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Everything posted by BurnnBright

  1. I lost my profile views.............along with everything else when I was deleted. lol
  2. I'm so sorry, Dark. I will be praying for you and your family. :-(
  3. I'm so very sorry. Prayers going up for you Belted and your son. I can't even imagine what you're going through. I hope you find peace and encouragement.
  4. No playing tonight. I'm the only one awake and I'm bored.
  5. My whole face was in there and it was fugly.
  6. Happy Birthday Rugger! I hope it's been the best one yet! Be blessed!
  7. Thank you so much Ghostrider. We actually did something like this and gave it to our ISP. Unfortunately, they know there's a problem but they aren't willing to fix it. There's only about 50 homes on our road and it's not worth it to them to install better hardware.
  8. Cable is not available to us unless we pay a ton of money to have it run specifically to us.
  9. This is how or ping looks most of the time. Sometimes, it's more red than green. We have AT&T 1.5mb DSL and it sucks. There are no other options for us. When we move to the new house on the property, AT&T won't give us internet service at all. We're just going to steal my mom's wi-fi signal for gaming and get satellite for for everything else. Mom has the same service as us.
  10. What? Why am I mentioned in this? I'm the most well behaved person around here. Welcome to the forums Goesje. So glad you joined us.
  11. If you don't read anything else, read the next to last paragraph. I spit my drink out when I read that.
  12. http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/08/windows-10-spies-on-emails-images-credit-cards-more/ LIFE WITH BIG BROTHER WINDOWS 10 SPIES ON EMAILS, IMAGES, CREDIT CARDS, MORE Software 'collecting data on much of what you do' Published: 5 days ago image: http://mobile.wnd.com/files/2011/10/runruh.jpg author-imageBOB UNRUH About | Email | Archive Americans are still waiting for a resolution to the controversy that erupted when it was discovered that the National Security Agency was spying on everyone’s telephones – lawsuits still are pending and Congress is working on making changes to the law. Now they’re learning that while the NSA was collecting telephone data, the newest version of the ubiquitous Windows software, version 10, is watching everything that’s on their computer. “From the moment an account is created, Microsoft begins watching. The company saves customers’ basic information – name, contact details, passwords, demographic data and credit card specifics,” explains a new report from the online Newsweek. “But it also digs a bit deeper,” the report says. “Other information Microsoft saves includes Bing search queries and conversations with the new digital personal assistant Cortana; contents of private communications such as email; websites and apps visited (including features accessed and length of time used); and contents of private folders,” the warning explains. “Furthermore, ‘your typed and handwritten words’ are collected.’” All of the warnings come from the company’s software privacy statement, which includes the statement that Microsoft collects information “to provide you a personalized user dictionary, help you type and write on your device with better character recognition, and provide you with text suggestions as you type or write.” Alec Meer at the RockPaperShotgun blog warned it’s not something that should be ignored. What’s America coming to? Find out in “Police State U.S.A.’ “Unless you pay close attention to the fluffy options offered when you first install Microsoft’s new operating system, it’s going to quietly track your behavior and use it to fire targeted ads at you, as well as keeping tabs on your location history, data from messages, calendars, contacts and God knows what else.” The blog noted that “some of this stuff” can be turned off, but the key point is that people “aren’t so hot” about paying for tools to access the Web and such, so “the money comes from harvesting data and flogging it to advertisers and other organizations who want to know exactly what we’re all up to online.” He continued, “If you ever wondered why they’ve made the Windows 10 upgrade free to Win 7 & 8 users, here’s one possible answer. Windows 10 has all sorts of user tracking baked right in.” The Daily Mail reported another complication with the software. The update to Windows 10, the report said, “automatically made [a man's] porn collection into a slideshow and used it as a screensaver. And to make matters worse, the malfunction was discovered by his wife, who was greeted by the explicit images first thing in the morning.” The report said a user posted the story online so others would not repeat the mistake, which reportedly happened when the images were saved into the “My Pictures” folder. It is from that folder the software draws data to build slideshows, the report said. Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/08/windows-10-spies-on-emails-images-credit-cards-more/#sTB1BUvplSXTzZ9t.99
  13. So sorry. Dogs are as much a part of the family as people are. Praying for your family.
  14. I set it in the console. I used to have 125 on the same monitor.
  15. One day when I was playing COD 4, my game crashed. Since that day, my frame rate is 60 in game instead of 125. My config files show 125. I don't know how to fix it. Any suggestions?
  16. You suck! This is what mine looks like on a good day..........with NO ONE else online at all!
  17. I've got to do some work on my gaming machine. Bama is married????? WTH!! I'm not getting smarter. I'm just getting better at fooling people. I still whip out the dumb blonde when it benefits me......and sometimes by accident.
  18. Just took my final for this semester and I'm taking the next semester off. I hope to spend some quality time with some quality Idiots!
  19. Ha ha ha!!! Y'all would get so bored watching us. I wouldn't be opposed to some cameras though I'm not camera ready these days. lol Hxtr has a system set up so that I can access his camera through my phone. I love setting off his security alarm. I miss OOVOO nights!!!
  20. I wish I could watch Big Brother Canada! I'm not impressed by any of the house guests this year. Funny you mention that John is like Bobcat Goldthwait @@StormCrow!!! We said the same thing!! I do find him funny though. Jason is annoying and snobby........and he bags groceries for living! I can't freaking stand Audrey. Dude looks like a lady.....and UGLY lady!!! And he's a nutbag! I don't like Shelly and Clay. Austin is completely clueless. I don't even know the names of some of people because they never do anything! I can't believe that they twins revealed themselves and everyone acts like it's the greatest thing ever. Hello! That's one more person to vote out!!! The whole house was talking about the twin twist early on which makes me think that they knew it was coming. It's been 10 years since BB had twins. I used to watch the live feeds and realized that CBS manipulates the audience. I would watch an incident happen live and then when the show aired, it played out differently. I was like "That's not how that went down!" They edit to make things appear a certain way. It's still our favorite show though and the whole family gathers to watch it every year.
  21. My daughter is chronically ill and her medical costs have been ridiculous through the years. Because we have insurance, we're charged double or triple what you'd pay without insurance. Her meds have been as much as $2600.00 a month and they're "specialty" drugs so we couldn't just go get them at the pharmacy. They had to be ordered and shipped to us from specialty pharmacies. There are lots of prescription assistance plans out there and usually her doctors would give us coupons and cards that we had to register for. While most have income requirements that we didn't qualify for, there were some with no requirements. I've heard that drug companies will send the meds for free to people that can't afford certain drugs. We've learned to tell doctors that we can't afford the meds and some of them will give us enough samples to keep us from having to pay or they will contact the drug manufacturer for us. Hope that helps. :-)
  22. Can't believe that the whole house knows about the twins. And they keep saving Audrey every week! These people are so stupid.
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