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Posts posted by iboomboom

  1. Well it was actually a Britain that invented the internet, without who, non of us would be here proving who has the biggest dick now lol.



    The WWW and the internet are 2 different but related things. 


    No. He invented the WWW. The Internet was first developed by DARPA.


    Sammy is right, it was supposed to be a secure communication system for the military that could not be spied in to. Yes, yes; I know.

  2.  but in real life you set a bettie and go on down the trail and get killed your bettie is still active.   lol.  i like the idea they are there till you re spawn but not in overtime 


    In real life, you don't play games with your life. This is not real life, it's a game and we've the luxury of a dedicated mod programmer bending the game to our will.


    Go Sammy! go go go go goo!

  3. Everyone knows I hate bad campers that hide in corners or under platforms and never look around. So three streaks. You dont get all of them like in some cod games and mods. By default tac nukes require 25 kills. So 20 is generous. Or if a particular server has really bad campers they can raise it to 35.


    Don't try to make me feel better, It's not working :(. I don't use the Hardline perk so a car almost always takes me out when I am close to getting a Nuke.


    I think there are different types of campers. 


    1. People who camp in their own spawn.

    2. Those who find a spot, own it, and keep pawning from there. This could be anywhere.

    3. Camping/Moving slowly in enemy spawn, you will eventually get discovered.

  4. Well, if using spawn protection in this matter is something of an issue I suppose I can figure something out. Maybe in the future make post-streak spawn protection a couple seconds less. But unless its an actual problem I prefer to leave it alone.


    Don't you dare touch this :)

  5. Freaking 20 kills now. Used to be 16 as I think was appropriate given the max number of players in the other team. The only real way to get it as a Killstreak is to camp a really good spot and hopefully a tube or a car won't take you out. In CPs its part of the Attack CP. In the ACR mod, you could mow down a flock of 5 people with one clip so hitting 16 kills wasn't that difficult but still challenging. 

  6. Anyone with half a functioning brain knows the best way to get behind the enemy is to use these spawn protections. Tagger is super quick with aiming, shooting and takes the direct path to the enemy spawn of the maps that he knows about. While the rest of the flock mostly tries to find a decent spot to sit and watch. Moonpie does the same thing.

  7. Can Betties be made to stay live until you respawn in normal game time?  Same as in sudden death.


    Would be nice to getsum while waiting for defrost!


    Someone give this Aladin's monkey some frozen nuts... !fu Abu, no betty for you.

  8. imo, just as a 3rd party, its not enough to say hacking for the events mentioned above. I see a good amount of corner checking when going through doors and such. A common practice. Except for a few times nobody was there. Could be checking for campers roasting weenies... and there are many here... or simply keeping in mind that corners are common spots for defrosters to be if you know a frozen enemy is near.


    There were a few times where I said to myself 'hmmm' why do that? Also, its so noisy with all the explosions I cant imagine that footsteps would have been a factor. However maybe eavesdrop? If I had that in my loadout I wouldnt tell my enemies. :P


    Sammy I know all the tricks so I am usually the 1st one to give people benefit of the doubt. This demo doesn't capture all his quirkiness. I was specing him in over time, didn't think he was hacking at the time, just wanted to see how he bested me. I saw him stare at a building on the right side of the river in that map. Shaking his mouse at a blank wall up and down and slowly walking up to and aim directly at Mexican's head and shoot him. Mexican was on the top floor of a building behind it. Even if someone gives you intel, you still need to look to find the person. He knows exactly where people are Intel or Not. Did you see where he shot Wardogs in the corner? He didn't even look anywhere else. 


    He is a sharp wall hacker, knows how to use it right so it makes it difficult for us to catch him. He ruined the entire game for us, well his opposing team. I am not the first one to suspect, Shifter spec'ed him for 2 games and he called him out. I didn't believe Shifter at first until this guy started playing against me.


    Please move this thread to a member's only section. I don't know how to do that. I agree this is not sufficient to confront him but he is definitely turning his hack on and off during the game. Especially, when he realized he is being watched. I called in P!nk to do it.

  9. Points to focus...


    - first shot with his pistol. He knew exactly where I was.

    - when he shot Wardogs in the corner

    - when he shot bobo, special emohasis on how quickly he turns since he missed him.


    You can give people intel, but they still need to look to know the exact location. He claims KiillerKitty gave him intel, I will accept that argument for some kills not for when he kills Wardogs and goes to defrost Pete.

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