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Everything posted by LilAcorn

  1. wont like me one bit, i voted to BAN this..... i dont care if anyone says oh it has no affect..... heck i hate seeing pot heads driving n whatever around their home and working they dont do jack shit and cause nothing but trouble.... I still keep putting my vote to BAN pot all together medicated or not.... even medicated people get an addiction and go on street to buy more cause their doctor gives them so little for it.... Nothing but trouble.... if my kids ever started this pot stuff i call the cops on em.... tough love....
  2. congratz on getting the chain ball onto you!!!!
  3. I really like this trailer that they put together... I dont play BO yet but maybe someday i might.....
  4. some of you might already know that I have lost my mom yesterday.... even went to see her a few weeks ago when she was in ICU and she recovered quite a bit but not 100% perfect.... but she got really sick like a week ago and i was trying to find out which hospital she was in... the nursing home failed to call me that she was sent to such n such hospital, when i asked them, they told me the WRONG FUCKEN HOSPITAL!!!! So I have been sitting here worried and wondering which hospital she was in and finally yesterday I get a call from the hospital she passed away in and saying, "sorry to say this, your mom had passed away 15 mins ago." I broke down in tears and handed the phone to my husband to send a text message to my brother because I was all choked up and couldnt talk clearly... State and most facilities thought she didnt have any families and covering the cost of processing her body n etc... I will be however paying for the shipping and handing of her ashes by mail. overall i am just plain pissed off at the facility and hospital for not calling me when she was admited to the hospital in the first place. I am very thankful that I got to see her one last time and she got to see her new grandson in person... I have made a video for her as well and it is on facebook..... Can't put it on youtube cause the song is probably copyright.... http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150145773996968
  5. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy your birthday!!!
  6. nice! I would love to get my basement redone.... just to where it will have a seperate bedroom like, with bathroom and rest will be used as a playroom for the kids.... right now its half a playroom and rest just a place to keep the extra boxes n etc.... still not fully unpacked since we have been here for 3 yrs...
  7. i was able to save my W@W by doing a CD scratch repair kit... wooohooo!
  8. you still here in colorado gorilla?
  9. i might need to get myself a copy too.... kids scratched it up....
  10. WTF? you have to buy the new maps now?!?!?! bunch of crock....
  11. i found a nice logitech webcam for 19 dollars at target.... Mike just needs to go buy it....
  12. this was a good movie.... lots of mind tease on who is what n etc....
  13. yea the rain zombies are the ones that falls under ground level.... so far its the smurf map and cars metal movie theater
  14. cool what part of denver????
  15. good to hear that youre still around and lurking about in the shadows hehe.... hope to see you online someday, good luck!
  16. I wish Japan the best as well. I am pretty sure some of us have family members over there.... for those who are racist aginst them because of the past.... they need to grow up....
  17. thank god another one is gone.... sorry but i hate rap since they are nothing but trouble IMO....
  18. Loveland CO a 20ish yr old man is wanted for doing stupid thing.... EXPOSED himself infront a child and several other people too... wonder if he wanted to be on the people of walmart site.... here is the news... http://www.kdvr.com/news/kdvr-loveland-police-seeking-man-who-exposed-self-at-walmart-20110315,0,5481689.story
  19. that is for windows 98.... i need vista..... i just might have to get me a new webcam... :/
  20. to those who donated PC parts to MtDew to put a PC together. And BIG thanks to MtDew for putting it together and sending it to me... Wish I could reach through here and give you all big hugs! My kids will have my old system since my hubby doesnt want my old system heh. gotta find a vista driver for my intel webcam pro.... Anyone know where i can find it?
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