeting you in our beautiful americas. i am sure you will find many beautiful lifeguarding womens at the spring break in baywatch to make a sexy time with. LOL! PS, nice to meet you.
  12. Ok, got the apt and put the deposit down on it today! I'm very happy about it. it's a 2 bedroom 1 bath flat on the second floor and it has washer/dryer hookup in (this make me really happy) it's OWN laundry room. no more washing machine in the kitchen, dryer in the closet. I can shower as long as i want and walk around nekked! I should be moving in by the first. BUT WAIT... I have more good news, y'all know I substitue teach? well, i do. Yes.. I am out there shaping young minds ...LOL. I found a long term substitue teaching position and the principal asked me to apply with the school board to be permanant. It's a lot to work all day teaching then work at walmart in the evenings, but it should make me more fiscally stable. I'll be able to play less, game here, round there, but I aint hanging up any tags! I think all this good fortune is due to your positive thoughts. Having y'all as part of my world is a true gift and I thank the internet deities for leading me to your IP. ALL HAIL HYPNOTOAD!
  13. Labob I stil smell them this can't be good run Janey run the smel is coming sudo camping is better. Just remeber don't date bums like your dad said nnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uh... what?
  14. I found an apt and I'm hoping to move in sometime next week. it's $575 a month, has 2bdrms and w/d hookups. I've been hitting up my friends for help (without much luck), but hopefully I'll have enough. (God... please let me have enough money) I can't take being semi-homeless. I'ts beyond depressing. anyway... wish me luck, my xi friends.
  15. Janey


    Thank you. First one is now my wallpaper
  16. anyone need a google+ invite? msg me your email and i'll send it
  17. This is the song I was singing in game. It's really dirty so don't say I didn't warn you. Actually I doubt many will get through the first verse...lol click below to listen http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/20995
  18. I'm so happy that she is home with you where she belongs. Your love and support will help her through this. Rig her a keyboard/mouse thingy and get her into game. it will help her with motor function and cause her to "lose time" so she won't be focused on the difficulties of the situation. I got into gaming when I had cancer and it helped a LOT!!! my few timy prayers are with you and yours. Kat... aka Janey
  19. ARG!!! It wasn't the motherboard and a new processor has been ordered. damn damn damn!
  20. I have done the manual dl, made sure it was on in mp settings but alas, it won't play. pb doesn't see the path to the game even when I browse. ARG!!! My pc should be fixed in a few days. I can't wait to play!!
  21. IT WORKED!!! My son is home and I can't play, but tomorrow I will get to!!! thanks everyone!
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