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Everything posted by major-mark63

  1. YEah not sure about him , but he kills you easily with pistol all across a map, even he uses a shotty no grip and still have very acurate and long range better than nacho uses to with this weapon. He plays always in late evenings . like now tonite.
  2. A Klink a day keeps the doctor away ....

    but a Klunk make me merry all day!!!!!?

  3. Oh yea new maps with jungle always my preferates. And maybe suggestions snowy mountains possible?? Marc
  4. Is paypal the only way for donation??? Mark
  5. Hi can some one help me , cause everytime i log on the website , i get an email saying new device login. I have the same Pc for 3 yrs now. THx Mark
  6. OH yeah thats rembering me old times im Kiss fans since i was in high school down in late 70's . I heard Kiss gonna stop to Montreal in their farewell tour got to be there , even Criss and Frehley should join for few tunes. wow
  7. Yes me too im always doing my donation for the vets and proud to wear the puppy. And ill never forget what they did for us to keep our freedom RIP to my uncles and father -i-n-law who fought and protected homeland . Mark
  8. Yeah i think Zombie is part of the furniture on DM2 server always entertaining when hes online. Glad to know you able to fart again ZZZZZZ,see you soon. Mark
  9. Thank to all of you folks, i always felt like part of the family here , thats why i keep coming back to get some new klinks. I have to aware the admins , when i head shot them the sound effect is different, it sounds more like a ''klunk''. Ask 2 many beers and spinpuupy they 'll answer to this.... Have a nice day Mark
  10. Hello im Mark from Canada (major-mark63) aka the klinker. Im registered guest since sept 2015, but im playing on waw beers server since maybe 2010. Spin puppy and DJMot approched me to be a full patch memeber of XI clan I was interested at first on that server cause there is a lot of players about my age and i enjoyed the fun players had on this server. And always coming back with the bunch of idiots and all the fun we had. In personnal life im a licenced industrial and maintenance electrician but im looking to retire next year. I love to travel on AI and also cruises in the winter
  11. Hello guys , Theres nothing like a good klink in the evening...

    Since i work night shift,  i play most in evening and nights  hope to see ya and klink ya!!!

  12. Hi all Xi members and guests  imposting today some original pictures of WW2.

    thjese pictures where in father inlaws album , he did in 2016 at age 96.

    He served has volunteer in the Royal Canadian airforce from 1940 to 1945. At he end of the war he was chief airman and he was most of the time a ground crew  on airbase to protect mainland.

    These pictures where taken when he was based in Nova Scotia mainly in Darmouth.

    You can see some patrol boats, Catalina plane and also his favorite picture was the one with Marlene Dietrich  who he told me that he proudly kissed her.

    This man talked to me a lot about WW2 times .these years should hev marked him.

    Now God help him rest in peace.

    Thanks to René .

    RCAF WW2_000043.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000042.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000041.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000040.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000036.pdf

  13. Hi all XI members and Rguests,  im posting 5 originals  WW2 pictures that my father inlaw had in his albums. He died in 2016 at age 96.

    He served has volunteer in Royal Canadian Air force  from 1940 to 1945 to defend homeland and worked as a gorund crew on air force bases . He  was discharged has a chief airman at the end of the war.

    To continue his memory i shared these pictures of patrol boats , Catalina plane and one rare picture of the famous Marlene Dietrich that he had kissed when she visited the boys on Darmouth airbase Nova Scotia .

    He always talk me a lot about war times , these years should have marked him a lot.

    God help you rest in peace now ,thanks to René.

    RCAF WW2_000043.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000041.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000040.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000036.pdf

    RCAF WW2_000042.pdf

  14. I'm asking myself if we gonna have a summer in Quebec , there is still snow banks in my rear home back yards ...

    all i have to do now i s klink a few fellow!!!!

    Prepare to battle!!

  15. I hope someday  ill be promoted to Colonel klinker!!!!

    Make my Day let me klink ya!!!!

  16. so sweeper is now real Xi member , now im looking toward to klink him good.
  17. Hello all players that i had clinked in the past  im a bit sorry for you .

    But i klink a day makes me merry all day long.


    1. Duckdisch




  18. Oh yeah im in winter vacation right now, six weeks to go with more spare time . Maybe one or two trip down to the caribeeans in AI hotel. And the rest of time ill be kicking some asses in Beers server . Oh i love the sound of a klink in the morning!!!!!!!! Afternoon klinkers are good too. see ya ...
  19. Hello everyone , im now back to work since january 19th . We were in work conflict since 20 weeks , and i had lot of spare time to play on Xi Beers server CODWAW , i enjoyed it a lot and lot of laughes, that helped me taking the life positively. Now im working night shifts and i WILL find time to play and shoot on that server. Thanks to all the buddies i played against , a good bunch of ''idiots '' Mark
  20. A very cold day this morning but ill warm up in shooting on codwaw beers server heeee haaaaaa a nice ''klinker'' will make my day!!!!

  21. This 2015 years almost over i wish to all a better year in 2016 wish health , joy and lot of gaming,....

  22. Oh yeah im climbing the rank on WAW2 server, having fun playing .

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