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Everything posted by PainKiller

  1. Unfortunately im EU Alliance. 477 is nice! I'm only 467 Ret/Prot pally and 440 beast master. We have AotC Eternal Palace and Ny'lotha now. It's such a good feeling. Only been playing for a year!
  2. I am sure Shiny just loves to hate you. Or is it hates to love you? And thank you! I'll of course be keeping people posted such as if she says yes, all that kinda stuff.
  3. I am very certain she will! And I had cats like that. You make one wrong move and he'll have your face off.
  4. There shall be updates! It's a custom made ring I am getting with our birthstones in it. So it's gotta be made and delivered. She's gotta be like: Ah human! You are awake. I beseech thee to rub thy belly and fed me and worship me!
  5. Something I have been considering to do for a while and something I personally think will be great for the community as a whole in these shitty times. Lets spread the positive vibes! Plain and simple really. We all feel shitty with the world gone upside down. We're all stressed out. We're all anxious. Me, you, your cat, your cat's mothers, brothers owners pet Dachshund called Collin. All of us. The point of this is people can share the stuff happening in their lives right now that make you feel good. Make you feel happy. It could be anything from Rob getting knifed in the back once more by Shiny. It can be that campy enemy finally getting tubed across the map and they rage quit. It can be you finished all those books you wanted to read, all those films you wanted to watch or all that porn you had saved on your PC's you filthy feckers. All we're hearing on the news is doom, gloom, death and destruction. Where's the good shit? I'll start off! My World of Warcraft guild, after a lot of wipes (practice) and banging our heads together we finally FINALLY got one of the more painful achievements to get in the current patch (8.3) [Ahead of the Curve: N'Zoth the Corruptor] This is a lot for us because we're only a casual guild who raid two hours every week and we've gone through the end of the world and back and came out on top. I was buzzing, still am several hours later. Now maybe Mythic?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYNWr1D3M2Q (The fight that won us the raid) It's my girlfriend and I's two years together on July 1st and I am gonna be popping the question on our date (given we can go outside!). I couldn't be happier with the woman I am with and have never felt so confident and strong in my life. She truly is a life changer. It's almost my birthday! Two months to go! ...Then I am closer to 30. NO....!
  6. One does not simply have a favourite game of all time! Can I at least pick 3? Maybe 5? If the answer is no, I'm going to anyway! Timesplitters series Resident Evil 4 World of Warcraft (used to hate it) Skyrim Call of Duty 2 (kind of a given!)
  7. I'm supposed to be scared? Please, enlighten me in how
  8. It was probably hidden in all the other posts lol. Loader asked me to post about it so I did as I was told (for once!)
  9. If you put in the CoD2 DVD in the drive, don't install it. Instead, right click the disc in the File Explorer then click 'Explore.' That will open the disc in the windows explorer. Find the install .exe and right click that. Properties. Compatibility, Run in Compatibility mode for Windows 7 (or XP). That will force the installer to run in compatibility mode. That SHOULD work, I haven't used a disc drive for so long.
  10. Already got this covered in another thread ?
  11. No problem ? if you have any trouble running the game contact @loaderXI or myself and we can do our best to help you
  12. For those that want to but are unable to join and play on our multitude of CoD servers you're in luck. Currently on Steam Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty 5: World at War are currently on sale until 17th May! So now's your chance to grab them while you can and join us. If any one has any issues with installing and/or running the game please do not hesitate to contact one of the game admins who will do their best to help you.
  13. I'm down for it. I have posted a few times over the months about CoD2 CTF but it never really seemed to take off from just seeing interest. We have the event server free for that so I can happily do any changes I need to do to that and get a rotation (if we want custom CTF maps). It has the same settings as the TDM one and should still have the same settings it had for the last time we did CTF which was during the open house.
  14. It's scary on the front lines. My mom, my aunts and my partner work in the local hospital dealing with the outbreak every day. ____________________ Think of it this way: Have you had to bury a loved one? Have you had to turn off the ventilator on a patient because they couldn't be saved? Have you had to tell someones family "Sorry, we can't do anything to save them." ? That bloke you shook hands with could have had it, he could be dead next week or tomorrow. That old woman in the shopping center could be a carrier and might have days left. We've not been told to stay in our homes against our wills or the like. We've been told to keep ourselves and OTHERS safe. use precautionary measures. Use PPE, wash your hands, do your bit to help protect other people. Not just yourself but your loved ones. Those who are ignorant about it will quickly change their tone when they get it or have to bury a loved one or get their asses saved by the hospital. Hospitals and other healthcare areas are completely stretched thin - staying home and keeping yourselves and others safe is also helping the healthcare system by taking the strain off of them. Just be glad you're alive, be glad you're safe. And be thankful to those working their asses off keeping others safe.
  15. Ah yes, natural selection how I have missed you. Yes, the financial and economic affects of this virus are felt worldwide. We're all fed up of being stuck in our homes, not being able to work and do what we enjoy. But give thanks for those working on the front-line day in and day out to keep the rest of us alive and well. I hate not being at work, it's driving me completely mad. I can't see my loved ones such as my mother, brother, nephew and my girlfriend. But, I accept that this is the best course to try and plateau the infection. If these sorts people wanna go outside and protest and risk catching and spreading the infection, on their head be it. If they get sick, that's their fault really. All it takes is one person to catch it in a crowd.
  16. Tangmere-shit! Sorry to hear that you'll be leaving. You're one of the funniest guys I know and I've known you for a long time because of course you know my dad, Noddy. Keep well and hope you'll still come in to play at some point.
  17. Your profile is saved locally in your CoD4 directory. Unfortunately if you don't back up your profile when you reinstall the game you will have to make a new one and start from scratch. I always made that mistake with mine. I had to reinstall Windows 10 and lost my profile for CoD4 because I didn't back it up somewhere.
  18. Ignore this post, Rob cleared it up for me. I wasn't aware the rotation was being sorted!
  19. not sure if that's referring to me or you were reading your own comment earlier ?
  20. Does the DM server usually change map every five seconds I try to sort my classes out or spawn and I am the only one in? Not sure if someone is rotating maps or the server is just broken but it's a pain in the ass that's for sure.
  21. I'm still amazed the forum can contain this amount of stupidity at once.
  22. We need a section specifically for piss-takin... I mean discussion, of theories such as this.
  23. Not sure if this is a late april fools joke or your tin hat fell off..
  24. Not been on that game for ages, played a few hours on it. If we can get a steady crowd it, it might be a good thing.
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