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Everything posted by LilAcorn

  1. no such thing as end of the world..... damn bible thumpers spreading their BS!
  2. yeah i agree, he and his wife needs help asap..... hope things gets solved quick for their safety.
  3. Akbar Ali to me show details 8:07 AM (10 minutes ago) Michelle, here is an update on what is all going on. The area that my wife and rest of the family live in is called layari Karachi (moosalane). There are several types of gangs here and there is one especially called KRC = These fuckers look for Americans and their spouses. They have electricity Problems here so that is why I am unable to come online and to contact friends and family. Yesterday a police car was set on fire and a bomb exploded which is only 500 yards away from where I am at now. There are gang shootings and killings, and so far seen 4 people get murderd in cold blood right in front of my own eyes. I blended in but someone opened their mouth and this gang called KRC found out ( oo an american ). so am mostly staying in doors, wearing the local clothes, and usually behind doors. i am unable to log on to the XI website for some reason but I informed Gabe on what is going on, and I told him to contact scoobie. Let scoobie know that I am in danger and so is my baby. I contacted islamabad and the Karachi Embassy but they said they are do not have a special agency to retrieve americans, and also since my wife is pakistani, I need to file and I -130 form for an immagrant visa (Islamabad) and for Karachi they only issue non immagrant visas. I need to get my wife out of here asap. I will try to take pics and videos and send them to u through email. Honestly I do not want to worry anyone, but it is extremely dangerious here and I am truly afraid to leave my wife behind specially she is married to me and that I am an american citizen. I don't know how to get to Islamabad without kaos and getting flagged. Give scoobie this contact information 011-92-336-200-6379 I am located at 303 Haji Ishmail Road, Moosalane layrai Karachi, Pakistan. They told me to get myself to a safe place but they can not do nothing for my wife. I feel this is bullshit and I need his help in figuring out what the fuck to do at this point. her name is Samina Fareed and will be changed to Samina Akbar Ali I need support FS
  4. Akbar Ali to me show details May 11 (3 days ago) Update is this. I was forced to do a spousal visa and now I am not elgible for a fiance visa. And I am pursing an Emergency Visa. Also some fucking laywer froze my bank account so I have no access to cash. It was a 7 year old bill from Sears and they picked a perfect fucking time to do this to me and take all my money and freeze my account, so I dunno if I am going to loose the house or not. So I have no access to cash, I can barely speak and spend time with my wife and I am upset like a motherfucker. And I have no choice but to come back on Saturday when I was going to extend my stay here so I can get all her papers settled and bring them back home with me. Im fucked Tell everyone I said I love them and miss em all. Funstick Akbar
  5. still choppy a bit for some odd reason and get CIs a lot... i know its not my PC or internet or router since we up'd our bandwidth and bought a new router and dew built this PC to the best he could do. I do like the "kick the afk'ers" after a certain amount of idle in spec mode.
  6. a lot of us girls would LOVE to have girly color camo colors......... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!
  7. yeah you are in BIG trouble girl..... get home soon so we can kill ya on COD some more!!!!
  8. if they use steam i wont buy, and not buy any map packs either... seems like any steam games they want you to pay for the map packs. so fuck em if they use steam... i will not get black ops and mw2... hopefully mw3 wont go down the same lazy path...
  9. yes lag is an issue and i have noticed some people tweeking their cod to eliminate grass, boxes, trees n etc... i got a PC that dew gave me plus hubby upgraded our internet speed and i still get CI, lag n etc i even see other players "skipping" "freeze walk"
  10. He sent me an email to share this picture with you guys..... Enjoy! Him and his pretty wife...
  11. Another one for laughs http://www.viddler.com/explore/MeanMachine/videos/2/
  12. Anyone heard from him since the OBL ordeal? Last I know I heard from someone that recived a ph call from him saying it was getting really bad, but dunno if that was family issues or the whole "war" ordeal.... Just concerned about my fellow XI friends since we are a big family clan.
  13. hey i would like to go just to watch......and maybe hang out.... but as long as its free LMAO and i get a ride since i dont drive....
  14. GorillaXI Any of you Idiots live in the following areas, love to have a beer with ya. Bakersfield CA, Brooklyn NY, Aberdine MD, Lynchburg VA, Killingly CT or Denver CO. I'll be in these areas in the next few months. Gorilla, i am in Aurora, 1 mile from Southlands mall which is about 45 mins from Denver and DIA, however I can see Denver from my masterbedroom deck LOL! I don't drink, but don't mind hangin out
  15. she looks pretty but dont like the shiny legs.... to much oil on em....
  16. the beard one looked a bit like dew other one looked familiar but eh who cares LOL old days before my time on joining ya noobs... ;-)
  17. this is why i go into spec after stating gotta tend to my kids or if i get a ph call and it tends to be longer than 1-2 mins.... but if something suddenly happens and it ends up being afk for a long time, forgive me..... shit happens when you got a baby(1 yr old) who gets into stuff, falls n gets hurt whatever.... But like i said I do my best to go into spec or exit server to be fair in times like these....
  18. how did you manage to roll your truck?
  19. i have family in tn... memphis and munford and another family in clarksville.... i am very worried about my dad, his wife and my neice n nephew.... my other family in memphis is fine.... but dunno about munford and clarksville... gunna send a message asking if they are okay...
  20. the brown oval like shape ball, its called a football for the USA games..... but you call football for the black n white ball which we call it soccer here in the USA
  21. oh no shamu.... i am sooooo sorry to hear the sad news.... think of good times you have had with her none of the bad times.... and cheerish them... wish there was a way i can reach through the net and give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on.
  22. LMAO yeah thats funstick alright.... might want to bring a dozen
  23. SHADOW>XI< hey toomanybeers, i'd like to see you do this dance, i'd be rolling on the floor laughing so hard i'd piss myself. I'd like to see >A L L< of the XI boys do this in a line up together and all of us gals watch them do this dance...
  24. Best wishes, hope all goes smooth and safe! and if her brother gives you hell, jump his ass!
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