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Everything posted by Noears711XI

  1. I just want to wish all My >XI< Family a Happy and Safe Thanks Giving
  2. welcome to the forums RiverRat and have fun on the servers.
  3. Happy Birthday man and may you have many more
  4. Way to go Boss good job TDM is perfect and as long as it feels like an XI server what more can we ask for.
  5. Baldiemeat look into the ATI HD6870 I got it for my son on an I5 system and he is getting from 100 to 160 FPS in Black Ops and it is cheaper than the HD5850
  6. LMAO that shit was to funny but weird ending
  7. LOL I need one to cover up the fact that I got no ears
  8. Hi Rugger I just want to say Thank you. I got my coffee cup nice size and my Dog Tags these items are really great. Thank you again I will be posting a pic of these items with my >XI< shirt. Are we going to getting any Hats again anytime soon.
  9. Congrats and best wishes may you have a long and happy life together
  10. I heard that we can only get COD Black Ops through game sever.com
  11. Please make this a sticky for Black Ops
  12. Hi you just need to shop around if you can wait till balck friday there are some awesome deals http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4082332&Sku=A79-9851 I just got a Phenom 9850 for $59 from Tigerdirect and I got a motherboard from eBay an MSI 785GT-E63 for $70 both free shipping and no Tax so for $130 US dollars decent deal I alredy have memory, HD, DVD, and an extra ATI 4850 sitting around http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120640988015&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
  13. Happy Birthday Mal and the rest of you Idiots also
  14. I am Happy with the cards I have been dealt in this Life for better or for worse it has been my decision and no other. I believe in one thing never have any regrets cause at the time you made that decision you thought it was the right thing to do. No one should live there life with what if. Like my favorite singer once said some of GODS greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
  15. Bottom line is doing what you can afford here is some bench marks for Mid-range CPU's http://www.cpubenchmark.net/mid_range_cpus.html
  16. Alvin Welcome to the home of the Idiots. Glad to see you in the forums it's always fun having you on the servers now that you have voice in game it's even more fun killing you.
  17. Wow Major Pain you put a lot of thought in to this, how are you feeling a little light headed, did smoke come out of your ears did you have to lay down for a while. I am just in shock and awe to think, that you had such a profound thought, when most of the time all you say is a single word Bastage LMAO. Good Job Major it would be nice to see a rotation in game play. DM is more of a lone wolf game you depend on no one else and it is fun cause we all get to talk smack with one another. TDM and CTF require more thought and planing and team work. Rusty also makes a good point about downloading files for all those MODS sometimes it makes it hard and when you get a bad IWD file I know some people have trouble finding them and deleting them. Maybe a separate sever with just a couple of maps for each game type might work.
  18. WOW great job everybody who replied it really is a good idea Billyblade. You guys know Billyblade does not have many ideas but this one sounds great. Billy did your head hurt and you had to laid down afterward LOL nice one Billy. Rougekill those diagrams are nice good work man.
  19. Hi Cat what is your Paypal address I got $20 right now to send
  20. Good for you Mal for sticking up for the ladies of >XI< everyone knows you are the Boobies Admin and what you say goes. Oh by the way Mal you do have beautiful eyes.
  21. Hey BlackCat I agree with X-Ray your PC repair person is charging to much for a simple install. Your best bet is to ship your mother board to Wizid. Remember always ground yourself out before touching anything inside your machine, it's easy just unplug all the power from the machine and touch the side of your power supply, then disconnect all the cables and when you have a clear view of the mother board, then remove the screws to take up the MOBO. Do not remove the processor or the heatsink connected to it, that is a big NO NO for a novice builder. Also it might be something as simple as a Bad Power Supply or a bad memory chip. If you need help shipping the items to Wizid please PM if you have a Paypal account we can get this done right away. Oh and shipping is easy if need be, ask your quote un-quote PC repair person for a Mother Board Static bag before shipping. By the way you got to love this Idiot family of ours they are the best.
  22. I am not taking sides either way, I was stating the obvious ATI has been chipping away at the PC video gaming market for some time now. Nvidia shares have taken a big hit lately on the market. I just hope the bottom dose not drop out on Nvidia. I believe in competition it makes for a better consumer market they compete and the consumer wins. I just hope Nvidia can come back with something soon that will be profitable for them. It's just awesome that ATI can come out with a new 6 series card that is $150 less then there previous series high end card and it's only 5 to 10 FPS slower then there high end 5 series card and it consumes less power and does not put out a lot of heat either. Oh and by the way Bushape I have machines with both I have an ATI 4890 in one and the other has a Nvidia GTX260 and both cards work great.
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