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Gomer Pyle

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Everything posted by Gomer Pyle

  1. Yes ..... Happy ( belated ) Birthday my friend, may the next one find you sipping a cool one on the beach in the Islands ! Gomer
  2. My COD 2 Nemesis has to be : Pimpin Admin Hack Pete Where the hell that shot come from, Hoth Dancin Nick the Drip ( oops i mean grip ) Watch your back Ferzulo and his sidekick Ferret the furry handed weazel Spunky ... grab your nades Spanky And honorable mention : Shoot you in the back Arti Mr. Tripster PMan Dirt eater Van Halen Sheep molester TBB (By they way I aint forgettin you Bart and Mickie) And all the other Rat Devils that go out their way to kill poor old Gomer ..... Love ya'll .
  3. I will be there, and lend my meager talents. To the opposing team " you won't get our flag or will die trying" ..... lol. Also I never play on Sunday but will make an exception for such a worthy cause. Could we think about having a meeting on Friday nights as well if this goes well?
  4. When someone accuses me of hacking or implies it by saying something like BS , I just laugh and say it only works on ..... what ever their name is, and yes I do hack and that I bought it from Artimus Prime and I will sell it to them at a discounted price so I can get an upgrade from him. Of course anyone that plays with me on a regular basis knows that i'm not good enough to be a hack and anyone that knows Arti gets a kick out of it too cause they know he's not one either. I get a good laugh either way and take it as a compliment, I truly enjoy being called one cause it boosts my ego and don't know why anyone can be defensive about it unless they really do have something to hide.
  5. I don't mind if he is dead, though I wish he could have had a proper burial ...... say with a large boar pig with his hooter stuck stuck up Bin Ladins ass carefully strapped to his body forever and with a crucifix hung around neck and thrown into drink naked. That would have been a very proper Christian burial. Wait a minute I forgot he is Muslim, even better !!!!
  6. I look forward to seeing you on the servers, and bump what TBB said we won't hold you being related to Dawgy against ya
  7. Sorry to hear Ferret, we will miss ya, get back on as soon as ya can ..... and leave Gomer alone.
  8. Happy Birthday Arti you OLD rotten devil ..... lol
  9. loader>XI< Listen everyone we may all have feelings about "campers" but as some have said u dont know what type of rig they have or how fast there connection is or if even they may have physical problems that hinder there game play nd is more comfortable to sit nd "camp"... I am nd am not a camper have nd have not campt....Some maps its best to bolt down the doors with a trip nd have at a window on a Idiot rampage nd I for one can respect every style of game play as far as the physical I suffer with very bad arthritis all over nd my finger joints are enlarged nd in pain all the time nd I still have to use them everyday to earn a living....I am a run nd gun style player nd that is me but please do understand we never know who or what a player deals with to play so I hope that helps understand a camper a lil more Well said loader ...... besides i have to laugh when i hear people call others campers, since if you really get down to it almost all of WW1 was in realty a bunch of campers in trenches and even in WW II there were many dug into fox holes, bunkers etc. and isn't this game (COD 2) supposed to imitate reality? They spent a lot of time and effort to make the maps realistic, seems that camping as you call it ( i prefer to call it strategy not camping ) was part of the original Wars and I find that much more realistic then a bunch of bunny hopping ballerina's that would have immediately had their asses shot off in the real world . To me they are the ones that are not playing realistically. Now having said that I do not condone nor appreciate camping a spawn point, this is neither realistic nor what i consider good sportsmanship killing someone when they are helplessly being reborn. And after all in the real world not too many peeps come back alive after getting killed so this is still in keeping of the spirit of game by not doing so. And as loader so eloquently pointed out many people have different limitations as to how they play and I for one have no problems with campers as long as they are not killing people at the spawn points. If you disagree with what I have said or if what I have said is not true please let me know . I would like to know differing opinions. but please use examples from the real WWII that prove this so i can become aware and understand what you are talking about.
  10. Black Cat its been fun playing with ya, hope you get the comp squared away, would love to see ya back in game.
  11. Good post Major. I think its a great idea to change things up. But addressing P-Mans comment on the CTF server, I hear many people wanting to go and play there but the problem is it takes more peeps to get a CTF game going where as on DM it only takes 2 willing to run around and mindlessly kill each other. CTF is a team sport and thus takes more to play then DM so that is why many times nobody is there. Who wants to wait around a unpopulated server and see if 4 or 5 more show up to make it a viable game. It sucks to play 1 on 1 in CTF and defeats the purpose of a team sport. While I don't know the answer to how to keep a CTF server populated I do know that once a group of people join the CTF server many more come on board and seem to have a good time. I hope you keep a CTF server alive or a least one that has a heavy population of CTF maps . On a personal note that is one of the biggest reasons I found this clan in the first place was while searching for a populated CTF server. Understandably we have to keep servers that keep the most interest and the highest populations, but please note : I don't think CTF is void of players because of dislike of the game as much as it is a team game and so needs many more people to get it started.
  12. Good one Ted, had me going for a sec until i scrolled down and seen what you were talking about, good for a laugh albeit a nervous one.
  13. SgtHarryWeezer P-Man I picked up those exact heat wraps this noon - thanks. Gomer, thanks for all that advice - really appreciate you taking the time. I definitely want to get one of those stimulators - this problem is only going to get worse as I get older. Went to the web site and I don't know squat about these devices. Is there one in particular that you would recommend? In a perfect world you want both the TENS and STIM combo, preferably the most powerful, TENS is for short term relief and is short bursts of electrical pulses that help deaden the nerve that give immediate relief but won't last very long. STIM on other hand actually causes the muscle to contract in different patterns to allow blood flow and break of the muscle spasm, this will work better for long term relief. If you can afford the more exspensive unit then I would go with this one which is a combo TENS/STIM ....... $89.00 http://www.medicalproductsonline.org/mpprphthtemu.html Or this one ...... $ 75.00 http://www.medicalproductsonline.org/twditemustun1.html If you don't want to spend that much then i would opt for the one with just STIM vesus TENS, personal preference of course - STIM only .......... $ 69.00 http://www.medicalproductsonline.org/mpprphthmust.html I look at it as a long term investment that if it saves me just one trip to the doctor or Chiropractor then the unit has paid for itself .... by the way they come with some electrode pads you may wish to order a couple more for when the others wear out to save the cost of shipping later on. Good luck and hope you feel better.
  14. I pledge enough of a donation for a CASE .......................................................................................................... of bullets that is.
  15. I used to have pain in my lower back for years, I was unloading equipment for a ZZ Top concert and the two guys helping me walked to the back of the simi truck without telling the guy lowering refrigerator size speaker onto my head that they were leaving, felt like someone stabbed me in the back when i got that puppy to the ground. Any way for what is worth and many trips to the doctor and chiropractor I have come up some remedies that have helped me be pretty much pain free with only a few flair ups. First of all use anti-inflamatories which you can buy over the counter basicly what the doctor would prescribe to you anyway. OTC include Ibuprofen which is good the first couple of days since they are mostly for pain and have some anti-flamation properties. However after that use Aleve which is almost pure antinflamatory with very little pain killer. ALEVE is AKA a prescrpition drug called NAPOXIN. If you up the dossage by twice as much it is prescription strength however i do not recomend doing so unless a doctor tells you to. Now be careful using these two drugs they are both NSAIDS and can cause internal bleeding if taken on an empty stomach so use milk and food with them and do not take them together, space them out over 24 hrs before switching. Next use hot and cold compresses to relive swelling and get the blood flowing into the area to carry away the inflamation. I use a really hot bath and then slap an Ice pack on the affected area after that while lying in bed. Finally you can buy an OTC stimulator which is very simular if not identical to the ones chiropractors use during treatment. It will give immediate relief and help in breaking up the muscle spasms for long term relief. You should also stretch as much as possible while in the hot shower to help realign the vertibra, personally my wife presses with the flat of her palms together with each one of her hands on each side of my spine using a firm downwards and upwards motion at the same time on my affected area and it puts them back into place ( only works on upper not lower back ) and there again I showed her how to do it from so many trips to the chiropractor, do so at your own risk, i've never had a problem with it but i cannot advise it since i am not a doctor. Here is a link to the medical TENS and STIM website where I bought mine, I think I paid $79.00 and it works great. It looks like they may have some for even less than that now. http://www.medicalproductsonline.org/ Hope this helps you and Grey as well as any other young and not so young geezers such as myself to find relief from back pain.
  16. Back pain is some of the worst, hope you get to feeling better. Try alternating heat and cold to reduce the inflamation and swelling. Best of luck and a speedy recovery Grey.
  17. Our thoughts and prayers are with you loader, I hope the very best for the boys grandmother.
  18. UnChileno My all time favorite group as well as one my favorite songs. I sent my son to see the Wall concert with Roger Waters last night in Chicago and he said he had never seen a concert like that before. Even though he is only 25 he was truly overwhelmed by the experience and one he will not soon forget, it was my birthday gift to him. I will be seeing the same concert in Kansas City on Oct. 30. Good choice UnChileno, thanks for the post.
  19. Love, the new roatation! Its really good to play the old maps, I really missed them and its a lotta fun playing the new ones just created. Keep up the good work and thank you for implementing the rotation.
  20. I know how you feel War, my stepdaughter had a real doosy of a boyfriend (simi common law husband ) who I had to polietly tell that I was going to rip his balls off and feed them to him if he ever stepped on our property again while she was living with us. Now the other big problem was keeping her from going back to this loser when even she knew he was bad for her. Well the end of the story is she finally got rid of him and found a clone. Good luck with these family problems, I sincerly hope this turns out the best for your daughter who will have to suffer the consiquences if she made a bad choice. In the mean time War you can only guide her so much and after that she will have to make and learn from her own mistakes. The only thing you can do is try not to take any weapons with you when you visit . Best wishes for you and your daughter my friend
  21. Sorry to hear of your problems, hope all works out for the best. Glad to have you back and look forward to seeing ya in COD 2.
  22. When I worked at NASA one of the astronaut trainers for ascent was a good friend of mine and a former Navy pilot, it just so happened that it was his flight ( sqaudron ) that they used in the movie. He was in the movie credits as well. A couple of years after the movie was released he took me stunt flying, now that was gas let me tell you, barrel rolls, hammer heads, figure 8s, and little too much stress on the wings when we plumeted towards the earth coming out of the hammer head and pulling out of the vertical stall. Any way real life is very seldom like the moveis, however it is what you make of it.
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