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2024 COD4 Guys vs. Girls Tournament Winners - Congrats to the GUYS!


+++ COD4 Head Admin
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Roxy! last won the day on October 15 2021

Roxy! had the most liked content!

About Roxy!

  • Birthday 03/18/1977

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    Argentina , Buenos Aires

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  1. @WeednFeed Please Weedy tell me you have some leftovers I'm booking my ticket to go there . Looks DELICIOUS!!!!
  2. oh boy @Rea ... you don't know what you are talking about. By the way, @Ruggerxi what's the prize this time? A week using a very public humiliating name chosen by the winners, or maybe a nomination, like until Christmas, that the girls are the best players ever on the clan's main page? Or do you have another plan in mind??
  3. I finally can make it .... So girls I'm in ... GUYS why are you trembling ???
  4. I´m in .... but as Penguin, I will not be sure until the last minute.
  5. Thanks Loco, for all your time dedicated to the clan and Cod4, from the first help years ago with Dadda2 and Tiger on Fztg1 to the last time working as Head Admin. It will be really hard to replace you. I hope to see you soon coming back. One of the greatest Co-Head admins I work with, I miss you already, my friend, and NO ...nobody is at my window .
  6. THX THX!!! Fourth straight title... Copa América 2021, Finalissima 2022, Mundial de Qatar 2022 y Copa América 2024, It is Excellent team and Coach!! VIVA ARGENTINA!!
  7. Well they told me I was going to say that exact words ... Karma came right back at them, lol
  8. Hey @AbuXI I do remember saying something that sound like Ostic Christ that taverneck right @Chris @Switch-off Lol. But again they know nothing!!!! Just to all my Canadians friends good game and you play against the world champion so definitely not to many chances. Woohoo go Argentina go!!!
  9. Fix that PC we miss you!!! I will send you pics of the sky Costanera views
  10. Hola @Unchileno where are you hiding? Guess what country I'm going to next week... Yours Santiago de Chile is waiting for me!!!
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