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Everything posted by BarmyArmy

  1. I am going to guess Java if it's in school, as far as the textbook goes, isn't there one reccomended for the class? It's kinds hard to reccomend one if we don't know what they are covering. There are some programmers in here, I am sure we would be glad to assist if she has any specific questions, we won't do her homework but we can nudge her in the right direction when needed.
  2. I just did it over the weekend - I did a clean install - make sure you back everything up, only thing I forgot was the config to auto freeze on freezetag - I had set it up partly in my mp_config and also a seperate config which got +exec'd when starting the game from xfire or a shortcut - can't seem to get that working again!
  3. I don't agree - just because we can't host the games - there is a bunch of our clan members playing the game with tags together admins included, I think that represents support. I have the game and don't particularly like it but I don't think we should block those that do or be close minded about it - it is the best selling game ever and to deny it exists is just pointless.
  4. Not likely they have just gone over $1 billion in sales -best selling game ever - looks like they are doing very nicely thank you
  5. That sounds the best way because otherwise everybody will suggest their own back yard so to speak.
  6. kev-turbo Its ok for u US players but what about us UK??? Kev - some of those places they are talking about are almost as close to you as they are to me even though I am in the US Florida and Gatlinburg are a Looooooooong way from Arizona - no way I could make that trip!
  7. Use Excel to remove duplicate lines
  8. Tiger here is a reduced size picture for ya:
  9. yeah something like notepad++ or textpad or ultraedit would do ya
  10. I almost got one for a quad bike on a beach, only got out of it when I offered my British driving license - a bit too much paperwork!
  11. Yeah I done plenty of work in VB.NET both application and web and classic asp, though OO classic asp would be a new one on me but probably not much of a leap. I would like to give something back so will try to find time between working, family and gaming to help out.
  12. Sounds fun - just out of interest do we have a standard COD4 DM server, haven't played a standard game in a while
  13. That was great - cheered me up at work for a while.
  14. Will do and thanks for not giving him a mic
  15. Cool, thanks for fast response. I am a senior programmer by trade, let me know if I can help out anytime...
  16. Thanks for showing interest Frosty. The clan is by admin invite only but I am sure they will take note of your interest and be in contact at some point in the future. Meanwhile keep playing in the servers and visiting the forums.
  17. This is not consistant but sometimes, quite often recently the website takes forever to load. It is not my connection, It even happens at work on a gig fibre connection.
  18. Nobody has mentioned me so why do you keep shooting me then?
  19. Nice going man, I am usually happy to manage a 200 game
  20. Capt.Tiger What the fuck was that all about ???????
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