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Everything posted by StormCrow

  1. http://swo.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110116/fatal-snowmobile-crash-puslinch-110116/20110116/?hub=SWOHome
  2. There was a fatal snowmobile crash today on the lake i do most my ice fishing on. There is the big lake, Puslinch Lake, and then there is a smaller pond right beside it. I normaly fish the big lake, but today i had my son with me so we went to the small pond, it is a shorter walk for him to get to the good fishing spot where as the big lake has a longer walk and is always VERY busy with snowmobiles, dirt bikes, ATVs and even dune buggys, more so on the weekend. We were fishing away when we saw the medic chopper land on the other side of the trees where the big lake is, took off a few min later. Just got home not long ago and was looking online to see if anything happened when i saw about the crash. Apparently happend not 50 yards from where i would have been fishing if i didnt have my son going out with me. My friend and i are always bitching that the sleds go way too fast out there especialy with all the people around (it is a heavily ice fished lake) Im thinking there might be some new rules coming inplace about sledding on the ice, apparently as it stands right now, the police cant do anything about how fast the sleds are going as it is a lake and it is also private property.
  3. http://www.rockaaa.com/news/money-for-nothing-banned-25-years-after-release-1821 Seems some 'Group" in Newfoundland has found offence to the song "Money For Nothing" by Dire Straits because of the use of the word "Faggot" 3 times in the song. Well now Canada has banned the playing of the song on all canadian radio. Bullshit in my eyes!!! Im sorry, but give me a freaking break. What song they gonna ban next, Hey Joe by Jimmy.. He shoots his wife for cheating... Rape Me by Nirvana, Who are you by The Who for the use of "fuck". Im gonna send in a picture of my wifes ass and ask for "Fat Bottom Girls" by Queen to be banned next!!! Cmon Canada
  4. LMAO!!! Good one. First day back to work after 20 days holidays here, needed a good laugh LOL!! Fishing was going awesome till i had to come back to work, been out about 15 times, and only twice got skunked. Have caught about 25-30 Northern Pike and a crap load of jumpo Perch and Crappie. Still hunting the elusive Walleye. Heading back out to the lake on Thursday when im off work again and then again with my son on Saturday
  5. Mine came from the Lord Of The Rings Series, it is what the Gondorians called Gandalf... StormCrow Death Bringer
  6. hey, Chile is in TO and im a half hour from TO and i think there are a few other XI around the area, make a party of it LOL
  7. wonders why the theme from Jaws comes to mind...... Daaaaaaa Dummmmmm Daaaaaaaa Dummmmmmmm
  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours Chile!!
  9. I have been smoke free for a little over 7 months now. Well, i still smoke weed, but no tobacco LOL I quit using a drug called Champix. You take it for 2 months, first week you smoke like normal, then you try to slowly ween yourself off, by the 2nd-3rd week you are quit. This drug blocks out all cravings and withdrawl symptoms. It is not for everyone though and some Dr's wont prescribe it even though it has the highest success rate ever for a stop smoking aid. It can cause EXTREME mood swings and suicidal tendancies. I personnaly had zero side effects when i took it, but a friend of mine had some wickedly realistic dreams where he was getting stabbed repeatidly and he said he could actualy feel it LOL. I can still drink my coffee, be around people smoking and smoke my weed without the need of having a ciggy
  10. how many times i gotta tell ya... finish downloading the porn THEN join the server
  11. Sitting here at work eyeballing the clock. 10.5 more hours and i am free of this place until the 9th of January!!!!!! Heading out to the lake in the morning for some ice fishing, first time out this year! Gonna have loads of time to play on the servers, atleast when im not driving the wife around for "Exchange Week" This is the week where she sees something she bought for the kids last week at Zellers for 19.99 now on sale at Walmart for 14.99 and i gotta drive her around to exchange or get money or whatever she does LOL. Oh well, i sit in the van with a book and a doobie and all is good!
  12. if i could get it delivered it would be an option... but unfortunatly due to a revoltfull youth i am not allowed to cross the border LOL
  13. sweet boat bro! Im about halfway done saving for mine. Hoping to have it by spring!
  14. Thats what happens when i pass out drunk, honest, i knew nothing of it!!!!!
  15. I wouldnt kiss Chile's ass for all the flamethrower kills in the world! Ya dont know where that things been (i do, and will let you know for a small fee) Welcome Damage, just got WaW myself and enjoying in greatly!
  16. LMAO!!! I love the cold weather, i am an ice fisherman, so this cold snap is hopefully gonna have me on the lake next week! Yes, you will prolly own me.... AT first!! But look out, im a fast learner!! 1.6 installing now!
  17. ph4nt0m Fuck, i'm scared and i'm not even a crow lol Im freaked and i AM a crow!!
  18. Thats right, StormCrow is coming to raise hell!!! Installing patches right now, on 1.4 Figure someones gotta make that Chille guy work for them head admin tags Muaaaahahahahahaahahaha Look out giggle head, here i come!!!!
  19. Unfortunatly i am working the 18th Will pop into the server that morning around 9-10 EST before i go to work if ayones in there
  20. turns out when i got the PC all cleaned up the other day the pnkbstrA.exe file got disabled... enabled it and now im good to go!!!!
  21. i did all that and says all updates are up to date, still getting kicked
  22. i cant find PB anywhere on my PC, im the most PC illiterate person you will meet, Arggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  23. ok, i dont know whats going on, ive rebooted, updated PB, tried everything and everytime i try to MW2 mod server or Ftag1 i get pb kicked within 2 seconds saying "ServiceCommunicationFailure:PnkBstrA.exe" or it just says "server disconnected" Got the tourny this afternoon Any help would be appreciated
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