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Everything posted by PHUCKITMAN

  1. Do I need to give you my address froggy?
  2. Not another Drummer, we need to get more Bass Players because nobody listens to the Bass Player. Welcome to the most fun fucked up family you will ever know. Some of us here weren't very good swimmers when we were conceived but we were the strongest that day, which explains so many things you are about to see and experience. Remember go with caution because some things can't be unseen.
  3. Bring as many people as you want I will show up alone because I don't need any back up. I have been here for years to play games not to post BS on here for points or likes or reputation etc.. So when the time comes if you still feel like you want to try me just say when and I will be ready but I won't travel so you will have to come to me if it means that much to you. People that enforce the rules are not always the most popular but I don't care about how many people think I am the funniest fucker on the forums but I also won't take shit from someone hiding behind a keyboard and trolling folks. The post will not be removed by me and if someone above me decides to remove it then I will say nothing about it but based on 15 years of being here I doubt it will disappear.
  4. Yep the question is what. That is for to try to figure out. It looks like the little big mouth from the Isles is getting butt hurt because he threw a tantrum and I have the balls enough to call him out on it. This is all about British Food not being that tasty and that we won every war we fought against them. Both are true statements no matter what your point of view. Also I can be a huge dick when I get trolled. Ask Labob he has known me since the beginning of XI and I typed in all caps because it was easier for me to see and it pissed folks off. Have fun RobMc and if you are ever in Washington here in the USA I will buy you your first beer of your choice before we take a walk outside, heck I will even hand you a old bat just to show you that you don't scare me or even make me worry in the least, but at least you will get a free beer so it won't hurt so bad. This also is not the first post with images in bad taste and it won't be the last which is why I don't open our website at work anymore. We allow pictures of women getting throat fucked and no one says a word but a stock photo of a pile of shit gets this lmfao. Just another reason I stay playing COD2 it is mostly nice folks who have been around here for over 15 years
  5. I took a huge dump this morning and it looked just like RobMc but it smelled better and didn't think it was as funny as he does of himself so I knew it was safe to flush but it took 3 to get RobMc to finally go down the drain. It was ugly but you all know as soon as I said it looked like RobMc with his goofy teeth and pasty skin we all know he would win a ugly dog competition so you knew it was going to be gross. LOL and for those keeping track it is still Thursday. PS I got $100.00 US that he is the first to react to this post with a "FUCK YOU". For a troll he is quite predictable but I guess his mom likes that he lives in her basement so she is alone since folks avoid her because of his pungent aroma sneaking out the windows
  6. I spent mine on a plumber being at my house Monday night because we had no hot water in the master bathroom shower. So for a failed $50.00 part that I can't seem to find for a 15 year old Kohler control knob he had to cut a huge hole in our laundry room wall and rebuild the plumbing in the wall with a new control valve. All this went from $400.00 to $1,400.00 just like that and I still have a huge dry wall jigsaw puzzle to repair. Then he left and the cover for the tube that fills the tub slipped off the pipe and so after 4 horrible reviews on Yelp, Google, BBB, and their Facebook page I have a different plumber coming out tomorrow afternoon to fix what they screwed up on Monday and wanted to charge me $90.00 just to show up. The Plumber was a nice guy don't get me wrong but he screwed up and didn't finish the job right. Plus in a perfect world he would have offered to find the right part that broke and scheduled a time to fix it without ripping my wall open and putting in new pipes and housing for the valve he had on his truck. I would have waited and paid a fair price but $1,400.00 is a lot of money for anyone because since the car wreck at work in Oct. I am still on light duty and working 70% of my hours so we are living on about 1/3 less money each month. So this money came at just the right time. Mike did you hear that Tax Day is now May 17th?
  7. Justin, Loader and I last night were talking at length about the fact that we knew is most likely you and your Dad. I am also sure Bart had the same talk with Loader since we have been doing this a long long time. I liked your Dad at first but then he became a real pain in the ass for most people and I got tired of saying oh that's just Spiv. As Loader said and if you read closely we keep very good records of bans, names, ip address's, guids and a lot of other data that you give up when you play and post on here. There is no way in hell that this ban will ever be lifted and this is from the entire XI Clan not just those of us on the COD2 server. XI will now be on the watch for anyone in your general location logging into anything we operate so I suggest you find different servers or games we don't play and run. Tell your Dad hello and that he has not been forgiven and most likely never will but he is not the first nor the last. You are a proven Cheater/Hacker and we have never allowed anyone back who does this sort of thing period. So let this go and have a nice life but you were caught red handed and will give us another great story to tell about how the XI COD2 Admin Team is the best in the business.
  8. What about your Dad, you mentioned those names could have been his?? So maybe someone else using this PC or GUID was hacking or has hacked and you provide little information and lots of attitude. Is Justin your real name? What is your Dads name? How old are you since we are a adult server and if your Dad plays your PC or use's your game that makes it difficult for us to unban you because we don't really allow minors in our servers unless they are Mature older young people who live at home and still go to school. Also why at the end of his info during his loading of game does it pop up with a few warnings? I never get that and my config is not out of the box but well within Punkbusters specs? I ask about who you and your father are because we don't ban people just on a whim for no reason and if we decide to lift your ban that means for everyone else you let play and you become 100% responsible for anything done under your GUID and we wouldn't want to see you banned again with zero appeal for your dog typing the wrong word like something racist which is grounds for instant lifetime ban. Not saying YOU would do anything like that but most bans get lifted here once we know all the facts. PS it looks like "Happiness" was playing in this game and we really like players to use one name until we get to know them, makes saying Hi and asking about your weekend or girlfriend if they know it is you Justin? Good Luck and have patience and follow this thread for more info
  9. Here is one that Mutt missed on lol. Plus this is slightly before the 80's
  10. This one was released a little before 1980 but it took a while for us in LA to find out about these guys
  11. I was 2 years removed from High School and had my own Apartment with no roommate and a full time job while attending JC and getting laid and going to a shit load of shows in LA in the early 80's so hard to pick from so much awesome music. Mark, Tommy Shaw is still my wife's one freebie if he ever decides to return her calls, emails, letters at his door, cardboard signs at concerts saying "She will do Tommy Shaw" if you get my drift. We saw them about 8 years ago at a winery near our home and when we were coming back from have a smoke I pointed out that from the side of the stage we were extremely close to him and it provided a awesome view. needless to say that spot standing was were I spent the next 45 minutes instead of at out seats dead center but like 10 rows back lol. I think I had to wait until she climaxed when they did Crystal Ball her fav before she was willing to return to our seats and picnic dinner and my weed which was in the side pocket of the soft cooler. Oh the flashbacks or what you young folks refer to as memories
  12. I don't care who you are that's fucking funny
  13. I was very saddened after reading how things have got with your health DJ and as others have said and others will say "You are and always will be a Member of XI (The Family)". Regardless of if you play or not just the fact that you are still here and fighting to be able to enjoy your life is a blessing to us all. There are plenty of dumb shits posting here that need you to tell them to bugger off and more. I hope that some how you are able to find peace and happiness with whatever you decide to pursue in place of your gaming but just remember there is nothing but old fucks like me playing on the COD2 servers and we are all just slow moving targets for each other so if you stop by for a game you might just see lots of easy kills. You have no reason to ever drop your TAGS and I give you my word I won't let anyone ever take them away from you if they are stupid enough to try. Many of us have been through too much watching this Clan grow into a huge loving dysfunctional FAMILY and after 11 years of being a great Member, Admin, Gaming Adversary, Mentor and Friend you have earned the right to retire with FULL HONORS. PS Rugger mismanaged the retirement party funds years ago so all you can offer is our Love and Friendship and maybe a few more Medals LOL. Take Care of yourself and hit some of the boys on your side of pond up for the free beers they will be happy to buy you when they can see you. Peace and may God always watch over you and those you care about and Love.
  14. I have seen KISS 4 times over the years with my first show being at the LA Forum in 1976 as a 16 year old after the Alive album came out. Many times during my high school days we wore make-up on Halloween because back then KISS Rocked and like Ted Nugent needed to be played much louder than my parents would allow lol. I saw them last in Feb. 2019 on the 3rd show of their "End of the Road" Tour with my 37 year old son at the Tacoma Dome that has awesome sound from the wooden roof.. We had tickets straight back from the stage in the 3rd row of risers so we didn't have to stand up all night and yet he could see the entire show the way they wanted you to see it. I was glad he enjoyed the show and we had a blast and got baked out of our minds, even broke out some old school KISS T-shirts we wore to the show. I mention this because you guys do a great job of re-creating the sound and feel of a early KISS Show including the throwback make-up. While the show I attended was awesome it was very clear that they were using every trick in the book to give folks who attended the shows the sound and visuals everyone expects from them and it was also clear that they needed those backing tracks and at times they were lip-syncing. If you were to pull up a old fan video of a KISS show and close your eyes and compare the sounds you hear with those you guys produced I think folks would be hard pressed to figure out who was the original. Most people who enjoyed KISS don't know that most of those Speaker Towers in the old shows were just empty boxes and as stated before the Alive album was a creation of sounds from many sources to sell more concert tickets by making you think they could pull that off every night. But hell they sold out 2 nights at the Forum in LA in 1976 as well as many many albums. I still think it is Gene that is the intro voice saying "You wanted the best, you got the best" was Gene because no one sold KISS like Gene. In fact I just received a cease and desist letter from Gene for this post and I haven't finished typing it yet lol. You guys showed that you enjoyed giving people a chance to relive some of their youth and Hard Luck Woman has always been a old school Favorite thanks
  15. Here is my original comment about 1 quiz after you asked me what sorts of quizzes I might like. You are a odd Fucker so when you made a fuss in your Pram and threw your toys on the ground this was my private response to you. "Hey mate I don't understand what got your knickers all in a bunch but if you choose to quit that is on you not me. The problem with acting like a know it all is that you have to back it up against all attackers. The choice is yours and I do the quiz's for fun and for points but if you will take the time to explain how to post a quiz I will gladly come up with a few and put my cock on the table to see how I measure up. Aside from that I would say hope you stay well and have a good holiday season. Since we have virtually never interacted in game or on here I will disregard your Fuck You comment, PEACE BE WITH YOU." So paint this situation the way you choose but I know what I meant and I didn't quit mate you did
  16. Blow me and you have zero idea of the thoughts behind my words so I find it very hard to believe that you can state here with such certainty that I was not apologizing for my words getting you all butt hurt. I frankly don't know you and have no intention of getting to know you because you seem to be a pompous asshole. The comment I made was something about the fact that we beat your country for our freedom and as such I didn't know much about your customs since the specific quiz was very British centric. This post was more about what happened to the others who made quizzes and that they stopped as well. I knew why you did your messages to me made that crystal clear. I was also asking for some guidance on how to make my own quizzes since you also insulted my intelligence while you tried to put me in my place. I have NEWS FOR YOU PAL I was here before you showed up and have been a Admin longer then you have been a member and I also was for several years "The Head Admin" for XI's original COD2 servers while you have found some quizzes online and posted them here BFD. Being asked to be the "Head Admin" for any Game Platform run by XI comes from the top and was not something I asked for, rather it was something I was asked to do because I catch Hackers and Banned Players who return with zero bans overturned. So GO FUCK YOURSELF AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT I POST.
  17. I am just wondering what happen to the making Quizzes fad? It seems like the last one was in late November of 2020 and nothing new since then. Did everyone just decide to suddenly quit doing them or is it something else? I know Rob Mc made a big huge deal about never making another quiz because of something I posted as a joke about one of his quizzes he made including trying to insult my level of education which made me fall out of my chair laughing but I let it go figuring he was just blowing off steam. I even sent him a lets kiss and make up apology in hopes it would help but nothing and we really don't know each other or have ever gamed or spoke to be candid so why my remarks caused such drama made me suspect it might not be my words but rather something else. Anyway like most of my posts I digress, can someone please make more quizzes or explain to me and others how to make and post them for others who enjoy a mental challenge as well as some points to lose at the crooked Black Jack Tables we run. They are the absolute worst odds ever but some of us think the next hand will turn the whole thing around (Fucking dealer is a bitch)
  18. Stay safe dude and while on the road tell your woman you are low on air and show her your "Air Hose" and tell her she needs to help you get re-inflated and she is your only hope. It's worked for me in my younger days and Nurse's love to help lol plus you will be driving with a smile while everyone else is frowning because their life sucks and they know it. I have been praying for your entire Family and will continue until your tell us the good news that she is all better.
  19. Rugger is stating our long standing way to handle suspected hackers and players members or not insinuating someone is hacking has been frowned upon because it makes for a bad gaming experience for all so talking to your teammates in game chat or on teamspeak is still subjecting them to a uncomfortable situation because you put them on the spot right then and there. If they don't agree with you what will you say about them? We just found asking our members to not say anything and to capture video proof of the hacking or cheating behavior is the best method to solve these kinds of issues and don't tip the hacker off that we may suspect their game play. As a Admin I have been know to say during a game with someone I don't know who is playing way to well the words "Fucking Hack" but not right after I have been killed by them and if the hacker is the first one to deny a broad statement that could be directed at anyone is probably hacking but I am a Admin who has been here since year 1 and have caught more hackers and banned players on our COD2 servers then anyone else and we have a great admin team. I just learn how players play and even if they get banned and come back with a new name they still play the same style and say hello to the same friends the have in game. Also for what it is worth this player today may not speak English as their first language and every time my British friends say the word "Cunt" my skin crawls but for them it has a different meaning than it does me. Also the graphics thing is something you can't prove and like me you need to learn to get over it, it happens everywhere in every game. Some will us any advantage they can legally and as of now there are no rules against changing your graphics settings or config files. Plus it seems like you are also guilty of crying wolf yourself from what I read and that's not a reputation you want I suspect so let it go and smoke a big fat one or have a beer and then come back to the game. Peace out dude and get video first
  20. Sadly very few take advantage of this fact that every 4 months to monitor major fraud with their personal finances like a car purchase, or home purchase or high end jewelry etc etc. I also know that with some credit cards you can call them before hand and ask them to not automatically approve high dollar purchases especially outside of your normal shopping area. There have been many times in the past few years when I use my Credit Card the person taking care of my payment like when I just bought my PC they asked to see my ID and I thanked them for this extra level of protection for now. It takes just a moment to do but it lets me know others are watching my back against fraud. Let's hope no one here loses more than a few bucks and aren't hit so hard they lose things like homes and savings. Here is a link for those who live in the US that can help you along https://www.ftc.gov/faq/consumer-protection/get-my-free-credit-report
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