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Everything posted by Leadfinger

  1. SkunkNL , Sonovabich you guys are bad ass WTG!! I didnt know just how many kills you guys were getting and it looks like you are doing your part to keep us "rolling" Google get a bomber! Do it for XI . . . . .no one will think your a sissy more than they already do . . Har! I know some others are whooping ass in the game and just aren't posting which is cool just keep your (Lead)finger on the trigger.
  2. I have a plan for the squad to move up the rankings. I don't know how effective it will be but WTF it's a plan. If everyone that plays WT gets at least 50 ground kills a day that should have an impact. And if the "Aces" of the squad can get say 30 air kills a day (or better) that should move us up. These numbers are just a starting point and might be low for some so just set a goal that will challenge you and "go for it" How many Air kills a day do you guys get ? and how many ground? The idea here is to consistently pound the statistics daily. 112+ squad members x 50 ground kills (not everyone is good at air kills) = 5600 . . . .I know everyone doesn't play everyday but if enough used this formula . . . even if 60 members a day that would be 3000. you get the Idea? Pipe dream? maybe . . .just put the pipe down and shoot!
  3. Here is my oxy- methane welding set up . . . .a little hard to control Butt can run a nice bead when she wants to . . . .feeding her oats produces a blue flame and makes the Bulls stomp and snort.
  4. The plasma cutter is a "must have " If you weld it together you gotta be able to cut it back apart . . . . not like you made a mistake or anything . . lmao eidolonFIRE . . wow . . . . welding a dildo to a ceiling fan? . . . . .what an imagination you have .. . lol If your married and she dont know about that dildo swinging around over her head your gonna need a plasma cutter to get it off before she gets home . . .lmao
  5. Good job Hemps! Those aluminum welds are not bad at all. I also have been wanting/looking for a 110v inexpensive TIG welder where did you get it from? Did it come with a foot controller? I have welded aluminum with my MIG welder and the results have been hit and miss . . .mostly miss . .lol . . one thing for sure everything has got to be clean. I tore my Polaris 4 wheeler apart and built a dune buggy out of the parts .. . . .soo many things you can do with a welder
  6. Wow you stirred up some very fond memories from when I was a kid (still am) and me and my 4 brothers would watch Combat and then after the show we would re enact the the battle scenes sometimes ending up in a bare knuckler . . .lol . Good Times indeed. Vic Morrow was an excellent actor, his role in Combat seemed to be written just for him.
  7. Because you have been thru so much and persevered you continue to to build a bond that strengthens as the years go by. Each problem big or small that is conquered forms a understanding that you are there for each other. Knowing that someone cares for you and will stand by you thru think and thin is priceless. The longer you stay together the more you become 1 and 1 is not the loneliest number. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Cobra Cheers (now go get you some of that!)
  8. That is waaay cool . . . .who woulda thought 100 Idiots could together form a squadron and place in the top 100 out of thousands of squadrons . .. . ."Waiter . . .bring a beer for every man and woman on the squad" . . . .put it on my tab" It should be mentioned that our ranking in the destruction of ground kills is around 32nd place!!!
  9. Yeah it is pretty hard when there's idiots living all over the place. The 20 on 20 idea sounds like a lot of fun . . .maybe we should "hype" it like the XI fest . .. everyone could drink in the comfort of their home and teamspeak would be hilarious. I'm going to propose December 7 the day Pearl Harbor was attacked that we get together and maybe rewrite history with our own version . . . . this time "mop the floor" with Japanese Zeros yuk yuk yuk
  10. What would everyone think about creating a "swarm day for the XI squadron" ? Everyone interested (hopefully everyone on the squad will post their preference) could pick a day, an evening whatever and we could meet and swarm the War Thunder server like a bunch of bad ass flying Idiots that we are. Squads could be randomly picked so everyone could fly with someone different. We could get some practice time with other members, increase our scores and since it would be happening on schedule the possibility of ranking up would be better. Sono you know as much about the game as anyone .. . . is this something that would work? If lets say on a Saturday afternoon (times to be determined) 15 squad members signed on and we broke into teams of say 5 and went about punishing other non XI members in arcade games is that within the rules? I was thinking say Tuesday nights and Saturday afternoons whatever works. no one is obligated but at least everyone would know that on those days fellow Idiots would be signing on and you could go join them. Is anyone interested? or should I just go back to killing ground targets with a big toothy grin on my face??? (ya know I'm feeling more and more like an Idiot all the time)
  11. Very Impressive Spirit . . .I'm glad your on our side I will be using Your video and the videos others post to pick up some ideas on how to increase my air kills .
  12. Angels don't have birthdays . . they are forever young and beautiful (have you ever seen an old ugly Angel?) I see your living up to your name . . . . oh yeah can't forget your birthday spanking
  13. Congratulations LOM !! Being married for 24 years is a huge accomplishment. It takes a 2 special people to stay married so long. (That was a trophy buck for sure)
  14. Nice Fish That thing looks crazy . . . . . I never seen a Hogfish What did you catch it on? (what kind of bait/lure)
  15. Okay everybody is thumping their chest showing their good scores so now that I learned how to post pictures I'm gonn show my personal best I got a couple days ago. Now it aint much but with frame rates between 5 and 20 fps I felt pretty good about it. (Disclaimer: Not to be compared with other more skilled pilot results) well maybe I still need to work on my picture posting but it says 5 deaths 15 ground kills and 5 air kills 2436 points notice the 2 medals . .. . har! With computer upgrades finally here I should be getting better fps and that should bring my results up a bit Excuse me . . . . . buying myself a beer to celebrate . . . . .
  16. just when you think your gonna catch hell from the wife for playing too much War Thunder this comes along to complicate things She's just gonna have to understand . . .a man needs to game or he's gonna be chasing her around the house with his wanker in his hand . . "come here you" Those tanks ROCK!
  17. I think I got it now. Here is a picture of hxtr at walmart . . . . lmfao Not the person standing there . . .that brown disgusting stain . . . Thanks guys for your help!
  18. That's one of those guns you wear with a dark suit and tie . . formal like. Nice Gun
  19. Here is how I have been doing it: First: I write my text here. Second: I copy my picture to my clipboard and click on the clipboard (above ) that says PASTE Third: A window pops up and tells me to press ctrl +V on my keyboard . Fourth: My picture appears here in my post. Fifth: I Click on "POST" Sixth: "An error occured" Your post is too short" It seemed simple enough to just copy and paste. where did I go wrong
  20. Thanks for the help TecHnOBoY No there is no blank line at the beginning of my post. I did ctl+V a picture in my post could that be causing problems? It seems like every time I try and post something that includes a pic I have trouble.
  21. Thats one of the problems with people nowdays . .they aren't like us idiots who would give kids the treatments they need to help them battle cancer whether getting paid or not or just look the other way when Fishing guides launch their boats so they can make a living. As for the Media . . . they can go Fluff Off
  22. I've dated a lot of women and none have said my post is too short . . lol Seriously I need some help, I am trying to post a new topic in War Thunder and twice now when I click on "post" to post what I have written I get "An error occurred" "your post is too short" That's not possible since I wrote several lines of text and pasted a picture. I hope you can get back to me before I gotta close the window and start all over again for the third time writing and pasting
  23. Venting allowed. Here in Montana our community of Fort Smith relies on people that come from all over the world to fish the Bighorn River. Since the "Masterminds" in Washington cant seem to figure out how to do their job All National Parks are closed. What this means to the guides that get their yearly income from taking people fishing on this river is they are not allowed to launch their boats at the launch ramp . . Bullshit!!! I understand the policy of the park service but to aggressively install concrete barriers to the ramps as if preventing a terrorist attack is uncalled for. The Park service personnel here are usually nowhere to be found (this is good) but all of a sudden they are out in force to make sure that ramp is not used . . . .if the Park Service is shut down what are these Bozos doing hanging around? (okay i got a little pissy) The Park service employees will get paid no matter what and what difference does it make here in Montana if the elected idiots (not xtremeidiots) cant play nice and pass a budget? In my opinion the Park service should have just posted sign at the ramp and went home and watched TV that way the guides could decide for themselves if they should work and get paid instead of ending up in the unemployment line by mid winter. So the answer to your question LOM is yes it (the shut down) is affecting this community and the people that spent a wad of money to come and fish this river . . but please don't tell the media . . .a bunch of reporters running around here would set off a kind of "target" practice for the locals . . . ( I apologize if this sounds like I'm whining . . . .that was not my intention)
  24. ANOTHER great post Belted . . .WTG! That dog is incredible, jumping off that van and the trainer catching him was very cool but the topper of all for me was training the dog to fetch under water!!! How do you explain to a dog to hold his breath and dive for something ???? I guess instinct would tell him to hold his breath but still totally amazing! Pee on Mom . . . . that was some funny shit!
  25. Great find Belted! Like others have stated the craftsmanship that goes into making a masterpiece like this is astonishing to say the least. Every single piece was made from raw materials and finished by hand. It is sad to see our future inventors, explorers and brilliant minds waste away focused on a TV, cell phone or video screen. Consider that 75 - 200 years ago when so many important inventions were conceived and created young people spent more time investigating the world around them discovering how things work. When so much curious brainpower not being used to develop new things our country is trouble. So now the question to everyone who is raising a young person, "What can you do to provide an atmosphere that makes a young person want to learn more about everything"? I can assure you that the creator of this incredible work of art Pierre Jaquet-Droz, had many interests and skills only obtained thru exploring everything. The ranch I work at is over 100 years old and sometimes I find myself in the barn or basement looking at devices and "thingamajigs" that were created to make some task easier and I am amazed. An example would be a Hay Baler . . . .omg all the parts and precision needed to bale up straw or grass would blow you away (well some of you . . .har !) It has been said that "Necessity breeds invention" (needing something forces creativity) If kids feel like they don't need anything then there is no reason create anything. Great Topic Belted
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