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Crack last won the day on December 14 2023

Crack had the most liked content!

About Crack

  • Birthday 04/20/1984

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    die fucker!,Ghost of Sparta,baloo,SliM ShaDy!

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  1. rip Snap prayers to ur fam
  2. i wouldnt video shit bro! these fuckheads wanna say ur cheating then they should prove it....for the record i dnt think ya hack and im truly sick of bein ingame with certain people who start a shit storm once you enter game...if i still had my adm tags id ban each and every one of them..its what we use to do and truly think we should look into this practice again. LOOKS SHITTY AS HELL A TAGGED MEMBER BLAMING ANOTHER TAGGED MEMBER IN OUR SERVERS...ITS JUS NOT A GOOD LOOK! kill on fucker i dnt beat u much but when i do it feels fuckin great!
  3. man this is a big hit to the heart teds been here since cod2 im fucking sad as fuck! love ya ted been a blast!! "we want to put our meat in your mouth" funniest shit for a advertisement ive ever heard to this day..wish i coulda tried the steak!
  4. ASSCRACK!!! lol

    1. Crack


      chester mcfester thnx for the points fucker :cat:


  5. :harhar:

    1. Crack


      :cat: 420 fuckerrrrrrrrr!


  6. happy birthday u stinkin fucker! @StinkO
  7. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Plantronics-Gamecom-818-Wireless-Stereo-Headset-for-PC-Mac-and-PlayStation-4/102141729 this is my favorite headset been only using this exact one for years ...use to be alot more expensive but its really cheap here. i had 1 my kids broke it so i bought 2 more ..without kids they would last forever. https://www.walmart.com/ip/VILINICE-Wireless-Gaming-Headset-PC-PS4-PS5-Nintendo-Switch-2-4Ghz-Noise-Canceling-Detachable-Microphone-Bluetooth-5-3-Over-Ear-Headphones-RGB-Light/1579788860?athcpid=1579788860&athpgid=AthenaItempagesubstitutions&athcgid=null&athznid=si&athieid=v0&athstid=CS020&athguid=tMwXzhGYrFqiJt1p-zCxbW5XwwoLC0D2dnCC&athancid=null&athena=true jus checked thats 1 is out of stock but this might be a good alternative for a low price.
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