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Everything posted by bds1961

  1. Yep. That picture went well till I sneezed
  2. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Having experienced the loss of so many friends and family over the years in my life you end up realizing how honored we are to have good people in our lives to share this experience with, the good times and the really bad times and including the passing of those close to us. It's never easy but it is the love of life of those around us that teaches us to go on and honor those that we have lost for sharing there lives with us and allowing us to share ours with them. Never easy but it is life and we all carry on with there memories to help us through the tough times, they are always with us. God Bless you Rob Smith
  3. A day early but happy Easter Idiots. Hope you enjoy your day
  4. I am so sorry to hear, my most heart felt prayers for you at this time. I lost a uncle last week that was one of my idols growing up and one of my favorite men in my life. I understand the pain and there is no easy cure for it just the understanding that she is with the lord now and without pain and struggles.
  5. I am sure a guy in a tutu is not the answer
  6. With you fantasizing like that and dreaming of me In a tutu I am defentantly keeping my back to the wall.
  7. Sad thing is it looks like they are pooling there money to get them
  8. Happy birthday. Hope your having a great day
  9. From the pictures I've seen of Loader I'd say he is Cupid. Little Old Man has been sitting on his ass for awhile driving trucks cross country and eating road food. So the assumption would be he is the other one. I think a reasonable deduction
  10. I am still pretty much convinced it's Loader and Little old man
  11. He would get in trouble Ina pottery shop. Didn't he seek help for sex addiction. I know it caused his divorce
  12. It's not the Geritol doing it but more so the Viagra chaser you take with it. It has you all F upped
  13. There is always that one girl from Total Recall with the three boobs. Just saying
  14. That's great to hear. Hang in there you have the prayers still coming in for you and your mom.
  15. I was to afraid of what I might find if I had walked in there. It's right outside of Death Valley
  16. It's amazing they think aliens would fly light years across the galaxy just for sex. Sheesh
  17. Prayers said for you and your mother. You have always been there for others in the clan and I know I can say with confidence that all of us are there for you.
  18. Ok here it is. Don't know what idiots these are, but I saw them in Las Vegas this last week. Just a thought, it might be loader. And the other maybe LOM he says out traveling across America truck driving. A coincident ?
  19. IMG_0304.JPG Sorry it's not allowing the picture through. Will repost when I figure it out. Love tech
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