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Posts posted by Bas

  1. Dessy the thing with the other servers though is NO ONE goes to play them. Everyone tends to just go where the server is populated no matter what mod it is.

    Not sure if that is completely true. If you're like me, you only have a the MW2 server in your favourites. So even if another server is populated, over the course of a few hours people flock back to the main server.

  2. Ok that is unusual then because when I do test things out players with it always take me out in one shot. Even with my 1000 points of armor.

    I can confirm tho, I was getting mad sick of the multiple hits, so I put on armor piercing, started hitting people and they still kept on walking. Okay some shots were through window glass or small wooden structures, but who cares. If I put an armor piercing round  into someones pretty head and one in another location, that person should not be able to survive, even if they have the magical protection of god, allah and buddah fighting over who to save him more, although I will admit, that glass window might make a difference.


    For real tho, havn't been on the server for quite a while because I'd rather just play something else than COD softcore..


    And on a side note, just because it sucks less than juggy does not meen it doesn't suck.

  3. Knives arent working.I'm swinging 4-5 knives and finally that hits something.Its so bad please do something about it.


    <<<<<< you can see it in here too 

     At 32 seconds you sure as heel seem to be using your latency to survive. So you want the upside of that whilst the MOD compencates for the downside? :o

  4. The turret does have a minimum range. Mostly for practical purposes about trying to zero in on a player that close. It also has to be able to see the frozen player. Actually the same checks the regular sentry gun uses.  I dont recall how long the turret lasts on the map nor the max range but that can certainly be increased to make it more useful for a higher streak if its not doing anything.


    Well as of right now, I feel like when I completely spec for effective defrosting with streaks, it's better if I leave the turret and take something that will give me spawnarmor, as it will allow me to get similair amounts of defrosts, but with a bonud of kills and a nice little disappearance act. I understand everything can't be balanced, but figured I'd best put it out there. Not sure if other people even tend to get the same issues, maybe I just set them up at poor locations..

  5. Hhhmmm interesting topic, I don't really have much to add but: good idea, and hey, I have one medal too!


    Ow and perhaps a question about the defroster turret, which seems to be very nerved in range and not defrost yourself? I feel it has lost its value, as I set it down on the center of a ratmap, and it got 1 defrost, which seems very weird for an 8 kill streak, where a defroster uav or a car both get a million more. (Sorry for going off topic)

  6. Also, I don't know if this has been reported or fixed yet, but I was in the main server, and I was poisoned and then pulled out my rcxd. My rcxd exploded due to poison and then I was stuck, in the "your car has exploded" kinda view.


    You can even bandage yourself while already in the car, if you stay awake for long enough

  7. Get an rpg or a smaw to shoot down air support or destroy sentryguns. Choose EMP as your tac nade and get 3X specials to help your team out and thaw them.  In any case I am looking into the possibility of some kind of placeable jamming device. Just one tho not two. Among other things it would work against the cars and slow them to a crawl when in range. So you can get that instead of tubes if you want.


    Funny tho, I move all that to its own loadout option to free up perk 1 but its still not good enough.



    Well that would defenitly increase the playability for me, it would be a localized solution. 


    I think my real problem with everyone having equipment for explosions, is that now the main 3 perks for stealth & survivability against random shit, are all on perk 3. You speak about balance a lot, well I'd have to agree with Toby. The stealth, survivable playstyle has been totally taken out of the game. You'd need a flak jacket (since everyone has tubes), hardwired (since there are 1.000.000 cars per map), and stealth (because helicopters pretty much destroy everything on the ground from the moment they are called in). All 3 those perks are on perk 3. In other words, the game seems unbalanced to me, made with more thought towards people who like the random shit. I don't mean to offend you, and I know that these new MOD's are the only reason COD4 can still be played, even so long after its time. And for that, and all the work that takes, I am very gratefull. But me being gratefull does not equal me agreeing with every choise, and with this MOD, the tactical aspect that I liked so much about freezetag, has gotten less. And putting flackjacket on equipment, would (in my mind, at the least) balance out for making tubes so much more used. 

  8. Speed should be the same as the noacr server, which is higher than normal. But I will check. Normally speed is dictated by your loadout. LMG is slower than specops. But that has always been overridden afaik.


    I was going to make that a perk like it is on current games. You run at top speed regardless of your loadout. I think BO2 or one of the others. But that would just add to the bitching. :devil:


    edit: Speed is slightly more than what is considered normal and there are no class modifiers. Not including Lightweight and others. However if you are both running around when you melee then the effects are obviously cumulative.

    Both Running around? Me moving as well? You have not been in the server with me enough, otherwise you'd refrain from saying something so obsolete :P

    I pinpointed to problem to my mouse, it has an adjustable Dpi setting on it, and it would shoot up and down liittle bits with intensive use. The problem has been fixed for me.

  9. HHhhhmmmm first off, I must admit I am not yet a fan of this MOD. Maybe, like people said, it's change you grow to love. And I can't really pin down what I think is wrong with it. But something feels off, like run speeds have increased, or the adverage map is smaller (Something is making it so that people are just a million times harder to pin down). I understand that there is not much else you can do about competability between maps and MODs. But in the end, it feels like there is no way to sneak around anymore. I guess that's what I miss (Ps. I have made it to lvl 55, so I put some hours in). Other than that, most of the changes are pretty awesome Sammy, good job!

  10. But the payoff is defrosting with the car. I know what you mean, but I don't think it would be a disadvantage. If you are in a decent spot to thaw, why use the car? If you're in a shit spot to thaw, use the car to melt. You are no worse of re spawning at spawn as that is where all the people you melted will be.


    How is that not a disadvantage. If after all this time playing I learned one thing about making comebacks, it's that the people frozen outside of spawn need to be defrosted if you want a chance. Comebacks happen if the portion of players frozen in spawnarmor movement range from spawn is big enough to sustain survival (that's why there so often is one player that got out of spawn, when a comeback happens). It would be a HUGE disadvantage in my optics, but it would defenitly nerve the overpowered nature of the car (and all other killstreaks that give you spawnarmor), since I know I would instantly drop it for killstreaks that get more kills, since the car would no longer serve my interests, as it would have the potential of putting me in the worst spot of the map. Either because the enemy is there, or it is the maximum distance from the enemy. Not to mention it would bring the overpowered nature of campers back, as chokepoints can be easily held by 1 or 2 campers again. The spawnarmor in different locations is one of the things I like most about the MOD. But if, like all things, change decides to come to that, I suppose it will finally be time for me to start looking for another FPS game :)

  11. I disagree with iPooPoo ahem iBoomBoom and I use the spawn protection after an Rc to further my survival and gain the next kill streak, or to knife someone in the back (which is my favourite use for it). However, it royally pisses me off when it happens to me lol. Angus will testify that it is infuriating to get stabbed in the back, when you are in an area with one entry point that you are watching like a hawk! Or you go into a room and check all the corners and go to move on and then you get nailed by someone spawning behind you.


    The solution would be to revert back to spawning at spawn with the full protection. No disadvantage is dealt, but more importantly, there is no advantage gained!

    Well no disadvantage is a presumption. For instance, you are almost 2/3 of the way into enemy spawn, you are the last player alive, you decide to defrost with your car. All off a sudden, from being in an unexpected spot you find yourself running out of spawn again. I think the moving spawnarmor adds a dimension to the game as well. Easy way to get rid of campers too, should be an pretty big deal for a lot of us, if the whining about camping is any indication :)

  12. Double tap does nothing to recoil. Nadda. Only fire rate.

    The HK is 'exactly' the M4.

    Scar has has more recoil than what? The HK? Of course.

    It has less ammo because of the greater damage it does per round. Like the difference between an M21 and M40. In that regard the AK is at the top, but has the most kick.

    As for red dots, that is outside the realm of what sidearms are for. Close range weapons that dont need a sight. The Glock is an exception, for the model, as a specops weapon.



    I dont really like the iron sights on the scar either. There is a newer version of that available and when I have time I will check it out.


    Another option, I will remove scar and put the acr model with the %100 exact scarh stats if... and only if... there will be zero complaints that its not the same as the old one. Zero comments about changing it or even nice requests. When I mean zero I mean not single peep from anybody to myself, Rugger, or any admin. Nothing at all in-game either. If there is even a slightest chance that even one person will complain to Rugger about it then this will be a non-starter. I will require everyone to post in the forums that they agree to these terms. And I do mean everybody. If I dont see a lot of people doing this then it wont happen.



    I presume we all know that, even if those on the forums agree, you will still hear stuff in the server. However you might doubt whether or not that is because of the acr, or because it is normal for people to complain.. However, it'd have my blessing

  13. I got to play garena again, and that makes me happy. Bas kicked my ass, but at least I got to play it.

    So sorry about that one, but at least you got the experience why the ACR was taken out :P




    That was half of it. The other half was upset because they no longer had their 12-year-old noob weapon.


    IW did the opposite of this purely for money reasons. They pretty much crippled recoil on everything because they wanted to sell more games to people that didnt want to learn how to shoot. Or players were frustrated because recoil meant fewer kills for an audience totally obsessed with KD. Its also why they drastically cut down on the number of explosives. The got more sales by attracting more run and gunners. And that meant more DLC sales. And they were right to do it. They are a business.


    Since this mod is free I have no such constraints and can do what is purely the best for the game. That includes rebalancing weapons that were incorrectly set the first time.

    Not to state whether I agree or disagree, it is what you think is best for the game. Yeah, balanced is an option, but people responding to unbalanced means that there is something to be said for that as well, but as creator of the MOD you should defenitly make it as you see fit! I have a total hatred for sway, not purely because it is harder to aim, but also because it always seems that shooting a gun with sway the hitboxes seem to change somehow, where direct hits register less. And I love the new MOD. Been trying to catch with the times and dump the m16 for a sniper to up the difficulty a little. :)
  14. Car is very powerfull, and I don't see it being taken out. But being an almost guaranteed kill (at the least it was before EMP changed), a way to defrost the most difficult players, and spawnarmor it seems to be one of the most powerfull killstreaks in the game. At the least the most powerfull when put against the killstreak required. Wouldn't it be an idea to raise it to a higher killstreak? Especially because predator is less functional (either 1 defrost or 1 kill most of the time) and requires a bigger killstreak a switch seems pretty good to me. Or leave it as is, with these emp nades and the jammer you can dodge almost any car in a life.

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