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Everything posted by Slackernet

  1. we know we are currently working on towny. updates on discord will be faster for information on the fix
  2. most times if you install without the key and then try and activate later. If you use the phone in option (extremely slow) activation it will give you a new key to use 9 out of 10 times I am with magnus debain linux is free and now some mainstream video drivers are available for linux. its just the game devs themselves that wont bother to write for linux because its harder and less money. its always money causing issues. Broken windows will be a subscription in the near future..The os your never done paying for good luck with that
  3. with the popularity of ts and discord for fast communications is just one of the reasons some don't post on the forums. I would like to see more on the forums also, but with the no time I want it now attitude of most of the young people these days I am not sure if it will take off. the possibility of adding things like a building section, a how to section, etc would be pretty cool even if people just used it for reference it could be used a good resource indeed. google is stiff competition for the fast answers crowd that minecraft attracts just my .02 Slacker
  4. Well for one your not banned so why did you make an appeal? Your friends are at fault and need to make an appeal and it will be reviewed. Until they do the appeal properly no one's story will change anything
  5. This will be reviewed but by your own admittance [CHAT] [G]MagicalEddie: Go in survial slacker and i'll kill you for him isn't going to go well for you joke or no joke we will get back to you PS: I will give you one nod. At least you can admit when your wrong. That's one step ahead of the other 2
  6. This will have to be discussed. i found your ban post and it was a permanent one. So there is no promises it will be (or ever will be ) a reversal of that decision
  7. This will be reviewed and one of us will get back to you
  8. well then santa will have to move out of new york state then http://www.northpoleny.com/direction
  9. I would guess at even though most sites don't use java anymore they do use scripts that are run.js as an example. javascript would most likely be blocked by running noscript. maybe there is a way to do a site exemption / trusted site ? I dont use the blocker so not sure if you can do that or not.... this explains .js scripts a little http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/JS-JavaScript-source-code I learned this the hard way, my work blocks all java at the firewall now and there are a few sites that wont load because they use .js scripts
  10. when in doubt use vanilla items towny was originally built for that. sometimes modded stuff gets by it even though its been added to towny's list
  11. this is being reviewed we will get back to you with a decision
  12. you are right you dont need a warning when you accept the server rules. the /accept rules is your warning
  13. give us time to review this and we will get back to you
  14. This will be reviewed, so sit tight and we will get back to you with a decision
  15. after doing a bit of a search this software is from the makers of c-cleaner witch is proven to be a good company to use. it gives detailed hardware information. you may be able to see voltages at the cpu / ram / graphics card this may help diagnose if the power supply is your issue or not. Nothing will replace doing the actual tests or a power supply tester, but it may be just enough to tell you whats going on under a load and where you should be looking. i used c-cleaner for many years and never knew this software was there. I would be interested to see what you find out / maybe a few screen shots after your done using it https://www.piriform.com/speccy
  16. does it happen when you try and play single player / on the pc games also ? 80% is pretty good for the power supply if its working right I know there are 4 pages i'm benig lazy by asking
  17. maybe the power supply is failing ? it might not be giving enough juice to the card with everything hooked up ? to be on the safe side do a calculation. (obvious wont help if the power supply is failing but a target of 70% or less of full capacity would be optimal) http://images10.newegg.com/BizIntell/tool/psucalc/
  18. @ lighthammer02 just a heads up. I came across game not loading / working correctly issues. This mostly appears as a mnecraft / java issue but other games are listed and seems to be growing quickly. The nvidia driver ver 378.49 for windows os seems to be bugged / broken. Reports of using the older versions seem to fix the issue for now here is the reddit as to the issues so far with the new nvidia driver.
  19. sounds like you need to do some hardware stability testing of the cpu gpu hard drive and ram to find out where you actual issue is. There is some free software out there so don't get discouraged if the first one you try wants money to use their program. here is a decent article to look over with links to software. Also even a small change in temp (not necessarily overheating) can cause this. Simple things like dried up thermal compound between the cpu and the cooler can do it.it's good practice for gamers to change this thermal compound out every 18 to 24 months depending on how much you use the machine http://www.pcgamer.com/the-best-benchmarking-tools-for-testing-your-cpu/ let us know if any of the test results seem off or not Note: also do a good visual check on the motherboard. All boards have lots of capacitors to make things run. As boards age these can swell up and actually start leaking . So a good close inspection (magnifier may be needed) and just look for visual defects i didn't watch all of this video but it will give you an idea what to look for and what they look like Identifying bad capacitors on motherboards and adapter cards https://youtu.be/ngA4k32jLGc
  20. with win 10 always double check the driver. windows loves updating them with the generic version they have available without permission. this tends to mess stuff up in the way your explaining. If that seems all well and good the top one looks like it says ready witch means it may be trying to use the hdmi cable. if you just have regular analog speakers plugged into the green port you can disable any listed digital devices and see if that makes any difference. the driver would be the first thing i would check though
  21. so you are saying the only reason thaumcrft exits is for the resources in this dimemsion ? The main thing about it is to get to this dimension. there are plenty of resources available and IMO doesn't justify the end to anything or the only reason to do the thaumcraft mod what in this dimension (besides resources witch can be gotten anywhere else) ends the thaumcraft mod ? I am not a magic mod fan and would like to know if there is any other reason I don't know about
  22. you would have to talk to the man in yellow about that
  23. This will have to be reviewed. Someone will get back to you with a decision
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