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Posts posted by iboomboom

  1. :animier:Welcome to the family !!


    Quite the family we've got here :), thanks!



    welcome boomboom


    Thank you!


    Welcome Idiot!


    Thank you, idiot  :lol:


    welcome iboomboom and !fu boom


    !fu too Chicken Fucker  :stuart:, thanks!



    welcome!  remember, I always know where you are lol


    I got my eyes on you too Lama chop :ermm: , thanks  :devil:

  2. welcome in the house boom boom le coeur de pink s embale déjà et vous n avez encore rien fait lol  :whistle: 


    Frenchi, not even google could translate your french :)... Thanks!


    Apparently we let anyone in now. Welcome iboomboom.


    Yeah, they let you in now they're making up for the bad apples. Thanks!

  3. These commands arn't that new =P i've been using them for years on glitch servers ect.


    True, but many people still don't know, I didn't know until a month ago myself. I figured I put it in writing here for people who have fps or connectivity lag. There is a lot more required for glitching but that wasn't my objective, just sharing what I know to help.

  4. Hey, well... seems like the freezetag server doesn't like me like AT ALL, IS IT BECAUSE I'M EGYPTIAN?! *imo jokes*


    Of all players, it always picks me for a redirection *cries*.


    been kicked for like 10 times today can't enjoy a single game, not complaining though XD.


    Well, it was cool to share since I really wanted to play and right now had nothing to do but getting buttkicked by that racist server piece of code haha xD so I thought of sharing that ;x.

    Hope that ain't against rules or so if it is please remove it XD


    I really do have good time playing [XI] FreezeTag, Hope it never dies because I would really be so depressed x.x :D

    Good community, Good people, respect.

    Thanks for good time always guys, keep the good work up admins <3


    Are you smoking Shisha? Also, Egyptian is not a race, therefore, server not racist. It just likes putting a boot up peoples butt. 

  5. Hi All,


    So I started digging in to getting higher FPS when I saw people getting on to roofs or railings while I could not. I found out that getting a higher FPS (say 333) can lower your in-game gravity and you can jump higher. I have an AMD Radeon 7870 GHz edition with 2048x1152 resolution and for the most part I would get 125 FPS solid. This is very good for normal game play but not good enough for jumping higher. Also, if you're in to bunny hopping this can make a difference in going over peoples head who are prone or crouched.


    There are 3-ways to get higher FPS


    #1 Crossfire or SLI GFX cards - Setup multiple GPUs to get a higher *sustained* FPS


    #2 Lower your in-game graphics to absolute low settings (shitty graphics) - use lower screen resolution too 800x640 pixels.


    #3 Do what I did...


    I found the following commands to give me sustained 333 FPS.


    Network Optimization


    /cl_maxpackets 100 (0~100)

    /cl_packetdup 2 (0~5)

    /snaps 30


    GFX configuration


    /cg_brass 0

    /r_drawSun 0


    Execute the following command to set the upper limit.


    /com_maxFPS 333


    These settings work really well for me, you may need to tinker more depending on your hardware. I did notice a slight spike in Connection Interrupts when I was using /cl_packetdup 5. I was hoping this would help with hit registration but I think it backfired.


    If you press SHIFT+~ you can view recent chat and command history.


    Again, for the most part you don't need to do this but a higher FPS doesn't hurt anyone. I hope this helps!


    P.S. Enable in-game console and use ~ (tilda) to access it. 



  6. If I understand correctly someone blew up your car by throwing a grenade at you. But the car explosion didnt get you any kills. That is how it is supposed to be. Whoever blew up your car gets the kills. Always been that way with claymores/c4 also. If an enemy plants a claymore and you shoot it you will get any kills not the original owner.


    For the attack package I assume you mean you didnt throw the marker before frozen. Correct?


    Speaking of care packages, yesterday I received a Sentry Nade in a CP but I didn't deploy it and saved it for the next round. However, when I deployed it, it became a Sentry Gun. I am certain it was a Sentry Nade, is this switch a glitch or the way its suppose to be?

  7. Aimed with wa2000 entire clip into one, and not one hit tag, he saw me after this 1 or even 2 clips and shot me down with the acr, kinda wrong in my opinion, and i was like mmm maybe my bad saw one again he didnt saw me and did the same did even tried to shot next to him on both sides and again 0 hittags, so i guess my wa2000 isnt working on my end, while that one is working for others. i get killed a lot by it :(


    @P!nk I have noticed that gun accuracy differs from map to map. On some maps I can use the ACR just fine, and other maps I will get unregistered hits like nobody's business. This also applies to AK47, Steyr and SCAR-H, maybe I am bad at aiming - I don't know. I have been trying to record but unsuccessful to get a decent movie of it. When using snipers, shooting from a vantage point while prone gives better accuracy than standing on level with the target - IMO.


    You may also want to use the following commands, they seem to make a noticeable difference.


    /cl_packetdup 2

    /snaps 30

    /cl_maxpackets 100 (I'm sure you knew already)



    @Sammy I blew a car on Red-Barron at his feet and all I got was a helmet (armor). I shot 2 tubes at another guy and got the armor twice. I would think the first tube would weaken the armor and 2nd would give me a kill. Not sure if its a bug or even a real issue but it does get annoying. I was not using Stopping Power or Sonic Boom.

  8. God mode? Not at all.


    Yes a shot or two of protection and thats it.  All this bruhaha about armor is overplayed considering its actually one of the weaker perks in that slot compared to others like stopping power and stealth. If armor regenerated... like health... I could see the problem. But it doesnt otherwise there would be no point for it to begin with. Defrost armor is a reward for team play. Defrost team mates and you get some. Run around or camp strictly to get kills and you get nothing.


    edit: The RC has the same explosive punch as a pack of C4. 256 unit radius from the center. 400 damage points at the center. 25 at 255 units. Final damage a linear amount between the two depending on distance. So at 128 its 200 damage. At 192 its 100 points.


    That's really good info. What's the blast radius on the betty? On one map Roxy had a Bouncy Betty in the alley. I triggered it, but ran in a cellar through a door with a 'thick' wall separating me from the alley yet I died. In similar situations a car explosion has been stopped by trees, walls, and even desks.

  9. On the other hand I am sure those that have armor love it. One of the problems with hardcore is that players can be killed with pea shooters. Increasing health for everybody isnt an answer. But giving the option for armor to those that want it... at the expense of some other useful perks... is better. Besides, it now makes stopping power or explosive damage valid perks to have. Otherwise there is no point in even including them in the game.


    I like and hate the armor at the same time. The fact is, it works and stopping power indeed makes the difference. On a related note, is 50 armor points the max that you can get from defrosts?

  10. I MISS MY ACR... I could hit things with it... The new one has little range and low accuracy.....




    For bigger maps, I use the Steyr AUG found it to be accurate and very effective even taking out beady little heads. For medium or small maps, AK47 is the best in terms of power and magazine capacity. M4 Carbine is great for accuracy but lacks kill power. No more cutting people like butter as we used to with old ACR.

  11. I just went in there again on a different map. I watched Google, Drama, Refund Please and EXTKamiKaze and did not see one issues with the guns. Everyone was hitting everything they were shooting at. 


    I will try to record a game and capture the issue. It's like plumbing, or car problems they don't always show up when you go looking for them. When the guns are off, they're way off, that's after the fact that I have maxpackets set to 100. It's happened to more than 1 person.

  12. Just to add about the older ACR, which I have said several times. It was balanced as an M16 replacement. Meaning little to no sway. Hyper accurate. And most important as a 3-burst weapon. Which is why it got the nickname as a 'laser beam'. Change that to full auto with no others and it by definition becomes unbalanced. Two options. Keep it as a 3 shot. Or add some sway.


    Pick one. :whistle:


    3 shot!

  13. seems to be much easier to hit a moving target than a stationary one...just aint right


    I agree I shot 4 bursts at the head of an enemy not too far away and nothing happened. It was the airport map, and he was behind the counter. Another guy was running past him and I shot in front of him to hit him. I was using the ACR, then I tried the AK47 which has more recoil but similar effect on target. 


    @Sammy, I understand there is more sway with the ACR but are the hit markers obtuse? 

  14. Yeah, it was hilarious. Every time LOCO died he got a new sentry gun without getting another 6 kills to get one. It was fun to watch but not fun for the other team. 


    Oh, and I already suspect people to complain about my shotgun (SPAS-12). NOTHING is wrong with it. People just get upset that when I have the grip on, I get a little more range. It is the same as it was before the new mod. People just want to drive me into the ground. It does not need to be nerfed. It already takes forever to reload and the rate of fire is really slow. I know how to weapon switch quickly to fire faster, or use Double Tap, though. If anything, I am at a disadvantage. I run around exposed to long range fire like an idiot. I don't complain when I am shot from afar, but everyone complains that I can shoot 10 yards ahead of me AT BEST. With the new Body Armor, unless I use Stopping Power AND my grip, it is no longer a one-shot kill with the Stealth perk I normally use. Everyone needs to calm down.


    Actually when I mentioned the shotty's range to Rugger I was recalling a comment someone made when this new mod was deployed the first time. It was not particular to your game play. I think whatever it was its not there anymore, I tested the shotty afterwards myself and its normal. Sorry if it made you feel the need to be defensive, that was not my intention. You kick ass, with the shotty man, haters gonna hate!

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