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Everything posted by bds1961

  1. Happy to hear your still kicking. Hope the pneumonia clears up quickly.
  2. Getting ready for a road trip to Las Vegas then back through Death Valley with my son to play with the cameras. It's funny to think that it has taken longer to pack my camera equipment than my suit case and that the camera equipment takes two bags and the clothes only a duffle bag. Hoping for some great weather for the trip to allow for some photos that really show off the area. Traveling with my Nikon D810 and about 9 lenses. Rented a 24mm PC lens for this trip to see if it is something I want to add to my collection. Will post pictures if I get anything good worth sharing
  3. Happy birthday Macdaddy. Can we get a roaring Horse shit from the man. Have a great day
  4. One good sneeze and you could blow your memory out
  5. By the Cliff house today. Your missing some great weather.
  6. You should be back just in time for the storms to come in. Expecting rain for the next few weeks from what they are saying
  7. So is that where the next Idiots get together is going to be?
  8. Well LOM. It was in the 70s today in the Bay Area. Hope you get out of there soon and back to a warmer climate. Be safe
  9. bds1961


    Always sad to hear of someones passing, especially from cancer.
  10. Can't you smell the frog sauce on it.
  11. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z99IjOUj7x4&itct=CBAQpDAYBiITCMW-2rHU_8oCFVcvfgodvtkIODIHcmVsYXRlZEi6lce3-6jEovAB Quite the experience for everyone there.
  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z99IjOUj7x4&itct=CBAQpDAYBiITCMW-2rHU_8oCFVcvfgodvtkIODIHcmVsYXRlZEi6lce3-6jEovAB Quite the experience for everyone there.
  13. Ok. Who is this prepping for Valentine's Day ?
  14. The sound tiles you were looking at can be bought in sheets of 4x8. It's sound board and is cheaper. I have used it to build into parting walls between adjoining rooms. Also good for making bulletin boards.
  15. There is a company that also makes sound dampening drywall too.
  16. The only way to slow down the transmission of the bass sound is a second wall structure that does not touch the other one and heavy insulation. When building sound room we offset double studs so the drywall for the opposing side is not attached to the same studs and there is at least a 1/4 inch between the stud and the drywall side for each other. Drywall acts like a diaphragm and vibrates the stud and is transmitted to the other side where it vibrates that drywall. Keeping bass quite is tough
  17. Does a hangnail qualify as a STD for Hxtr. ?
  18. A man goes to his doctor complaining about migraines. His doctor tells him, "I also suffer from the same ailment. Every time I get one, I give my wife oral sex. When she has an orgasm, she tightens her legs around my head which gets rid of the pain. You should try it sometime." Two weeks later on a return visit, the patient tells his doctor, "Your suggestion worked and I'd like to tell you that you have a very nice house."
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