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Everything posted by NITRO

  1. Wow i have never seen that kind of performance done before, very impressive. Good post
  2. I feel for all of you affected over there i am in New Zealand so some distance to cover to get to us but what a catastrophic fuckup all in the name of boosting production by cutting corners and ignoring safety concerns. Now they want to play the blame game while our environment and sea life suffer. Well i got one thing to say to them... FUCK YOU BP YOU SMARMY FUCKERS STOP SHIFTING THE BLAME AND SORT YA SHIT OUT! YA HAD ENOUGH PROFIT WHY PUSH THE LIMIT WHEN YOU DONT NEED TO? GOOD PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU AND NOW THERE IS A KNOCK ON EFFECT CONSUMING OUR SEALIFE WHICH AFFECTS THE REST OF US TOO, DAMN YOU TO HELL. Ok im done yelling, sorry i get a bit excited...
  3. Hey all these are my ones there is another variation but cant find it. I love family history i think it is important to know it. Sorry the images are a little small, couldnt find large ones.
  4. Well i gotta say a big HELLO! It seems like forever to me but i am finally back. My pc is now fixed and while it was down i moved house and in the proccess changed ISP and now have higher bandwidth (slightly higher download but tripled my upload). And i can tell you all without a word of a lie ive missed hanging out with you all! Ive been a miserable sod since the pc fail and now ill be complete again LOL. Well since i have only just this minute got everything going i have to install the game and patches then ill be right in to start earning my tags again. Cant wait to see yas in there.
  5. Hey all you idiots Well as you may have noticed i havent been around the last 2 weeks or so (well at least i hope you have!) I have had major pc fail and am prob looking at another two weeks before i can get back to sniping you all This not being able to play on my favourite servers is killing me, what the hell did i do with myself before i discovered COD4 and >XI< ? LOL. So i thought i would drop everyone a line to let u know of my problems and that i hope to see you all soon. Keep my seat warm you havent got rid of me yet Regards, Your resident sniper and avid camper NITRO
  6. No i havent tried Xfires one yet i will try that and see how the audio goes. Thanks!
  7. Hey there all you fraggers! I just want to find out which is the best way to record game play. I have used the console /record and the COD4 player but it records in DM_1 format which my movie maker doesnt recognise and i cant find software to convert to another format. Ive tried Frapps which records in a usable format but you cant work the camera angles like the COD4 player allows you too as its first person view only. I would love to put together a frag movie so if anyone can help point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks my brothers 'n' sisters in arms, i look forward to the info.
  8. Haha well said Caper i will let you know when i get that privellage. (lol spelling)
  9. Yep me too same maps everytime, if i see that it is coming up i play another server till its finished. Ive mucked round with my graphics card and my in game settings but no luck. Guess we just stuck with it lol, Lucky there's plenty of other >XI< servers to have fun in while the suck ass maps are on
  10. Hey all well as you know i am regular player on freeze tag 1, i also have noticed (particuarly over the last two months) that when new players emerge on the server, within nearly two weeks 90% of them are coming back with |AK| tags on. I myself have had no issues with any of the |AK| clan however i will support the fact that even if its not intentional, lately they have been recruiting from >XI< servers. The evidence is there but its hard tto accuse as its a fine line. My example: If a member from another clan plays in >XI< server and notices or befriends a player and adds them to thier xfire, then invites them to check out thier clan website and then ends up recruiting the player is that a direct breech of >XI< rules? If the Clan in question recruited blatantly during game play then yes it would be in breech but as its done out side of >XI< server its a grey area in my opinion. Dont get me wrong i support IronXI 110% as i have noticed this happening too i just think that any decisions made on this need to be thought out carefully.
  11. Nice sounds great. Ultrastat pro medals should be included as well then i wil get one woot! Keep up the great work!
  12. Because ya might get shot like this unfortunate enemy of mine who ended up snagging his helmet on the roof guttering on the way down resulting in xtreme neck stretch. I thought it looked quite funny so thought i would share it with you
  13. Well done all new admins! All those before you have done an exceptional job so keep the bar high, as im sure you will and i look forward to sniping ah i mean seeing you out on the field.
  14. Ok thanks greywolf2 i will check my list and update if nessasary, you will be my first port of call next time
  15. Hi Ph4ntom yeah i have the Admin details i contacted Dogg and alerted him and that i had screenshots so he said to post them as no Admins were avaliable on Xfire at that time. I played two maps with this guy then he left. I think Dogg had passed on what had happened to an Admin by other means than Xfire
  16. Hey all i was in painball server with a player "|||||LEON|||||" well actually two people called that (same lines identical player names). One was active and one still connecting. Game starts and i get tagged by NITRO and im like WTF? i checked scoreboard and now its NITRO VS NITRO with a LEON still connecting. Then in the bottom left corner of screen it was scrolling "leon changed to nitro", "nitro changed to leon" non stop and everytime just before i tag him it changes so i tag nitro not leon. Confused? I am, but thats not the best bit because finaly the other leon connected and it was me and leon VS leon (lol), now this is the good part, because my leon never kills anything on any map but the bastard will run to me and hover round me like hes acting like some sort of homing signal for the other leon to come waste me and it works, everytime he is near me the other leon finds and kills me. Believe me when i say i tried to shake the prick but no matter how hard i tried to jump, duck, weave and dodge he was always right there with me like a bad haircut, he would even be half way up the map (capture the flag) and id re spawn and he would turn round and run back to me then proceed to hover round me again, WTF!!! So anyway check the pics out it ive never seen it before but someone else may have. These last two pics taken just seconds apart.
  17. Chkn i always lag on this particular map. I know that i have high ping and that it should be souly to blame but i dont lag one bit (visualy) on any other map that we play. I never have anyone saying jeez nitro u skipping all over the place or u lagging so bad i cant hit you, since ive joined the >XI< website and servers yet as soon as this new map is put into the rotation bang i lag on it all the time yet all other maps are fine, coincedence? . Any way you and i arent the only ones ive heard other players complain of the lag too.
  18. Ok this is off topic but.... NICE sig Scooby!
  19. WOW this post has really taken off! I never expected it to go for 3 pages lol. So now that it has i might as well put my two cents in.... SCE_hidden, at the end of the day you cant sweat the small stuff mate. When someone is owning someone or owning everyone then there will always be a "Hacker" comment thrown out there, someone will even say it just cos they are pissed off that you killed them. So to end my near novel i will say that its always going to be part of the game, next time take it as a compliment, if you arent hacking you must be a good player. See you out there sometime
  20. Hahahaaa, golden response
  21. Sweet i was going to post about if there was something up with that server because my download rate for maps has been cut by at least 75% i was getting about 900 but lately ive been maxing out at 220 so the game is well underway by the time i get the map. I dont get this problem in any other >XI< server. Keep up the great work see you on the field!
  22. Im not sure if there is already a post on this but thought id just touch on the subject to let anyone know that if they havent checked out the new K3 MOD then they should it is Freakin awesome!I have to applaude (if thats how you spell it lol) the people who created it so that everyone can enjoy and experience this mod. Its full on, in ya face and full of massive action and cool audio inserts. I played for the first time tonight and im buzzing, cant wait to get back on. Now my favourite mod. Thanks guys
  23. Holy shit dude i just checked out the pics of your system and OMG its massive! I need one! Whats the cost of something like that if you dont mind me asking?
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