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Everything posted by LilAcorn

  1. noticed she was pushing up her boobs? she just wants a guy to fuck with thats all...
  2. Might want to look into getting those double key dead bolts... were you need to use the key inside just like you do on the outside. and place the key somewhere he wont be able to find it or have it on your keychain with the rest of your keys. It is what we do here for all of our doors so that way no child can get out. Wonder why the manager had him the whole time, why didnt he/she take your child back to you guys instead of causing all of the heartaches, headaches, panics and start up all the drama BS stuff?
  3. What do you guys think? I just did this for the fun of it....
  4. I don't know if it is all weapons or sniper only that cannot shoot through fences/rails/chain links, but you can defrost through them just fine!
  5. LOVE IT! BTW i had no problems getting in or downloading it..... I use xfire to bookmark my servers.... i never use the ingame save favorities or add favorites... since I have noticed everytime it crashes it kills all my favorites... so I just add the IPs n ports to my xfire.
  6. damn bushape, sorry to hear your wife is going through this. Like others said we are all here for you, and spend as much time as you can with her and your family members. *hugs*
  7. loved it..... shared it on facebook with all my facebook friends.
  8. or simply go to XI main page and you will see the TS link/info..... must be a blondy strung on crap.....
  9. i love killing all of the admins and some people as well.... love their reaction when they say FUCK YOU or YOU BITCH! hehehe Especially Wildthing's reaction when i backstabbed him, "Girl we are gunna have a talk!" and he hasnt yet CHICKEN!!!!!!
  10. Tis is one of the many reasons i will not pay for map packs n etc....
  11. 2_MANY_BEERS Sonovabich Fuck em Fuck them and MtDew What does MtDew have to do with this???? It is kind of disrepcting IMO and he has NOTHING to do with this topic....
  12. When will the government learn?!?!?!?! I feel horribly sorry for his family.
  13. instead of eating try gum? since it is a chewing factor and has flavor.... maybe that will help? Never smoked a cig in my life but had family all around me who have smoked.... left their home when i was 19, 35 goin on 36 in a few days. I have asthma too... thank god i am free from them smokers!!!
  14. it keeps failing for me....
  15. wow you were smaller than toothpick? hope it helped. Now you will be able to find it and not piss in a toilet like a girl.
  16. fine for me as well. your internet probably crashed part way and it is probably driving your xfire crazy.... try rebooting your PC, modem and router.
  17. Hey, just keep your arms open for her so she knows she can come back to you in any kind of situation. That you will always be there for her. Think like the birds... parents feed, keep their babies warm and safe in their nest and when their feathers and strangth are there and finished, the parents encourage their little ones to fly and explore and learn on their own to gather food and protect themselves from danger and etc. My dad has told me, if i ever need shelter or safety from any harm i am free to go to him. My mom said the same till she moved into a nursing home and recently passed away. make sure she can call you any time and day for advice for any situation she is in and needs help with. Best of luck with everything. *hugs*
  18. Just to let you all know she is my daughter and LOVES to play minecraft.... she is only 8 yrs old and pretty mature for her age... but her feelings are pretty much sensitive. But is very good on following the rules since I told her if someone says don't do such n such thing, say sorry and dont do it again or if someone says to go to another channel, do so since you might be in a wrong channel. But she likes to be in the same channel with me. I gave the kids my old computer and it is setted up in the basement.
  19. LMAO gotta love it when it locks up/freezes up like that.... laugh sounded really dorky too LOL!
  20. I would laugh but a lot of that aint true.....
  21. classic!!!! i have seen this before and my husband n I could not stop laughing at that!
  22. no such thing as end of the world..... damn bible thumpers spreading their BS!
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