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Everything posted by Bama

  1. Welcome back Primetime. Glad those butchers are done with ya and you are still walking around. Get that shoulder in shape and get back in the game when you can.
  2. He makes me want that Jeep!!!! My favorite vehicle I ever owned was a Jeep Cherokee. I sure would like to buy that one.
  3. My deepest sympathies to you and your family Pwr. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  4. Happy Birthday to you Chappie!!!!! I hope it was most excellent!!!!
  5. Very good to see you Sir. That is a spiffy tie you have on there.
  6. You are supposed to put your toys away BOB!!! Happy NON birthday to you!!!
  7. Just so you know, your 'accent' is my very favorite of all accents. I have always been interested by it, due to the fact that my heritage is Scottish and Irish (sirname of Wallace). So, if I see you in TS, I'll be hanging around just to hear you talk. BTW.. the 'new' Scotty is pretty cool too, as far as the new series of movies go.
  8. Thousands of my co-workers are now on furlough, with no idea how long it will last. It is a tremendous impact here, to say the least. Our workforce has been reduced to minimum staffing only. I am one of the few who fall into the category of essential personnel, so I am still working for now. Who knows what a couple of weeks of no budget will do. I just hope it is not in vain. I'd be fine with some time off without pay if it actually makes a positive difference.
  9. Unlocked. Sorry for trouble, probably due to the restore a while back.
  10. lol... Laura. I welcome the return to UnChileno.
  11. Threads that do not receive posts for 30 days get auto locked by a program set up by . I have unlocked the thread
  12. That is fantastic Worm. Glad you are getting back near normal. I have some kin folks in Ft. La so I will give you a shout if I ever plan to head that way. Hope to see ya soon in the servers!
  13. Trent is a good man. Your Colts came out sweet in that deal.
  14. That is cool. I hope Rude posts the pic!!!! Award given!!!
  15. Thank you all for your well wishes. I am a very lucky man.
  16. I think it's cool that her last name is 'Champion'. She's already a Champion. ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!
  17. Well, if you are where you only get satellite internet.. then you probably don't have any cell service either.. but if you do, think about this: I bought a samsung galaxie tablet from a friend of my daughters about a month ago. I signed up for 'pay as you go' data plan with it. I get 2gigs for 30 bucks a month. IF I signed up with them, I could get 4 gigs for 40 bucks a month.. but this way I'm under no contract. I can set the tablet as a wifi hotspot and connect to the internet and do anything I can do from home (with my laptop). If you have cell service, this could be the trick that would get you back in game. Check it out. Let me know how it turns out.
  18. Lol.. is that you looking over the crack of her ass?
  19. braz, your appeal shows no remorse, no acknowledgment that you were in the wrong. In fact, the title of your 'appeal' is 'Banned for bad reason'. Do you actually believe that you have done nothing wrong? We have two main rules here, no racism and no personal attacks. Players make fun jabs at each other all the time, what you did has nothing to do with tossing fun jabs whatsoever. This is the chat log from the incident. I believe the chat between Angel and Gomez is typical server jabs and such, although I'm a little uncomfortable with an XI member continually making vague 'inferences' of hacking against another member AND THIS NEEDS TO STOP, but braz takes it to another level. braz was not attacked, nor pushed at all. He attacked Gomez repeatedly, and then blew up when Gomez finally gave him a bit of shit back. In my opinion, Gomez controlled himself much more than I would have in the same situation. Angel>XI< ALL wow dude...ur pretty freakin good Mon, 02/09/13 (07:33) Angel>XI< ALL ur high ping i guess.... Mon, 02/09/13 (07:33) Angel>XI< ALL oh fuckin bullshit dude Mon, 02/09/13 (07:34) Angel>XI< ALL hmm Mon, 02/09/13 (07:35) Angel>XI< ALL fk off gomez Mon, 02/09/13 (07:38) Gomez>XI< ALL dont cry angel Mon, 02/09/13 (07:39) Angel>XI< ALL omfg Mon, 02/09/13 (07:40) Angel>XI< ALL wow Mon, 02/09/13 (07:40) Angel>XI< ALL bulletproof Mon, 02/09/13 (07:40) Angel>XI< ALL wow Mon, 02/09/13 (07:42) Gomez>XI< ALL always crying he angel Mon, 02/09/13 (07:42) Angel>XI< ALL hmm Mon, 02/09/13 (07:42) Angel>XI< ALL i guess when u dont fuckin die Mon, 02/09/13 (07:42) Gomez>XI< ALL them aim Mon, 02/09/13 (07:42) Angel>XI< ALL i think i am Mon, 02/09/13 (07:43) Angel>XI< ALL by my score Mon, 02/09/13 (07:43) Angel>XI< ALL 45-17....dont think i have a problem at all aiming Mon, 02/09/13 (07:43) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL thats unreal Mon, 02/09/13 (07:53) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL so unreal its BS Mon, 02/09/13 (07:53) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL so what's the appeal of running a hack anyway? Mon, 02/09/13 (07:56) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL I know you must have a small dick but c'mon Mon, 02/09/13 (07:56) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL ok Mon, 02/09/13 (07:58) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL you know when you run a hack ... you're supossed to make believe you're not running one Mon, 02/09/13 (07:59) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL gomez Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL where did you buy it? Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL hat was so obviously bullshit Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) Gomez>XI< ALL whith that kill death ratio of urs Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL fuck you Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) Gomez>XI< ALL easy target Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL you cheat Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL no the hack makes you do well Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) Gomez>XI< ALL than leave Mon, 02/09/13 (08:05) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL fuck your mother you fucking loser Mon, 02/09/13 (08:06) Gomez>XI< ALL bb braz Mon, 02/09/13 (08:06) -=AGX=-Braz29 ALL eat shit loser Mon, 02/09/13 (08:07) You say you see XI members go at it like this all the time. I will say two things; one - you are not a member, and two - I have NEVER seen an XI member spew this type of garbage at another member, EVER. If they did, they would have to answer for it. You have shown no acknowledgement of breaking our rules, no remorse for attacking an XI member in the server chat, and no apology for accusing an XI member of hacking with no proof whatsoever in OUR server. The ban will not be lifted.
  20. Ya, I got the magicjack app for my tablet and it made it a phone too. I just do a data plan, no phone plan, but now can use tablet as phone. There are other apps that do similar. Pay as you go 2G plan is 30 bucks a month with verizon. I likes it.
  21. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein "America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-ass speed." - Eleanor Roosevelt, 1936. (courtesy of Talladega Nights, The ballad of Ricky Bobby)
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