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Everything posted by hardcore

  1. Well, be lookking for some of yall in the BO servers till the game is released.
  2. PigDog greywolf2 There are area's on maps (such as water/ a/c ducts and such ) where you can hide and not get killed but can shoot this is considered a glitch and is dealt with the same as a map glitch. There are some maps where if you duck under the water you can not be seen or killed, but you can kill them........ Glitch....... Agreed. The map maker did not intend for a player to be able to kill others without being able to be killed. This happens in water on many maps and the COD4 admins generally refer to this as glitching. The water thing is not new.....and on other maps we kick people for exploiting this. Yes, but you have to check the maps to see if they can be killed and remember which maps you can and cant. I think it was stated that on this paticular map, Rockape checked and he could be killed while in this pool of water so there is no glitch here. It was just luck of who shot who first.
  3. You would have to get more detail on who was where and try to create the problem again. This could be a thing where when shooting from the pool, you can shoot through the wall and ground as the person out of the pool can not shoot through the ground. Personally, I dout it. The guy was probably just in a position he could see him and hit the tip of his head and the other guy could not see the tip of the others head. See alot of this in black ops. You can see the tip of there head but can not hit them and the get you just because the can hit that tip of the head. Just luck.
  4. I just got the xfmobile and it does the job.
  5. I just got the Iphone versoin for my phone. Love it. Get the chance to check in to see if any porblems when not around my pc. Now if they would get a xfire app.
  6. Congratz boys, good luck. I will see ya in there here and there.
  7. Welcome back mur*#@* lol I mean murlock. Glad to have ya back mate.
  8. Yeah, it makes a difference. I have the logitech g35 and love it. There is a definate difference from suround and none. Easier to tell if someone is around you. In fact I broke my first set and have my new set on order to be delivered wed.
  9. Another idiot. Lets get him to join. LOL
  10. I had just got my then wife to the dentist and set down to watch their tv while waiting to see the special bulletin come on. I was amazed and then came even more amazed when the second plane hit. The whole dentist office became earily quiet.
  11. I used to have a myspace page that had that and alot more dedicated to 9/11 until someone hacked it and screwed it all up. Lets prey we never see this again. If you notice my advatar has some of it in it. On left side.
  12. Welcome mates, now get to killing and chas, i will seee you on the battlefielddd! LOL
  13. All our servers are paid for by the members including admins. Any non member of XI can be kicked to make way for members. Does not matter if you was there first or last or have been there all day. Members of XI take presidence on our servers. Sorry mate. That is the way it is, has been and will stay.
  14. Can I get one for Blackops? LOL. Amagine akimbo g17 with that magazine, sweet
  15. My first game. Ghost Recon. Playing the game and having a hell of a game and someone asked me if i was a hardcore gamer and it stuck. Hardcore. Good old days.
  16. Sounds like a good Idea Suntzu. To be fare with those who did not get the dlc. Most crouch servers only ran the stock maps. This might help keep it populated more so we can get back to making sure mosh pit is getting populated too. Great work.
  17. Both servers are running all maps avaialable for the game.
  18. The reason that crouch servers are getting more preferred is it is a slower pace. Even new players can keep up. Even the pros like it for that fact. Hacks usually tend to stay out of these server.
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