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Everything posted by hardcore

  1. No problem mate. We got ya covered. Preyers with ya and hope all turns out good for ya.
  2. tsw 8.5 yes that happens all the time ..and people think it is funny .i think they need to get kick the f out .and play the game so it is fun .not spawn killing ..and i can see if it is some one different but when it is the same person .it sucks ..and makes the game no fun ..but to them it is cool to do that ..you can watch the film and see that person get killed and go right back to that same spot ..that is the way they get all there kills ..assholes... AND YOU KNOW HOW YOU ARE .. xi members or x-members you take the fun out of the game ..thank you Well put tsw. I been trying to run a message every once in a while not to camp a spawn site. Me and Bushape seen it today and we will try to watch out for this a little better guys.
  3. Hey now. Get facts straight. I have been on pret 2 for a while. Thank you. I completed everything and time to move on. pssssss
  4. Depending on the system, some allow to make a back on a flash drive so you can boot to it. Just varies to your system. But with windows 7, you will probably need a sizable flash drive. Check with Radio Shack. They have several that would be in the range of what you might need. Good luck. P.S. If you google it. It should tell ya how to do it or if possible. Try something like ( create a windows 7 backup on flash drive)
  5. With this program. It pulls up all pw and choices on what to do. Really simple. Works on most windows that I have seen.
  6. PM me with your xfire and time you are on, I am eastern standard time. And we can try xfire to send it. This is a 114 mg file that has a iso, burn it to disk and boot to it.
  7. Hirens will do it and there are several others. I have the Acer recovery tool they use that will clear all pw even bios and admin pw. I Can try to burn a image of it and upload it to somewhere and post the link.
  8. Ok, everyone start shmacking shmack around. Welcome bro.
  9. Ruggerxi SOB sent me a link on how to fix this, I dont want to say here how its done or how its fixed Good idea Rugger. The point is we can fix it and move on. Yeah for Rugger and SOB
  10. How many members play it and regulars. Maybe try a password and let those you know play regularly know the password.
  11. Sounds like a good idea. Lets try a new game type and see what happens. It can not hurt.
  12. Sonovabich Yup that's what i was saying Zoe, i did'nt believe the photo at all, he was very grey the last photo i saw of him a few years ago (especially his beard) as i said i think he was killed 9 years ago and it suited all sides to say he was still alive now it suits Obama to say he just got him, why dispose of the body so quickly...at sea wtf is that all about, for a government that persistantly ridicules people for believing in conspiracies they have just bent over backwards to create another one...was it Hitler (could be wrong though) that said "The bigger the lie the more people believe it" Just for men hair color. LOL. I am glad to see this happen so all those effected by 911 and get a end to their greif of lost ones. May their loved ones rest in peace now.
  13. Welcome mate to the world of the xtreme idiots. Start acting and sounding like one and get to killing.
  14. I don't mind sitting in the server. Usually the new map server since that seems to populate faster. If I could sit in both servers at the same time I would. But slightly inpossible. LOL. Been known to sit sit in there for a while. And the only time it seems to stay populated is between 4pm and 8 pm eastern time according to the logs. I believe it is a good idea to close one of the servers for now. Waste of money. thanks for the heads up sun.
  15. Happy Easter to all and we hope all is well with ya.
  16. hardcore


    Go to nvidia and get the latest driver for your card. Then uninstall or delete the nvidia driver you had and reinstall the new driver. Or if you have a system restore turne on. Go back to before you remember it happening and restore to that point, All the forums on looked at said to delete/ uninstall driver and install new dreiver. Best thing to do when ever you get errors like this is google to error. You will usually will find a answer in the first couple of links.
  17. Shoot. With every new game we buy. We will have to go create a off the wall email account for that game. But seeing as it looks like steam is the wave of the future and most games will go through it. You would have to give them access to all your games. Once you buy. You are really just stuck with it.
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