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Status Updates posted by BlownAwaybyLewinski

  1. I just hope the items I ordered weren't coming from there! Big Amazon Distribution Center in Redlands, Ca.

    The Associated Press

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlownAwaybyLewinski


      They haven't said how much in $$'s was lost. But the fire was so intense that it buckled the wall that are concrete and probably 8-10" thick...amazing!

    3. Mindphasr


      those people are anarchists, burn down small businesses, robbed stuffs, and they want revenge against the government for being ultimate failure in every level.

    4. BlownAwaybyLewinski


      And still want there EBT cards too!

      They haven't said how much in $$'s was lost. But the fire was so intense that it buckled the wall that are concrete and probably 8-10" thick...amazing!

  2. Dirk Bag!


    1. Dirk Diggler

      Dirk Diggler

      thanks ballsac ...

    2. BlownAwaybyLewinski


      No problem...so what did you do for your Birthday?


    3. Dirk Diggler

      Dirk Diggler

      girls made me pizza Sacer , covid bullshit kept at home

  3. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/last-days-nazi-germany-1945/

    Hi TBB....got this many rifles? Interesting link I thought you'd like.


    May be an image of outdoors

    1. TBB


      Could use some YO BABL - nice - thanks for the link - only have a 22 and a 12 gauge - not big into rifles


      CoD2 help - forgot most of it - been playing UT4 - how do you plant mines??

      Also what do you do that when I shoot you I get blown up anyway??  I used to be Loaders bitch - looks like I'm your now!!   :rofl:


    2. BlownAwaybyLewinski


      Hi TBB

      I use my "use" key and lay down...you will see a pair of nades show up and hold till it is set....takes about 6 sec.

      Also when u die after u shoot me is i have already started to cook a nade and ready to throw it to whoever but when i get shot it will still explode. i do that to stayalive a lot and he hates it...hahaha! he laughs about it know to get away from me when he kills me

      hope that help! Also if you want call me and i can got over with it by phone ...my cell 818-489-0000



    3. TBB


      Thanks - can't quite get it to work - what's a good time to call you California time???

  4. Thanks DirkBag! See you in the game....and don't bash me so hard!


    1. Dirk Diggler

      Dirk Diggler

      Sacer i prefer the rocket now , but slapping the sacer is cool 2


    2. BlownAwaybyLewinski
  5. Yo Starfire! How you doing? I think your ping problem is over...you keep killing too much!


    1. Starfire


      I try to do my best.


  6. Wishing you a Happy Birthday today...enjoy your day!

    1. Bullet


      Thanks  Lewey

  7. Thanks for the welcome...no never tried the COD4 or 5. I have but just like the COD2 


  8. Where is the outrage from Black people on this when the police pushed this guy (white) and he fell backwards?

    See the source image

    1. Mindphasr


      i wonder the samething, where's the outrage?


  9. I just hope the items I ordered weren't coming from there! Big Amazon Distribution Center in Redlands, Ca.

    The Associated Press

    1. BlownAwaybyLewinski


      Well now that George Floyd is now buried...we might have some peace and quite around all cities and the protest will slowly go away! Till next time! 

  10. Yo RobMc, I've seen some for trailers but I usually just look for a movie and watch


    1. RobMc


      Ah my boy, you've missed my trenchcoat posts ????

  11. Yo! Underwear...how you doing? Just browsing around here and checking things out and chatting. 


  12. Hi Underwear.....how you doing?!!


  13. yo teddy boy! Or UNderwear! what's up


  14. hi ted, roger barlett jr. is fb friend now with me. I asked him about services and he will let me and others know about it. So I'm wondering if or how to get on extreme idiots to do a donation for flowers and stuff.


  15. My pleasure BDs1961 (Big Dick) in my game play to you....funny how most names that show always get called something else! Haha!

  16. Yo Bucwheat...what's up toady?


  17. Wishing you a Happy Birthday today...enjoy your day!

  18. Wishing you a Belated Happy Birthday today...enjoy your day!

  19. Hi Sherm.....how you doing?!!


  20. yo stay I think intel is still a good company


  21. With My Good Looks....you don't need to look elsewhere!!

  22. Well hopefully all this covid-19 is letting up and not spreading like it was! Getting antzie and need to get out of here on a trip! Who else is wishing the same?

  23. Well looks like we're in for a second round of covid cases......time to lock and load and play on COD2 more!

    The Associated Press

  24. Here in Californica, it's great they lift to outdoor dining....but dam sure is not great to eat outdoors when the wind is blowing 45-65 mph!

    On top of that it's also cold....not like the east or Texas but still not comfortable to dine....OH Well back to COD2 gaming!

  25. You know guys...It's hard to believe that MacDaddy has been gone now for 2 years! Sure miss the guys even though I never met him!

    I always love to know where he was in any map just so I could throw a nade at him...that gets a reaction from him every time! RIP Mac!

    Camping Mac!

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