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Everything posted by DREAD69

  1. LittleTooT Thanks god I live in Canada, ...............I wonder what beer will be on sale this weekend??? Hmmm. I had an opinion on this, then I lost it.......Hmmmmm Beer!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmm Beer !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Nice wiz ! I will make time to OC your system some more. I just got back from orlando. The gig was great but I am soooo tired and wore out. I will hit ya up and let ya know when I am up to it. Need some more rest and have a few re formats to get done. Just as soon as I am ready you will be the first to get my time man. I need a second 5870 before I am done with my system but she is purdy ! By the way I'm still smoking ya ! Need to get ya Overclocked like this ! http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1097358 Oh and I think your guy should have left the back plate on your video card for support. It should bolt up with it and looks nice too. Click this link and you can see what I am talking about. http://dreaddownloads.com/index.php?p=1_10_Build-UPDATE-
  3. This is the result of yet another idiot downloading google and I use Alt F4 to translate. Lolz ! I'm just playing. You might fit here just fine.
  4. Damn My Girl's daughter lives down in Penelis county ! Fucking crazy man ! We have a Gig in orlando at The HAVEN on the 29Th. That's not that far from you is it?
  5. I have no Idea what I am buying but damn where is my Credit Card ! As for my video I believe I need some Triple Quality Paper ! [EDIT] Won't let me embed video so you got to watch on youtube.
  6. Yea always 420 here but today is special. You know me DREAD_XI MAXIMUM STONED ! Sory to take so long to post on here been really HIGH TODAY !
  7. I'm in for some fun.
  8. I'm back and better than ever. Just got my internet transfered and all my stuff moved. I guess I am now playing bass for my brother's band and trying to ketch up on everything I am obligated to do. Maybe then I can start to move foward. dirtbag and I are on our way out to the hardware store to get some new wood to build up this computer table we threw together. I will be on and playing tonight. Oh and here is 20 mins of your life you will never want back.
  9. This is a long story but I will explain it later. I am moving out of my girlfriends house because she kicked me out. This is my residence and we have been together for 2 years. The police just removed me from my house. Because she wanted me to leave. That is it. BBL.
  10. billyblade careful posting any windfalls Dread. Obama-care still needs to be paid for and they are looking for you cuz they know you are and have been quite charitable........seriusly, hope this system helps you to avoid anymore mixed feelings as far as the clan is concerned. Now about that OCD.........ummmm.............chronic? YEA lolz ! The day I owe Taxes is the day I actually make some money. That is fine with me. 6:03 AM Here and been up for 2 days. Yesterday morning I slept for 3 hours...........Yea Some CHRONIC will do just nice ! [EDIT SMOKE A BUD OR 3] I think I can sleep now.
  11. Cobryis_XI You didnt tell them how to download the weaponpak.... You did read the post right? Prob read the post right before I finnished editing it.
  12. Ok. no problem my Xfire dread696969 We are also in vent me and decoy. Computer Help Channel. Also you go to your Crysis Wars folder then put it in the folder called Game inside that Crysis wars folder.
  13. [EDIT] I have been having map download issues. I think all is well now. IP: Or filter for DX10 Servers and ya can't miss it. I am testing my sniper server in Crysis Wars and if anyone wants to come in and have some fun the file is here on my website. http://dreaddownloads.com OR JUST CLICK THE PIC AND PUT THE FILE IN YOUR Crysis Wars/Game folder. The sniper rifle is 3 round burst has infinate ammo and a custom scope. I did not make this rifle I just changed the ammo. Got it from Crymod and wanted to test it out in the server. Here is where to put the file for the server. The same folder that has your Game Data Pack. Just don't worry about the ZZdread and ZZastrada those are for my server and you don't need them.
  14. Well just made the first $50 dollars on my website last nite for working on an XI members computer. $10 will go to the clan. TY for all the help guys and the ideas.
  15. Well I just dropped out when I hit 9th place. It was fun in the first rounds and all but I have had a lot going on here and have been having problems with my hands for a while. The tendons in the tops of my arms were so cramped I could not stand it. I will be happy to see the next Crysis Event and to be in it. I have said it before and I will say it again, I love this Game !
  16. billyblade here's another idea. If some of the stuff you do is standard stuff, perhaps a pre payment of a flat fee would ensure good feelings all the way around and protect you from feeling taken advantage of, and preserve the relationship(personal,proffessional or both). I would imagine that some of the stuff you do is routine, so maybe this''ll help. TY and that is another great idea. I am working out a few things but I think that I will do a flat fee and a discount for XI members. Also XI members that need help 1/4 of there money will go to XI. So say $20 for two hours and the job gets done, XI would make $5. This is just an idea and I am thinking diffrent rates for simple things and such. I am also interested on helping with the addspace and Kemble's idea. TY all and TY loader I did not think I would feel this welcome in XI when I came here. I believe this is a good place to be.
  17. kswift420 i don't know much about computers untill i met dread! he has taken me under his wing.i have learned alot from him just like alot of you have! shit check out the wip i got now! google dreaddownload! you will SEE! don't blame ya! TY Swift and the link to your computer is here. http://dreaddownloads.com/index.php?p=1_8_Kswift-XI-Build Your gonna love this quad core Phenom II X4 955 at 4GHz soon too ! Not bad for $100 bucks eh a Quad core garenteed Prime 95 stable at 4GHz ! We just got to get ya mobo bios updated or the new mobo we were talking about for the support for the CPU. You will love this DDR3 1600 when we get you the new mobo. You click the pick here to see your computer also.
  18. RickJames Moddified by Dread stock was 3400Mhz. I know I could deff buy him a case of beer when I see him . We all have certain skills here that makes XI a great family. I dont need a dime for helping others but its that idiots that I make happy by helping them that makes me feel like a great idiot: Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor @ 4017 Mhz CPU ID: AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Physical memory: 8.00 GB Display adapter: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series 1024 MB Video Processor: ATI display adapter (0x6898) Driver version: 8.710.3.0 (20100205000000.000000-000) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-790FXTA-UD5 x.x We still got to get your NB up some time twards 2600 2800 MHz and you will see a huge preformance increase. Remember that the CPU/NB voltage is the only voltage to stablize your NB (not NB voltage that will leave ya hot and bothered every time) To those that might be wondering here is a shot of my computer.
  19. Kemble Another suggestion might be to talk to Rugger about the new advertising rates he has for the XI forums. Then.... the next person who asks for your help, see if they can pay Rugger for a months worth of advertising for you for your services. Then any additional work you get from the advertisement is pure profit and (like an opt-in newsletter) will be people fully expecting you to charge them for your skills. This not only helps you, but it also helps the XI site for the "paid advertisement". TY you have had two verry sound peaces of advice. I mean that. I came here for someone like Kemble to do just what he did and for my friends to come and make me feel better about my time spent online helping.
  20. baldiemeat I can understand what you are saying and agree with the majority of it. The people I am not happy with are the ones who say one thing and then do not follow up on it. Over the last few months I have asked for advice from some of our members and they have responded and helped me out and at the time I HAVE THANKED EVERYONE OF THEM because I really do apreiciate their help. But I do not agree with the people who say they would make a donation or such and then never follow up that is wrong and is not the way to do things..... On another note I really do understand the way you are feeling.. I have 2 step children who have the same problems no sorry gifts you have. One is AUTISTIC and takes everything that is said to him litterally as if it was law the second has ADHD, ADD. AND OCD and gets very frustrated when things do not happen his way or if people let him down. All i can say is Please just take a minuite to relax and chill with your girl leave the computer alone for a little while and things will be better I promise ... Things always seem worse when you feel let down and used, just realise some people just do not understand that a promise is a promise to someone with ADHD or ADD there is no in between only black or white. So to them I say if you make a promise follow it through or just say THANK YOU its only 2 little words but it means a hell of a lot....... TY for the post. My main thing is OCD and I am compelled to fix something I start. I feel that some people take advantage of that and even offer little things because they will get a lot back. I am still a grown man but I do have vices and problems like everyone else. sorry but that did make me laff (things will be better I promise ...) LMAO and I do thank you for your post but it is not that bad. I'm not crying myself to sleep over it if ya know what I mean. Just using the fourms to get ideas from fellow idiots.
  21. Caper To be honest I have been with >XI< since it had only a few memebrs and not 1 person has asked for money. Myself I have given 1000's of hours of my time over the years and feel that we are a family here and family does not charge for help.. If somone wants to make a donation or send you something I think that is great. If you can't do it for the sake of being helpfull taen maybe you should stop and find something that gives you that thrill again. I have calcuated the time I spend on here and it would work out to about $1500 every 2 weeks for the past 6 years +. I would never ever dream of asking for a penny. (FAMILY) ALOT OF YOU KNOW WHAT KILLA WOULD HAVE SAID.. I think it would have been simular When you bring up a name of a loved one or friend that has passed it should be a joyfull ocasion. Not in an argument. I feel this is disrespectfull to me and him. R.I.P. (That stands for Rest In Peace.) PEACE
  22. Kemble WOW !!!! I just watched your video in your sig.. I'm totally going to get me 2 more monitors now lol !! P.S. I'll be contacting you on how to set it up, lol TY my Xfire is dread696969 and thank you to any and all who understand what I was trying to say and my frustration here. I apoligize for being an angry idiot.
  23. How did I ask for money ! ? I am starting to hate the sound of Xfire messages and it is not only from this clan I just wanted advice not to be accused of being a money grubber. I wanted advice and apparently I need to cool down and not sit at my computer for a min.........I'm gonna go smoke some bud ! BRB ! AFK !
  24. RickJames Moddified by Dread stock was 3400Mhz. I know I could deff buy him a case of beer when I see him . We all have certain skills here that makes XI a great family. I dont need a dime for helping others but its that idiots that I make happy by helping them that makes me feel like a great idiot: Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Processor @ 4017 Mhz CPU ID: AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Physical memory: 8.00 GB Display adapter: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series 1024 MB Video Processor: ATI display adapter (0x6898) Driver version: 8.710.3.0 (20100205000000.000000-000) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-790FXTA-UD5 x.x You kool wit me ! I am not asking for money I enjoy talking for hours about computer shit and playing games with you. I do not like people that befriend me to use me and are not even my friends.
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