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    simplemod reacted to Princess in Happy Birthday Simplemod   
    Happy Birthday to You

  2. Like
    simplemod reacted to FRENCHI in Happy Birthday Simplemod   
    happy b day 
  3. Like
    simplemod reacted to Zaubermaus76 in Happy Birthday Simplemod   
    Happy Birthday
  4. Like
    simplemod reacted to PimpedOutPete in Happy Birthday Simplemod   
    Happy birthday! Cheers!
  5. Like
    simplemod reacted to Boomer in Happy Birthday Simplemod   
    Have a GREAT Day Brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  6. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from tsw 8.5 in GOT THE WIFE HOME TODAY   
    Praying for a speedy recovery, and strength to accept and deal.
  7. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from BigPapaDean in GOT THE WIFE HOME TODAY   
    Praying for a speedy recovery, and strength to accept and deal.
  8. Like
    simplemod reacted to tsw 8.5 in GOT THE WIFE HOME TODAY   
    SO some of you know and some don't..the wife had to have her right breast removed   .malignant carcinoma aggressive ..after dealing with this for over 20+years it went nuts and now we are going through all this ..just to let you all know she is home doing good ...now the long road of all the treatments ..
  9. Like
    simplemod reacted to Blackbart in Video Card   
    Download "Belarc Advisor".  It will tell you what components and software you have  installed plus other valuable info such as key codes and security status...  
    I forgot to add Belarc Advisor is a free program...
  10. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from OSIRIS in Happy Birthday Mann!   
    Happy Birthday
  11. Like
    simplemod reacted to hxtr in I Did Something Really Realllly Stupid Last Night....   
    it gets better.............
    I failed to mention on the second call once I caught her in the lie.. i asked if she knew the location of her boy friend who is a fugitive in Florida. Jumped prole and he's a piece of shit. Well she has not idea where her daughter is nor him. 
    Conversation ends... 
    Next call... hahaha I call his sister and ask her place of residence and explained she has outstanding warrants. She said all the typical responses like.. I have no warrants and this and that. What country.. what was my badge number... yadee yada. It goes on and I explain I caught her mom in a lie. Then I ask the loaded questions. I asked her again for her residence so we can solve this matter. She tells me my neighbors address. I said no mam we have been to that resistance and you don't live there. She said who said that... I said the individuals who do live there. 
    She said.. you mean the neighbors name and my dad? I said yes mam... so where is your location. She gets upset.. says she is going to call the office i repped from. 
    I said that is fine mam but I got another question for you. Do you know the location of that POS boyfriend by name. She says.. who are you talking about. I said mam we know you are still in contact with him and we really wanted to find him.. but thought we could take care of you at the same time. You need to settles these warrants. Now do you know the location of so and so. She said no I don't... he went back to Florida last I heard. I say mam I just caught you in another lie. She get upset.. i tell her to calm down mam. He is a fugitive in Florida and we need his location. 
    She says sir.. mr.. so and so I stated... and then I hear in the back ground a guy ask, "who is that?".
    I said mam is that so and so in the background I just heard. She say no sir there is no one else here. I said mam this conversation is being recorded and you and your mother have already stated several lies. If you are harboring a fugitive you can be prosecuted making thing worse for yourself. Now where is you place of residence so we can solve this matter?
    She wants my badge number and I explain I cant give that information out over the phone but he officers can when they arrive at your residence.
    My neighbor was trying so hard not to laugh and again I had to have him turn around or I would crack up. hahahhaa
    We both fell bad about it.. the mothers husband call neighbors dad and in the am after trying to get a hold of my on my magic jack. Guess I should change the number now. hahaha
    Well he says I know know what you are talking about.. conversation goes on with his dad to new hub and the hub asked if he could talk to neighbor and not do any more pranks. Dad say.. sure I will talk to neighbor/friend. Then it was squashed. 
    We laughed about it all damn day. hahhahahaha
    I did a really bad bad thing. And I tired to tell neighbor lets not do this but again.. them casess of beer got us a bit fing stupid. I will never do that again. hahahahhaha I mean that. 
  12. Like
    simplemod reacted to hxtr in I Did Something Really Realllly Stupid Last Night....   
    My neighbor and I were have a few cases of beer. 
    He was telling me some stories about some of his family members. REALLY fucked up stories. Well.... to be continued. 
    So I make a comment.. wouldn't it be funny to pull a prank on one of his warrant stricken member. He laughed his ass off and said... lets do it. I was like.. no way man.. had way to many one case.
    So he convinces me to do it. Hear it goes... if I am not around much you will know why. Hope the NSA is not watching. 
    I call his really messed up mom around 1am. I tell her I am a certain org and was looking for his sister. She has outstanding warrants. She denies it was her daughter. it goes on and on for a bit and I keep asking if she knows her location. She asked who I was speaking to as I said she was her mother but did not have that part of the script written down. Had to have some info on paper so I did not f it up. We get off the phone then I call her back.. damn neighbor convinces me with a few more of that case I started. 
    I tell her her name and she kept asking for a bad number... yes I now bad. I tell her we will send an lucifer to her house and they will give them their bad number. She then admits it was her daughter and said she has no idea where she lives. I then tell her she has been sent ticket info to a well neighbors house. She said she has no idea of her location. We end the call. 
    My neighbor was in stiches. I told him from the start to turn around or he will distract me. He clams it was an oscor ---- how to you sell oscer or ??? performance.
    I will finish this later. hahhaa i cant make this shit up. What a stupid dumb ass fing Idiot I am. I know. 
  13. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from BigPapaDean in Smoked/grilled Again   
    Some time ago, I was asked by a restaraunt here in town, how to do mushrooms on the grill. And If there was anything I had not ever tried on the smoker or grill. My reply was watermelon and mushrooms are the only two things I never tried. Well today, I bit the bullet and smoked some watermelon.

    It actually truned out better than I thought it would. It was not very sweet, but after smoking it about 20 minutes, and then moving it over by the fire and semi-grilling it, I took it off, and tried a bite, and it was much sweeter. I went ahead and put it in the fridge to get cold again, and see how it is that way. The other stuff is a small brisket, chuck roast, and little taters. Oh, and I did season the melon, I put salt and pepper on it, the way my Grandpa taught me to eat it, lol.
  14. Like
    simplemod reacted to little_old_man in Smoked/grilled Again   
    You haven't lived until you've grilled some shiitake or portabello mushrooms. We have some vegetarian friends who come over for dinner a couple times a year and I always make burgers. Instead of meat on theirs I maranade and smoke/grill portabello mushrooms and they always rave about them.
    I usually maranade them in a vinegar/soy sauce/garlic combination that I throw together and then just cook them like any other burger with some apple wood chips thrown on the coals for extra flavor. If I ever had to give up meat, those would be about my only alternatives since they're about as close to meat as you can get without actually being meat.
  15. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from billyblade in Smoked/grilled Again   
    Some time ago, I was asked by a restaraunt here in town, how to do mushrooms on the grill. And If there was anything I had not ever tried on the smoker or grill. My reply was watermelon and mushrooms are the only two things I never tried. Well today, I bit the bullet and smoked some watermelon.

    It actually truned out better than I thought it would. It was not very sweet, but after smoking it about 20 minutes, and then moving it over by the fire and semi-grilling it, I took it off, and tried a bite, and it was much sweeter. I went ahead and put it in the fridge to get cold again, and see how it is that way. The other stuff is a small brisket, chuck roast, and little taters. Oh, and I did season the melon, I put salt and pepper on it, the way my Grandpa taught me to eat it, lol.
  16. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from Blackbart in I Am Now A Great Grandad   
    Congrats Bart, thats AWESOME!!
  17. Like
    simplemod reacted to Blackbart in I Am Now A Great Grandad   
    My first Great Grand Child was born Tuesday evening at 11:30 pm...Her name is Olivia,  She weighed in at a whooping six pounds even and is 19 3/4 inches long... :)

  18. Like
    simplemod reacted to tsw 8.5 in Avg Hijack   
    MSC..great with malwarebytes pro no probs on this p/c been using it for over 2 years now ..great combo
  19. Like
    simplemod reacted to Dark Asylumn in Avg Hijack   
    i use to use avg until i started getting nasties in my computers i switched to windows security escentials, and comodo firewall, i run the 2 add ons mentioned above for firefox and i have had zero  let me repeat ZERO, non hardware related problems since making the switch well over a year ago. get rid of avg, at one point it was a great av but i can no longer say that about them now
  20. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from Damage_inc- in Avg Hijack   
    Adblock Plus, and Adblock Plus Pop Up Addon in Firefox, I rarely see ads, between the 2 of those, they even cut out ad commercials if watching TV from network channels stream.
  21. Like
    simplemod reacted to BUDMAN in Ok I Can Not Take It Any Longer   
    I am so proud of Budgirl aka Kayla , she will be graduating from her 8th grade class as Valedictorian this week. She is just freaking AWESOME !!
    Just wanted to share this with everyone
     Sighed very proud parents.
  22. Like
    simplemod reacted to blk_plague in This Guy Fckn Rocks The Drums!   
  23. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from Fire in 27 Years Married Today   
    Congratulations. Wish yall many more years.
  24. Like
    simplemod got a reaction from Blackbart in Blackbart And His Wifes 35Th Anniversary Today   
    Congrats Bart, it's great to hear things like this.
  25. Like
    simplemod reacted to Paperman in Blackbart And His Wifes 35Th Anniversary Today   
    Wow Blackbart well done sir. Congratulations to you and the little lady.
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