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Posts posted by Daskaid

  1. Oooh it's on like DONKEY KONG. I will be there.

    Since it is in Amsterdam I know  an amazing activity we could do: VR gaming (with actual roaming in an area)! After all we still are gamers. :)

    https://www.vrarcade.nl/group-packages  <-- check out their website.
    For large groups (20+ players) it's just 22,95 Euro's.  For smaller groups  (less then 20 players) it's 30 Euro's per player.

    I've done this once and it is was fucking awesome. I highly recommended it.
    Only downside in my opinion is accessibility.. about 25 minutes by public transportation (approx 15 min walk included).

    I would go for June or early September, at least if you want to have decent weather.


  2. 19 hours ago, 7Toes said:

    lets see xbox playstation you pay 300-500 for the equipment then pay 50-100 bucks for the game then have to pay a monthly fee to be able to play the games lol plus whatever your internet cost hmmmm


    Hahaha you can say the same about PCs. You pay around 1000 bucks for a gaming PC and then have to pay for the game too. And the internet cost argument. I don't know the numbers exactly, but I think that there aren't a lot of people who just get internet for their console. Most of the times they already have a pc. So it's not like their paying extra or anything..

    What I'm trying to say is.. both platforms have their pros and cons.  I play both and like them both. ;)

  3. 3 hours ago, Hoth said:

    Looks like you got a few name to play with at least. The crowd here is primarily pc. I have some consoles for my kids mainly. Some games are ok on a console but for a fps game they are a joke. I don't get the appeal why someone would want to play on old inferior hardware,terrible controls etc, With some of the services requiring additional money on top of that. Also a os that is cute but really limited to what you can do with it. 

    You don't get the appeal of playing on a console? 

    Just a few reasons that could apply:

    1. Your friends play console.
    2. Console exclusives. PC has a way bigger library of games, but if the one you must play is only for console then what else can you do? Games like The last of us, Uncharted series, God of War are must play games (imho) and can't be played on PC
    3. Consoles are slightly cheaper, but as soon as you want to play online or buy some games that pretty much goes away. Still, its a consideration for some people
    4. Its what they have always done. Lots of people only play consoles cause they have never had a PC and they don’t like change.
    5. Believe it or not some people prefer playing FPS games on consoles. I agree with you, PC is way better for FPS games.
    6. Some games, like Sport and Race games, play better on console then on PC.

    Why not enjoy both? Stop hating on people who like playing on consoles. Let them have fun.

  4. On 13-4-2018 at 8:52 PM, KicknDatAzz said:

    my PS4 = KickinDatAzz

    I DLed Fortnite for free on PSN,  loaded it, SAW WHAT IT WAS ABOUT AND PROMPTLY DELETED IT. I didnt even play a round.

    Thats some really cartoony bullshit, just like Overwatch - not my jam.


    I am usually playing PUBG on my PC with the big kids :-)


    I will add you. Maybe we can play some other games together. ;) Me personally, I like both Fornite and more realistic looking PUBGs (I've played H1Z1 and Rust), but tastes differ.

    On 13-4-2018 at 11:35 PM, Gam3rGurL said:

    I'm a Ps4 player as well. been playing fortnite too :)


    I'll add you. ;)

    On 14-4-2018 at 9:11 AM, Crack said:

    never heard of it..ill google it..yea beat all the gow couple times each lol love the series..and new 1 comes out 420 BONUSSSSS :)

    Even Ghost of sparta  and Chains of Olympus? Let me know what you think of Dishonored, okay? 

    On 14-4-2018 at 1:26 PM, Predat0r said:

    FUCK THE CONSOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PC MASTER RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

    Haha not my fault that you can't handle a controller.

    Crashing Intensifies

  5. Hi guys,

    I know we are a PC gaming clan, but there must be some idiots who play on console too. As the title suggests I own a Playstation 4 and I'm looking for some XI friends to play games with! Besides that, maybe it would be nice to create a list of all XI members who play on PS4.

    Currently the game that I play online the most is Fortnite. So I would be really cool if I could play that game with a fellow idiot :) 

    My PS4 gamertag is DazKayD92, so feel free to add me. :D

    Drop your Playstation 4 gamertag below.

  6. Ghehehe.. The eagle has landed! I repeat.. the eagle has landed. We can finally destroy XI from the inside out! :devil: Dutch maffia on the rise!

    Oh crap..wrong thread. This was meant for our secret DM chat.

    You never saw this!
    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hypnosis

    Congrats Dukoo!

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