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Everything posted by Leadfinger

  1. LOM said : "People who get dogs to live outside in a dog run or are always locked in the yard piss me off." I agree wholeheartedly The thought of my "best friend" being chained up outside and treated like a "junk yard dog" almost makes my face leak. A dog in my house is more than a dog. Puppy breath is a warning of the happiness that is in your future . . .
  2. The unconditional love my dog shows me requires that I do not eat him. This guy was suppose to be an experienced camper as no one goes camping for 60 days without basic survival skills . . .no one . . . unless you are an escaped mental patient,
  3. Mortal, What you have written about is a tragedy happening too many times all over the world. Bullying is a problem that has been ignored for too long. Bullying is Abuse Abusing someone because they are different in any way is a form of torture inflicted daily and in some cases continuously. You Address a often overlooked aspect of Bullying and that is parental bullying . . .Parents that speak down to their kids telling them that they are "worthless"or that they don't measure up to other kids in the family or neighborhood are inflicting emotional damage that is destroying kids. Many talented young teens may never follow a path that interests them because of a parent or sibling telling them they are "no good" Educating children on how the human race has survived for so long because of our diversity is a key and I feel needs to have more discussion on. Mankind as a whole could not have made it this far without being able to overcome obstacles . . . .. obstacles that require many different types of skills and abilities to conquer. When a bully practices abuse on someone they are announcing that they themselves have issues whether its a parent that was abused in childhood and was never taught how to be a parent or a kid in the neighborhood that has problems at home. Unless a solution is found the terror and abuse of bullying will continue often ending in violence and loss of life. Everyone should be aware of how people treat one another whether its at the school bus stop or in the workplace and talk to someone . . . . . A boss, teacher , counselor anyone that will listen about what you have seen/heard in order to end this plague of Bullying Given that there is no easy fix and no one has all the answers to the problems mankind faces it's going to take input from all types of differing views to find solutions . .. . and its those same differing views that is the basis for the problem (bullying) we are trying to solve. It becomes much more clear why we need diversity. Mortal, you have an interesting view on this subject and must have done some research in order to write this . . .. what do you feel would help end this problem? Thanks for letting us read your paper for English class. . . . best of luck to you.
  4. Damn Dude that place kicks ass!! Does this place still look like that? Very Nice.
  5. Texans and Montanans are somehow related . . lol Good Folks looking out for one another . . . .Draw . . . Sucker . . . .. . . . . .
  6. HA HA HA you are right it is "campy" . . .lol Your Daughter must have been bitten by the acting bug and having a good time . . . .enjoying what you do for a living is extremely important if you're to be successful.
  7. Thanks, America is approaching "beyond repair" and most people cant see it coming. The next couple of presidential elections will set the stage for the country's rebirth or funeral. Electing Obama moved us closer to a funeral. He has no respect for this country. American need to vote for the good of the country and not for what can they scam from the government or welfare Yeah it's not gonna be easy to make the changes needed and it doesn't matter if its a small town or large . . . . changes must be made. I am not a politician just a guy that see's something to be fixed. You gonna drink that last cold beer?
  8. Not true. However this could be the case if some stupid politician or his henchman decide to try and remove the guns from our homes. Most people here want less federal government in their lives and the founding fathers never intended for the federal government to be as overbearing on the states as they are today. I am proud to be resident of Montana. Fresh air. Good people. No traffic jams. Best of all is NO Sales Tax
  9. BOOM! LOM will set you straight! Not telling the whole story is the story. Yes the police have a very tough job. Yes incidents of police brutality have been documented. Yes there are is a small percentage of people in society that choose to be assholes. Mankind is not perfect in making law abiding citizens or perfect cops. Ask yourself this: Do you think we could live in a world like we do without cops?
  10. Great Job on that Briar wood!! Something to be proud of for sure Take your time . .the finest work is not accomplished by getting it done ASAP. So many cool things you can make by steaming wood and bending it. Woodworking is getting to be a lost art as most young people are texting or tweeting instead of carving and sanding the difference being something to be proud of when finished.
  11. I'm in too deep. I fought against the new water system that was designed and shoved down our throats by an engineering firm looking for some easy money (government grants paid $3 million of the $4.2 mil price tag) and we still ended up with a drinking water system that has violations of the Uniform Plumbing Code! Most Politicians are Asshoies. If Americans are gonna retake our country back from the corrupt and greedy we have to start somewhere, I'm not saying I'm gonna save the country what I'm saying is I am going to attack the problem we have here in our little community and make it right and if others do the same in their community . . .well it's a start . . . . .baby steps with boots on sorry this got a little off topic . . i will settle down now
  12. Has anyone heard if any new maps are coming out soon? It seems like every other time I "go to battle" I end up in Kyresk . .or whatever its called . . lol They need to produce some more maps soon or the wave this game has been riding will wash out . . . just saying. Is there a way to copy and or convert the replay videos? The replays saved by the game are very good detail but as soon as I try to copy or record the replay it gets fuzzy . . .anyone else having this problem? I can produce some cool flying music videos if they are of good quality.
  13. Our community (pop 300 ) just had a complete new $4.2 million dollar water system installed and it still has the same smell as before. As Baldie suggested installing an inline filter system is easy and very low cost compared to buying bottled water. Because the Bafoons that run our water district are unable to operate a brand new system to produce good NON tasting water 2 of my neighbors and I are seeking election to the board (5 member board, 3 seats available, 3 people running = slam dunk) Changes are coming to this towns water . . . . . Never trust any air you can see . . . smog Never trust any water you can smell and taste . . . . .nasty
  14. That's a great Idea!! Bartender . . . . . Drinks for every >XI< Idiot . . . . . and put it on my tab.
  15. THANK YOU! Being an IDIOT never felt better!
  16. WTG! It's not ez to get that No1 spot in this game . . . .
  17. OHELLYES!!! That is a priceless video .. to catch a fish like that while filming is amazing. Releasing the fish for someone else to catch (hopefully a kid ) makes you a hero in my book WTG! You forgot to tell us What lake were you fishing at? Top water fishing for Bass makes my nipples hard . . .lmao While Fishing in Mexico at lake El Salto I hung my "wood chopper" top water bait over a tree limb over the water . . .as I approached the lure to get it a monster Bass put the whack on it and broke the tree limb and my line .. I bout shit! Once while fishing in my float tube for Bass I hooked a fish and as I reeled it in it jumped and spit my lure out . .when the lure landed in the water another Bass hit it . . .
  18. Sweet! That bird is in great shape. Was it loud inside the cabin when you went for a ride? Those Tri-motor planes had a reputation for being loud inside the cabin .. . great pics
  19. This must be the same person that said " Screw the farmer and ranchers, I get my food from the grocery store" Yes folk these types are allowed to breed AND vote (like in the last presidential election) so until we can invent a vaccination that cures this condition . . .wait there is no way obamacare is going to allow a vaccination like that . . . there would be no one left to vote for unqualified politicians
  20. Ohh yeah! If she's got pancake panties we got breakfast . . . lmao!
  21. WTG! If people don't take a stand against ass boils that have no respect for others then ass boils will be the norm. It's gonna take action from people that don't normally take action to make these people snapthefuckoutofit! The attitude that "that rule does not apply to me" needs to be corrected and if it takes a good kick in the chair then so be it . . .she's lucky Dj that you are a reasonable guy and kept your cool . . .lol
  22. I got 18 ground kills and 7 air kills and only lost 1 plane. The funny thing is I never shot at any planes . . .my gunner is badass! I just concentrate on bombing and let my gunner take care of the "bogeys" trying to shoot us down. I maxed out the gunner settings,stamina,vitality,G-force and "that boy can shoot"!
  23. I have done some flying around away from the fighting and the maps are pretty cool. Not sure how far you can go or what happens when you get there . . lol Would they penalize you for being AWOL?
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