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Posts posted by iboomboom

  1. I think I know why all this started...


    There is a story of little boy who liked bunnies very much. One day his father took him camping, they accidentally brought less food so after the first night they ran out of provisions. The father of the boy thought this might be a good opportunity to teach his son about survival. The forest was rife with hares, so he setup  a trap to catch one. While father and son sat in one spot, the boy got bored watching the trap but soon enough came a hoppidie hoppidie furry creature and walked in their trap. The boy was excited but then his father killed the bunny and de-skined it right before his eyes. This imagery and experience scared the boy. From that day onward the boy hated camping and even bunnies to protect himself from ever loving those furry creatures. That boy grew up to become a Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare game modder. We call him Sammy. It's Ok brother, let it all in. We are here for you :sorry:  :acute:.

  2. Game play differs from map to map. Some are fast paced some are slow, sniper maps. I have most fun and do rather well on fast maps. You have to adapt to the game.


    Hey speaking of trouts, can we add a server command !slap similar to the !fu command for clan members.


    Who would do that Sitting-duc or you?


    On a side note. Lets all just play knife only from now on.

  3. How is camping behind the enemy spawn point holding down a position?


    That's the ballsiest move of all, you go behind enemy lines and take them out when they're not looking. Come on, man that's not your classic cowardly sitting in one spot, that's hitting them where it hurts the most :D. Eventually found, shot and stuck in their spawn but you rack up some nice number of kills some times.

  4. This game mod is not about realism. When you get shot you don't FREEZE in a bubble in real life. So let's just drop the tempting real life situation comparisons. Camping sucks, for the one who gets shot by a camper but a camper loves the idea of holding a position and taking out the 'morons' running around. Some people like hiding and slowly taking down the enemy. 


    On the flip side, some like running and hopping around dodging bullets. You can build mouse clicking reflexes (aka Skill) in either game play. Let's face it, when you're shooting somebody and you don't get a kill, you will want to blame something. I hear cries about, bunny hoppers, screen lag, high ping, low ping, campers, bullets going thru people. There are some genuine issues AFAIK with the game and then there is just dissatisfaction with not getting a kill. You have to learn to deal with it, the shit is the shit. 


    I am not trying to make a point simply stating what I see to be the facts, perhaps, that's the point. 


    Adding extra bounty on someone who stays in one spot for more than 3 minutes is a great idea. I think camping or hiding and taking out enemies from one spot, however annoying, is still part of the game that makes it fun in its own way. I mean I enjoy hunting campers/hiders (e.g. Nighto).


    No one should force anyone to play in any one particular fashion. That's what makes our server welcoming to all, its a good mix of all kinds of shit.


    !fu SitsoLow

  5. I use the car, then the Predator, and the Heli or AGM. Heli can rape on some maps, like enough to end the round. One map it killed the entire team in under 5 seconds :D


    But of course the favorite is the Full Tactical Nuke, though hard to get now with the 20 kill streak. It was a bit easier with 16 kills, hate it when I die at 17 or 18 kills. Albeit, lately I cannot get more than 5 kills in a row.

  6. well as i said in another thread my computer sucks so bad that i am a defroster.  hence the defrost medal.   but sometimes when your the last one and you have a good hiding spot you cant move untill everyone looking for you is in another part of the map.  

    it just seems like the campers are being singled out and as a whole XI does not discriminate as to how you play your game.  no matter what.  seems like there is some segregation now.  

    Bad Bad camper.   we will put bounty on you. 


    Scoarch PM, maybe I can help you optimize your graphics settings to make the game more playable.

  7. I do not understand the complaints of wall spamming.  If i was in a real situation were i had to defend or die i would not hesitate to shoot some one through a wall. and the complaints that are said about no way he should have shot me.  there was a wall there do not add up.  

    a bullet will pass through the siding , 2 layers of ply and the insulation of a exterior wall easily.  the inside is usually just two layers of drywall.   a good pellet gun will pass through that.



    This isn't real life, you wouldn't be spamming a wall with an RPD/SAW in real life to get a +50 show up on your iron when you kill someone and that's a different discussion all together. I was pointing out that it promotes a culture of LMG spamming. I wall spam too, it doesn't bother me, I merely state that I don't think it's good game play. 



    This bounty thing is annoying, very very annoying. Who decided that camping is punishable by humiliation?


    Critique - Anyone staying in one place more than 30 seconds gets tagged. I think the timer should be somewhere around 3 minutes. I was in one of those maps with the castle tower. I may move around, but until I jumped off the tower it did not shut up. Also, should it not take the bounty off of you when you have moved?




    I have noticed that people with better KDR get better re-rolls or CPs in general. When I get 1 kill per every 3 deaths I get a shit UAV or Counter UAV too, well when I used CPs. So Kudos!

  8. Going to be tweaking the numbers but bounties will help deal with excessive camping. I know some people wont like it but the numbers will be such that you will really have to stick in one area for a reasonable amount of time before it kicks in.


    Correct, protruding through walls is a game thing. Walls are usually aligned to the ^2 game grid based on game standards. 64/128/256 units etc. Guns will protrude from player collision boxes. So even when touching a wall some guns, like snipers, will show. Often the ones that take advantage of this are hackers. Remember that the sentryguns in MW2 had a glitch that allowed them to be placed in walls. Which is why in the mod they drop at the exact spot you are standing, like weapon drops, not in front of you.


    Wall spamming is part of the game.


    Armor... see my comparison to condoms. Best way to explain it.


    Invisible walls, gotta complain to the map makers about that.


    Unfortunately because people want high speed cars, and the ability to jump/climb, falling cannot be fixed. Usually hitting the ground under the map will kill you if its low enough. But again fall height on this server was made really large so there will be issues such as yours and glitchers firing under maps. Wells and such generally have trigger-hurt areas where if you touch it you are dead. However I will do some testing and see what I can do. I need to be able to fall under a map however so if anyone knows of a map where its easy to do this, and where, let me know.


    I like that we can fall of pretty high places and not die. Also, the car speed is fine. It's not too common next time I will try to remember the map name. 


    Sentry guns right now can be placed in mid-air. I don't have a preference either way but is that how its supposed to be? It can become hard to kill it, especially since semtex doesn't attach to it.

  9. I like the mini nukes and the full-tactical nukes as well. It makes the game more exciting for me. I don't use care packages but I have gotten 3 mini nukes in one map through kill streaks. Doesn't happen too often, as you really really need to hold your ground to get them. Full nukes are now at 20 kills, I wish they were still at 16 kills though. It makes more logical sense due to team size to have them at 16 than 20. If you kill all but one then you have to wait for them to defrost to get 4 more kills. In the mean time, a fucking RC will most likely come and kill you. I hate dying at my 18  or 19 kill streak -- just my personal rant.


    So far, I have only gotten 1 tactical nuke through kill streak. Mexican, got one the other day from an Attack Care package. 


    There are things we like and dislike about the game, and the game play of other players but we have to keep it so most enjoy their time on the server. I don't enjoy camping maps, where its all about picking off runners from a slit of a window. Then again, there are players who enjoy slow paced game play. All I am saying is not everyone can be happy all the time, we have an excellent mod.


    If I were to suggest fixes....


    - No more player body protruding through roofs or walls ( That's most likely the game engine not the mod)

    - Wall spamming with armor piercing - I am guilty of this, I see someone through a window or run-in a building I approximate their location and start spamming backwards but I think its not good game play

    - Helmets, fucking helmet bullshit - this is hardcore - Stick a semtex to someone, or blow up a RC, or head shot they should die, not turn around and shoot u.

    - Invisible walls in maps, what fuck is that non-sense?

    - Falling off the map - Some times I go exploring a map or while driving an RC and jumping at high speed I would fall of the map, from under a bridge, a high roof or some random corner in a building


    There are more but these are from top of head.



  10. I don't think this is about cows...





    TWO COWS ~{Matthias Varga}

    You have 2 cows.
    You give one to your neighbour
    You have 2 cows.
    The State takes both and gives you some milk

    You have 2 cows.
    The State takes both and sells you some milk

    You have 2 cows.
    The State takes both and shoots you

    You have 2 cows.
    The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then
    throws the milk away

    You have two cows.
    You sell one and buy a bull.
    Your herd multiplies, and the economy
    You sell them and retire on the income

    You have two cows.
    You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by
    your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption
    for five cows.
    The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company.
    The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. You sell one cow to buy a new president of the United States , leaving you with nine cows. No balance sheet provided with the release.
    The public then buys your bull.

    You have two giraffes.
    The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.

    You have two cows.
    You sell one, and force the other to
    produce the milk of four cows.
    Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why
    the cow has dropped dead.

    You have two cows. You borrow lots of euros to build barns, milking sheds, hay stores, feed sheds,
    dairies, cold stores, abattoir, cheese unit and packing sheds.
    You still only have two cows.

    You have two cows.
    You go on strike, organise a riot, and block the roads, because you want three

    You have two cows.
    You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce
    twenty times the milk.
    You then create a clever cow cartoon image called a Cowkimona and
    market it worldwide.

    You have two cows,
    but you don't know where they are.
    You decide to have lunch.

    You have 5000 cows. None of them belong to you.
    You charge the owners for storing them.

    You have two cows.
    You have 300 people milking them.
    You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity.
    You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.

    You have two cows.
    You worship them.

    You have two cows.
    Both are mad.

    Everyone thinks you have lots of cows.
    You tell them that you have none.
    No-one believes you, so they bomb the ** out of you and invade your country.
    You still have no cows, but at least you are now a Democracy.

    You have two cows.
    Business seems pretty good.
    You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.

    You have two cows.
    The one on the left looks very attractive...
    See More
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