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Gomer Pyle

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Everything posted by Gomer Pyle

  1. Ya those pups were heavy RD, and Bart I left with my skin and shirt still attached so I consider getting out of Vegas a winner. As for not seeing me Nick ya got to look just a little bit lower than the jugs. Pete I could never beat your boyscout image so I just had to give it up for the real me, Lol. Gomer
  2. PingLo Headed to Vegas in less than 72 hrs, where was that? It was downtown in the old part of the strip in front of the 4 Queens Casino near Binion's. I had a lot of fun, and yeah Ferret those puppies were heavy and would have deafened me if they were over my ears . Lol.
  3. What can I say, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is me and a blonde chic in Las Vegas this past week end. Gomer
  4. Happy Birthday Kitten, I hope you have a wonderful day!
  5. Thanks Guys, if I break the bank , you two will be first on my list for new gaming rigs.
  6. No you rat devils I'm not leaving so you can stop rejoicing now. I'm just going to go to Las Vegas for a few days starting Mon. Oct. 17th and will be back Friday Oct. 21. Gomer
  7. Sorry to hear that brother, many times though adversity and change brings about something even better in life, I sincerly hope this happens to bring something really good into your life that might otherwise never have happened. Gomer
  8. Hillarious, I always knew those NASA satellites were coming down around our heads, now its been proven!
  9. Happy Birthday pretty kitty (Black Cat), we love seeing you on the COD 2 servers! Gomer
  10. Welcome Joe to our clan, I already think of you as friend and am very happy to see you joining the clan. Now if you would just leave those nades in your pockets and leave poor old Gomer alone you will be an even better friend .... lol. Stop picking up Spankys bad habits Gomer
  11. Nice one crazyman, though my wife wouldn't appreciate it since she is a Yankee's fan. Good to see you on our forums. Gomer
  12. Joe Who ? Oh no not another Canadian, and worse yet a nade chucker ! Just kidding my friend, its good to see you on our website and I really enjoy playing COD 2 with you. See you on the battlefield ..... Oh and watch your back, you never know when some rat devil like Ferzulo will be lurking around, or your brother in crime nade chucking Spanky, but never fear you'll be safe around Gomer.
  13. Sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with you.
  14. Ferret Pete gets the Killer & Pistol medals, Spanky gets the nade medal, Ferret gets the bashes. All is well in COD2 land. A shout out to Gomer Pyle..... he's been kickin' ass lately, ever since he got his fancy new computer. The 3 new admins - VanHelsing, Laszlo, & Spanky - have been doing a great job, glad they got the nod. Great fargin' server & clan. Thanks Ferret and I agree, great job New Admins.
  15. Blackbart I too would like to say all the Admns have been doing a great job and the members have kept our servers fun and populated...Thanks guys...You are all winners in my book... +1
  16. Thanks all you Idiots, you all truly made my day a great one! Now hold still you Rat Devils so I can shoot you, Gomer is older now and slower so I can't move as fast as I used to. Cheers my Friends! Gomer
  17. v.s. - getting called a spawn killer and a hack tonight on ace bigjerk i mean bigjerm was not fair he called me spawn killer and it realy got to me out of every 1 playing i dont go around killing spawns he was not even in spec mode right before him someone said i just turned on my hack damm because i was doing good ?wtf i like it here n i know people talk shit but out right calling me a cheat thats bs and cumming from joe blow i would not care but from a clan member....i think you all know the way i play n as far as a hack goes the only way i hack is with my knife i just wanted to thow this out there im not a crybaby n i realy dont care what bigjerk said hes no comp for me i play all the time feel free to spec me i want to say sorry to bigjerk for calling him an ass it was not very grown up of me sorry Send Bigjerm to the COD 2 DM server, he will never once get spawn killed, we don't play like that there, he may get spawn killed a thousand times but NEVER once. They won't show poor old Gomer where the spawns are, those rat basturds keep me from the honey holes, damit I need the kills won't someone show me the spawn points so I can get some kills?
  18. Well done Harry, that was "par excellence" the way you handled that .... Bravo !
  19. hxtr Ferret PimpedOutPete No overlap in jurisdiction... More government control to the states while some key areas remain under federal law. Does that make me a moderate republican now?.. (lol) I don't know about that, but it sure puts you in direct conflict with the Progressive agenda. The question Pete.. how do we get there.. who do we elect to see that happen. I would like you to tell me what democrat will take us down that road. This should be funny. Hxtr read my post a couple of posts above , I spelled out how to get us out of this economic problem.
  20. NickTheGrip I am not from Texas, but most of what I have heard so far has not been very flattering. I know a couple of people who relocated to Texas and they said that, while it is true that he has created a lot of jobs, most of them seem to be of the minimum wage type. He has also cut the education budget drastically, and failed miserably at balancing the budget. Also his secessionist speeches will work against him. Do you want a guy who wanted to secede from the US to run the US...hmmmmm I also would be interested to hear what our Texans say. To be honest I would also like to hear from the Minnesota contingent about Pawlenty and Bachmann. Here in Michigan they are painting Bachmann as even more crazy than Palin so it would be interesting to hear the people she has been representing. Actually my congressman (if I can call him that without throwing up in my mouth a little) has made even more of a mockery of the presidential primary than most. He is that guitar toting fool McCotter and is the most worthless unit ever born. Of course, the area he represents is 95% Republican so he never gets challenged. I hope he does this time. I used to live in Texas during the Bush and part of the Perry govnership, I don't remember anyone their particularly liking Perry that much, especially when it came to balancing the budget. By the way most of what I seen in job creation there came from the individual cities efforts on enticing (such as Houston where I lived) corporations into moving there and nothing to do with Perry. Rick Perry stated today that by reducing regulations on Corporations that it would create jobs. He is a firm believer in the trickle down theory and out of the benevolence of the corporations they will in turn reward their employee's . I think he is right these actions will make us more competitive - Get rid of the unions and that pesky minumum wage. Get rid of those laws making corporations provide health care and any type of retirement. Get rid of those laws making corporations abide by OSHA, especially the health and enviromental standards Get rid of those regulations that stop corporations from firing you for any reason what so ever, perhaps they don't like the color of your shoes that day. Give corporations tax immunity Allow corporations to export jobs at will and in fact give them more tax incentives for outsourceing, this way the corporation will have continuous growth. Well at least two of these are in place already in Texas, The Right to Work Law gets rid of the unions, and they can fire you for anything they wish, now if we could just get the rest of these regulations we will truly have a great job creation. We will be working for 50 cents an hour and have no health or other benefits such as vacation or retirement, but we will be assured of having a job till we are 80. Our country will turn into an enviromental waste dump, but who cares. At a moments notice they will be able to replace you, which is they way it should be. This would really be good for our country, it is a proven theory already , if you want to see the trickle down theory works then move to Mexico it is absolute proof that it works and works well. Sure the rich get richer and the workers get to work until they are dead, but who cares about those rat basturd workers I plan on being one of the rich, so I am a true Republican and proud of it. With these steps in place we will truly be able to compete with Mexico and China. I seen the Beloit Corporation in Beloit Wisconsin where my uncle worked and retired from making $23.00 an hour, close up and move to West Plains Missouri, close to where I live, where the people here are making $ 8.00 an hour with no benefits doing the same jobs, but now the Beloit Regal corporation is not making enough profit so they are moving to Mexico where they can pay 50 to 75 cents an hour. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS we need to become just like Mexico and China so we can compete !!! Who cares if you work 80 hours a week with no overtime, no benefits, below minumum wage, and even perhaps one or two of your children working as well helping to support your house hold, you and your children should be thankful you have a job !!! We need to help our Corportions to make more profit and and give them bigger tax breaks as well so they have an incentive to stay here ! It is irrevelant whether or not you can afford the products they produce here, or be able to retire, nor be able to afford to go to a doctor ,,,,, you will have a job and that is all that matters !
  21. Thank god it wasn't another Truck.
  22. While some of this may be true, I haven't heard from NASA yet so I can't refute one way or the other, I do know this must be totally accurate and totally unbiased information since the article was written by James M. Taylor senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News which are both associated and supportive of the Tea Party and very strong ultra conservative movements which we all know are very politically supportive of the theory of Global Warming ...... read sarcasm . While having worked for Secretary of State James Baker III for 8 years , NASA for 15 years and a University now for 5 years I consider myself as one of the non informed public, so you will forgive me if I wait to hear from my NASA colleagues before I draw any conclusions on such an important and monumental event such as Climate Change (which is the correct term) , which if it is real has such far reaching consequences for all of us that I cannot dismiss it out of hand from a commentary coming from such an "unbiased" source such as James M. Taylor. I will tell you though, that while at the James Baker III Institute for Public Policy they had the fortitude to have a conference on this topic, and NONE of the top experts from around the world whether from the scientist camp or the Oil company camps denied that Climate Change was real and happeing in our life time, the only argument was whether it would be castrophic or simply economically devastating and if it was man made or natural. Frankly I could care less whether it is man made or natural, if someone has a gun at your head and is about to pull the trigger do you care whether he is Democrat or Republican? I am kind of hoping it is man made at least then we have some chance of reversing it. If it is natural we're screwed if gets as bad as some of the scientists and Oil companies think. My two cents for what its worth. Gomer
  23. Congratulations guys, a good choice for new admins that will enhance our ability for a fun and hack free place to play, besides I will personally enjoy killing those rat bastards even more knowing they are admins. Again congrats Spunky, Laz, Van you guys deserve it! Gomer
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