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    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from LordOfChaos in Ending My Xi Membership   
    Oh I also forgot to mention to you Genvonsyks that you mentioned other members and admins using hacks and to that I say film them and show us or shut up and second PUNKBUSTER has not supported COD2 for about 3 years so it would not find a hack in game for us. We catch plenty of hackers like your above mentioned friend D16 who was banned came back and it was then found out he was a know hacker on other servers as well but heck he is still your friend I hope. We are always here for what is best for the servers and our members first and we do a much better job then punkbuster ever did
  2. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from BigPapaDean in Ending My Xi Membership   
    Yeah BUDSR you guys stood up for Wardragon and in spite of some initial resistance he is now as you stated a beloved member with no mention of his past, Same goes for players like Dirk Diggler as well. I do not understand the Gens reason for quiting but in fairness his real life brother following him after recently joining should not be a suprise. You guys are always welcome to play on our servers but please remember we kick non-members first to make room for players wishing to play then spectating members. So if you are playing sometime and get kicked it is not personal it is just the way things work for non member guests. always has and always will, also we don't listen to non members about cheaters since they are not as invested in our servers as our members are and are not subject to our internal rules with regards to making untrue claims not based on video evidence and facts. Good luck to you guys and hope those new machines bring you tons of joy. Oh 1 question did you guys get new monitors or graphics cards or anything else when you upgraded? Always fun to play on a new machine
  3. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Caper in Ending My Xi Membership   
    I do understand how you are feeling, I had to leave >XI< myself for a few reasons, I did end up coming back as just a member after awhile after being a head ADM. I find if you just play and dont give a shit if someone is hacking or not, Personaly these days if someone is hacking, they are the ones cheating themselves out of having FUN. With >XI< and other clans they have a system where if poeple believe your hacking they have to be able to prove it and in the mean while a ban may be put in place untill it can be looked at my other ADMS. Also I wish to get past topics form the 2-3 yes ago where they are in the past. Their are members in >XI< that I will have nothing to do with to this day, but in the end I am still an IDIOT!!!
  4. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Unchileno in Ending My Xi Membership   
    As for you Gen.. Obviously poor judgment used in your part by quitting and not accepting the fact that YOUR friend put you in this spot.. Your attitude from first post to last was arrogant to say the least..Maybe translation wasn't the best ..Will never know now..Good luck to you SIR..Remember rush decision in life will only get you so far..You made your bed.. Now.. Good night ..
    P.S..To the Cod2 ADM team ..Way to make us proud guy handle maturely and swift..Great job...
  5. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to BudSr in Ending My Xi Membership   
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    PHUCKITMAN reacted to window in Ending My Xi Membership   
    General, This I see has been a stressful past couple of days for you. I think you have made a quick decision in reguards to your outcome as a member. You have been a member a long time. I wish you would have thought it more thru.
  7. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from baldie in Ending My Xi Membership   
    Oh I also forgot to mention to you Genvonsyks that you mentioned other members and admins using hacks and to that I say film them and show us or shut up and second PUNKBUSTER has not supported COD2 for about 3 years so it would not find a hack in game for us. We catch plenty of hackers like your above mentioned friend D16 who was banned came back and it was then found out he was a know hacker on other servers as well but heck he is still your friend I hope. We are always here for what is best for the servers and our members first and we do a much better job then punkbuster ever did
  8. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Unchileno in Ending My Xi Membership   
    Oh I also forgot to mention to you Genvonsyks that you mentioned other members and admins using hacks and to that I say film them and show us or shut up and second PUNKBUSTER has not supported COD2 for about 3 years so it would not find a hack in game for us. We catch plenty of hackers like your above mentioned friend D16 who was banned came back and it was then found out he was a know hacker on other servers as well but heck he is still your friend I hope. We are always here for what is best for the servers and our members first and we do a much better job then punkbuster ever did
  9. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from animalxi in Ending My Xi Membership   
    Yeah BUDSR you guys stood up for Wardragon and in spite of some initial resistance he is now as you stated a beloved member with no mention of his past, Same goes for players like Dirk Diggler as well. I do not understand the Gens reason for quiting but in fairness his real life brother following him after recently joining should not be a suprise. You guys are always welcome to play on our servers but please remember we kick non-members first to make room for players wishing to play then spectating members. So if you are playing sometime and get kicked it is not personal it is just the way things work for non member guests. always has and always will, also we don't listen to non members about cheaters since they are not as invested in our servers as our members are and are not subject to our internal rules with regards to making untrue claims not based on video evidence and facts. Good luck to you guys and hope those new machines bring you tons of joy. Oh 1 question did you guys get new monitors or graphics cards or anything else when you upgraded? Always fun to play on a new machine
  10. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Sonovabich in Ending My Xi Membership   
    Oh I also forgot to mention to you Genvonsyks that you mentioned other members and admins using hacks and to that I say film them and show us or shut up and second PUNKBUSTER has not supported COD2 for about 3 years so it would not find a hack in game for us. We catch plenty of hackers like your above mentioned friend D16 who was banned came back and it was then found out he was a know hacker on other servers as well but heck he is still your friend I hope. We are always here for what is best for the servers and our members first and we do a much better job then punkbuster ever did
  11. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to RIPZILLA in The Facts About The Manthis Controversy   
    I’m sorry if I sound cynical. But I believe that Manthis and Union’s entire story was nothing more than a money grubbing scam that didn’t come to fruition. It was just a matter time before she began asking for donations to cover her and her children’s living costs. I’m sure more than one of our generous softhearted members would have privately offered to help her. The timing was perfect with the holidays approaching. Fortunately for us their lies were discovered before their plans were fulfilled.
  12. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from genvonsyks in I Need Some Pc Help It Won't Start Up?   
    Ok got sound this morning by simply plugging it in to the correct plug in the back. I used to run my mic thru the front panel for ease of use sp did that as well and as soon as I plugged it in the sound bound recognized it and asked me the confirm the set up so I think I am on the right trak here. No shut downs or loading issues so far so hoping the HD is not any issue and since I only have 1 stick of ram and the PC is still working fine so probably isn't a hardware issue may have been a bug or corrupt file but now to load COD2 which is why I do all this to begin with. More to come
  13. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Blackbart in May Be Awol For A While   
    it is not that old a system it is the one the XI guys put together for me just about two years ago. Paperman is sending me a HD already that should do the trick. I will keep everyone advised. Thanks
  14. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to little_old_man in May Be Awol For A While   
    No worries Pman. We will all be here when you get it fixed, and we'll try not to shit talk about you too much while you're gone.
  15. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Blackbart in I Need Some Pc Help It Won't Start Up?   
    Ok got sound this morning by simply plugging it in to the correct plug in the back. I used to run my mic thru the front panel for ease of use sp did that as well and as soon as I plugged it in the sound bound recognized it and asked me the confirm the set up so I think I am on the right trak here. No shut downs or loading issues so far so hoping the HD is not any issue and since I only have 1 stick of ram and the PC is still working fine so probably isn't a hardware issue may have been a bug or corrupt file but now to load COD2 which is why I do all this to begin with. More to come
  16. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from google in I Need Some Pc Help It Won't Start Up?   
    Ok got sound this morning by simply plugging it in to the correct plug in the back. I used to run my mic thru the front panel for ease of use sp did that as well and as soon as I plugged it in the sound bound recognized it and asked me the confirm the set up so I think I am on the right trak here. No shut downs or loading issues so far so hoping the HD is not any issue and since I only have 1 stick of ram and the PC is still working fine so probably isn't a hardware issue may have been a bug or corrupt file but now to load COD2 which is why I do all this to begin with. More to come
  17. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Cpt.TennealXI in Spawn Tripwires   
    I too set my fair share of tripwires and landmines these days and not only is there protection from placing trips to close to the exact spawn point it also allows you to set them off while still under spawn protection and blow them up without dying. there are a few ways to remove tripwires and at this point I choose not to share them all since the is a new wrinkle as of late for defusing explosives and this newest twist is going to make for some interesting kills lol. There are very few one way exits on the maps we have now but people are creatures of habit if there are 2 ways out most take the same way out every time. This being said if you feel that spawn points are being tripped in a manner that is outside these guidelines please let one of your admin team know who is doing it so they can speak to the offender and have it stop. There are also several maps right now where spawn killing is required to even play so if you can lay a trip before your killed then good for you. Spawn killing of any kind is a fact we have to adapt to unfortunately.
  18. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from window in Camping In Cod2   
    I love all our campers Mac, Ted, Gen, and a few others because they always have time to talk because they are waiting for action.
  19. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Cpt.TennealXI in Camping In Cod2   
    I love all our campers Mac, Ted, Gen, and a few others because they always have time to talk because they are waiting for action.
  20. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from Cpt.TennealXI in Camping In Cod2   
    Great points being made in this thread but let me point out this game stock was set up at a speed that encouraged camping and guns where slower so run and fun was not really possible. The maps are based on stock speed and gravity which ours are not which allows us to play against it's design and take away a campers advantage. Almost every good camping spot has at least 1 back door and there are lots of ways to fuck with them if they bother you just like the revenge spawn. It puts you closer to the player who likked you so their camping spot is easier to attack so please just get used to it because we aren't going to put in that "Move or your player starts farting mod". Let me guess it was Macdaady who said the FU Bitch? I ask becasue he has always camped and I hear him getting shit about it and that is his typical response and since he was a prison guard when he gets pissed and says something he tends to have the last word. I get the felling he thinks when people give him shit it is about him not his style. So maybe if people could let campers know it is not personal just hate the style not the player it may help??? Me I hate those sneaky bashing homo bashers because I don't some dudes avatar that close to mine it makes me feel violated but I just tell the homes to phuckoff lol
  21. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to Joe Canadian in Camping In Cod2   
    I don`t think anybody here dislikes Mac as an individual. I actually do like Mac Camper and now understand why he`s always choosing high towers to camp and snipe XI ``inmates`` lol.
    The rules are clear and some behaviours are unacceptable. If a non-member is harassing a member for his style of play, he should receive a warning and then be kicked if he chooses to ignore it. And you, P-man.... I hate when you , as a player set those f... tripwires and it takes me 10 times (or lives) to nade you, but is not personal, its just a game.
  22. Like
    PHUCKITMAN reacted to little_old_man in Camping In Cod2   
    Things got a little heated last night in DM between two players with one of them camping. The complainer isn't a clan member and the accused was. I was about ready to tell the non-member to stop whining about it when the accused (XI member) blurted out with FU Bitch, and he wasn't joking. At that point I just told them both to STFU and keep playing.
    Certain maps are very condusive to camping while others aren't. We all know that certain players camp every chance they get and it is understood by most who play that this is accepted on our servers. The only time it crosses the line is when they camp on spawn spots continuously and that's when we need to call them out on it regardless if they're a member or not. Non-members need to be reminded not to bitch about it too much, and members need to learn a little restraint and refrain from personal attacks.
    Not everybody is on a level playing field in this game and camping is the only way some can can compete. Yes they get some easy kills but they also make easy targets when they don't move or are always in the same spot. It's a trade off and what makes this game fun.
    Glove, I realize you hate campers but whenever I'm playing run & gun with you on any map I can almost never kill you face to face in a shoot out. Not sure why I can unload a full clip at you and miss when you drop me with one or two shots almost every game, but whatever the reason if I can find an out of the way place to camp for a while and offset my losses I will take full advantage of the opportunity every time. You may not like it, but I don't like getting my ass kicked every game either. Sorry it's not the style you are comfortable with, but that's just life sometimes.
  23. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Old Screenshots, Check Out The Names   
    This is from Halloween 2007 Buds favorite day of the year

  24. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Old Screenshots, Check Out The Names   
    click open and you can read mine lmao I remember playing COD UNO with your old clan beer and kickin your ass way back then a time or 2
  25. Like
    PHUCKITMAN got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Old Screenshots, Check Out The Names   
    Found this one from 5/16/06

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