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Everything posted by Icequeen

  1. Soooo....for me this is something I have a hard time sharing. However I have been finding that it's easier to open up to alot of my XI family and some of them have been there for me through some pretty tough times. My brother passed away a few years ago on Christmas and I've always had a hard time enjoying it. Well this year after Covid I'm really trying to collect myself together and just be happy again. So long story over let's see everyone's Christmas tree. I'm excited to see these. I'm almost done with mine and I shall post.
  2. My dad has been a cop for many years. Retired from it at the moment. And unfortunately even here in our small town there were some cops that believe they are always above the law. And there are some who take their job very serious to protect and serve. I wish there was a better system for this but no one knows how anyone is going to react under certain circumstances. You could have a level head. Talk about it all you want and do many exercises for when the time comes but once put in a real situation is a very different aspect. Sad. But (my personal opinion only) I think the media hypes up way too many situations and leaves out the good as well.
  3. Oh Joe so very sorry to hear this. Possa riposare in pace.
  4. Sob Timmah you're always making me hungry.
  5. Really? That's interesting. Tbh I've always found when I've done that my steak has an odd taste to it. Maybe not odd just different then usual.
  6. Ha I just had steak last night. And yes that is perfect. I drooled just looking at it. Yum! But take away the eggs.
  7. Are.....are you okay man?
  8. I'm going to say that I believe Pete is a wonderful guy. As a healthcare worker or Frontline person we all have our stress. For him he wants the vaccine because healthcare workers are here to save lives and care for the safety of others. For people such as myself and Pete that's all our lives are and we don't even get a chance to take care of ourselves. So I understand what he is saying. Because we have different opinions on this vaccine will never make me think any less of him. We all could use a little respect towards others. In all matters.
  9. Pfizer actually just came out with a 10 day med for the unvaccinated and if the vaccinated get it because they do. We shall see.
  10. Pete that's not him saying he doesn't support healthcare workers. What that is saying is that we were considered heroes during the first wave of the pandemic and now because some of us feel we should have personal freedom to choose if we eat the Vax we now have to face the ultimate choice of .....do what the government wants us to do or have the freedom that so many of our vets have fought and died for to be implemented.
  11. Omg! That seriously looks so amazing. Cheesecake is my weakness.
  12. I respect anyone's wishes or what they believe. Even if I don't believe then myself. And I don't agree with someone I find it best just to nod and smile. We all have that one issue that we just refuse to agree with and there's no changing your mind and sometimes when the subject comes up for me oh gosh do I run my mouth. But for the most part nod and agree. You aren't gonna change anyone's mind.
  13. Well this is how @Ruggerxi monitors the forums.
  14. That is awesome. Gonna be fun working on that. Definitely need update pics.
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