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Everything posted by PHUCKITMAN

  1. That's the one Dawgy made and it has a few hidden secrets in it. That map was lots of fun and don't recall any glitches in it
  2. It also might be mp_killa_xi_adm
  3. Awesome job Markoff, very nice way to remember one of the funniest members this Family has ever had. We used to have a Map I think Rugger made that had several of our sigs on the walls. I think it was the map with the big XI in the middle but @loaderXI or @Ruggerxi can answer which map it is but it was made many years ago and has probably many sigs from some who have been around here forever and some who are gaming in Heaven. It is always nice to make a memory for a friend that will show your love for them for years to come. Bravo Dude Bravo
  4. I have figured out if we all end up on a Island together we won't be bored #5 Gave me faith that Hard Rock that chicks wanted to dance to was still around and by "Chicks" I mean Strippers #4 See number 5 #3 Smoked a ton of weed listening to this with my first live in Girlfriend so the memories run deep #2 The Hammer of the Gods and his Mates at their absolute best. They were as tight a band on this one as they would ever be #1 Need I say more... Picked up more Pussy with this playing out of my cassette player in my car during High School then anything else
  5. CRIME OF THE CENTURY is one of my top Albums of all time. Saw them in 1979 at the Forum in Los Angeles and it was a fantastic show topped only by Led Zeppelin at the same place in 1977 and the Original Tour for "The Wall" at The L.A. Sports Arena. That show was EPIC on so many levels it would take several paragraphs to explain
  6. I have passed tests that prove to those also on the road that I have at least a basic idea of how to operate a motor vehicle while on "Public Roadways". So I was required to do this to give the public a feeling of some safety and it was required as well as having a seat belt on while I am operating it even though it was required when I was younger. I was allowed to ride in my parents car standing up in the seat but I wouldn't do that today because we know it is not safe. This is just your fear talking not science, this vaccine was sped up because we have a Dept. within our Military that does nothing but plan on how to fight these sorts of things faster than they could yesterday. Just like your phone having more computing power than was used to put Men on the Moon things change and technology is getting faster in a exponential way. Just like the old saying "you tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on". You and younger people getting a vaccine is not about the risk to you as much as it is about stopping this virus just like all other viruses mutate or change and you can be a host for said mutations that could jump the vaccine. You really should read your NEWS from at least 3 different sources before you decide what is fact and what is fiction. Just advice from a OLD MAN but it used to be called verifying your sources.
  7. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/01/992148299/covid-doesnt-discriminate-by-age-serious-cases-on-the-rise-in-younger-adults
  8. Yes I drive and don't see what that has anything to do with what I have posted or been through in the past 14 months. Just a reminder I got Covid-19 when 45 knew about it and how fast it could and would spread and a very good idea how deadly it would be and wasn't letting anyone inform us here in the US about it as he claimed this was just a flu and would pass quickly. I had no reason to drive somewhere else to avoid infection. The proof came to light when he spoke to Bob Woodward on 02/07/2020 and was heard saying "It goes through air, Bob. That's always tougher than the touch. You know, the touch - you don't have to touch things, right? But the air - you just breathe the air. That's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than your - you know, your - even your strenuous flus." Also as of May 1st the average age of new patients has dropped to 48 https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/01/992148299/covid-doesnt-discriminate-by-age-serious-cases-on-the-rise-in-younger-adults
  9. This is how I set my Booty Priority. The finer the Butt the bigger the Nut, however after a few drinks it was usually any female Butt I could get to leave with me so I guess you will have to decide if you want your settings for high energy for hard to find 10's or set it up to scan the entire place for that one floozy
  10. They did that because they tried very hard to make Ketchup like pickle relish a Vegetable in school food programs and needed to know how much more they could squeeze out of the few dollars they still spend on feeding poor children in school what is supposed to be a balanced nutritious meal since some schools also provide a morning meal as well. Since fruits and veggies must be served everyday and we all know kids hate veggies and Republicans hate spending money on living children while fighting for unborn children they have had to be creative in meeting current guidelines that keep getting worse with every passing decades. If not for the free lunch program when I was in High School I and my brothers may have starved. During H.S. our Dad was almost killed in a accident with a train hitting the 40 ft delivery van he was driving and never worked again because of his injuries. I got a job at 14.5 during Freshman year washing dishes 3 nights a week at our local Elks Lodge for the money as well as the fact that the members ate very well but didn't use any of the food leftover. So the President of the Lodge who had been my dads boss and got me the job made sure I was sent home with all the leftovers which was mostly full Prime Rib Roasts or Tenderloins and all the fixings. Food insecurity is a real issue in this Country and I am the man I am today because others saw a need and stepped up. https://www.verywellfamily.com/causes-of-school-lunch-controversy-2601555
  11. You might want to read this again because it sounds like you all are running around playing Grab Ass instead of a FPS. Don't any of you even consider stealing or even touching my package unless it is one of the many Hot Female Players we have in this Clan. lmao. We get rage quitters all the time because if they hate a map or get off to a bad start in the game but that isn't nearly as bad as a team member being AFK to take a call, dump, walk the dog, beat the meat etc and don't give a fuck that they staying in game COD2 causes their team to be screwed for the entire map since they are easy pickings and can set up the respawn area which can lead to a slaughter. It is much more polite to go to spectate and rejoin when you are done choking the chicken instead of not caring about your fellows clan members and their gaming experience.
  12. The Postal Service was gutted before the election with claims of losing money and needing to be reorganized even though it is one of the cheapest ways to send a letter on paper or a package compared to the private companies. Our former President also believed IMHO that by pulling equipment, trucks, drop boxes and closing long standing small rural post offices it would get in the way of folks voting by mail during this pandemic since it was the safest way to make your voice heard and was legally allowed across most of the US. However if he could reduce the ability of one of our oldest non Military agencies to do their job he could suppress votes since studies showed that the majority of votes cast by mail were not phony or duplicates and cast by Dem's since they tended to listen to the science about the virus. The current head of the USPS was appointed by 45 and the current USPS Board is dominated by 45 appointees and it is difficult to remove any of them at this time think (45 Deep State). He had a history of overbilling the USPS under the Bush Admin and was a major player in the election of 45 so this is what we have. A man who ran a Private Logistics Company that defrauded us tax payers out of almost 100 Million dollars while under a exclusive contract that didn't go out for competitive bid. My advice is contact those companies that you are paying still by mail and figure out how you can stay ahead of the billing cycles. Insurance companies especially Life love to cancel you as soon as you are late so they get your money and never have to pay out. Good Luck, we pay everything now online and have fraud protection as well as alerts on all the credit reporting companies to not open any new accounts unless they speak to us first. Paying some bills by using your credit card gives you instant protection against fraud and then you just pay your card off each month FYI.
  13. I too have had to use my Albuterol inhaler much more than I did before I got Covid-19 and I think it has kept the amount of thick odd mucus in my lungs at a level that is easier to get out of them in the mornings. I am also pleasantly surprised that you didn't use "So, no facts? More ad hominem?" in response to my post. I would hate to run afoul of the "Grammar Police" since I tend to type in run on sentences. I will typically put in a period where I would take a breath, English wasn't my bag in school but I can add faster than most people can enter it in to a calculator lol. Plus I did learn the difference between then and than hahaha. Wash up, get your vaccines, and stay out of my now much larger personal space lol
  14. I got my second jab of the Pfizer Vaccine on Friday just after work at the Microsoft Campus to make sure that I got a good working chip in my dose so Bill can turn me in to a Zombie lol. I will say that my second poke was much worse than the first go round, which I think might be due to having had one of the first 500 cases in the US in early March 2020. Research is showing that many who have had Covid-19 seem to be reporting side effects that are the same only stronger that those who have not been exposed to the virus before their vaccine. I got my Jab at 6:00 pm Friday and didn't feel better until about 6:00 pm on Sunday. No gaming on Saturday at all and only able to game for about 2 hours Sunday because I had to get out of bed because my back and hips hurt so bad from laying in bed for 36 plus hours. I had zero appetite but was super thirsty so drank loads of water and the Wife made me take 1,000 mgs of Tylenol every 4 hours since my fever was 101.3 to 101.6 most of the time and I was still cold as I have ever been even with lots of warm layers, 2 heating pads and her laying next to me which she rarely does anymore due to hot flashes (She Loves Old P-Man). It was a rough weekend but it wasn't as bad as the past 13 months after Covid-19, I still have some lasting lung issues as well as trouble remembering things which I never had before. With the vaccine you have some level of protection against the current known Covid strains and you know the effects on your body will be over in a short period of time based on current follow up data plus there have been only a few cases of break through with these vaccines. Wash your hands, if you use a cloth mask wash that fucker often as well. It's not there as a fashion statement it is there to protect you and those you love. If you don't wear a mask because it infringes on your rights you most likely have shit under your fingernails since you most likely don't wash your hands because no one can prove you didn't unless they watch you leave the can after you dropped the twins off at the pool and pulled up the same underwear you wore for 2 days. Please get vaccinated before the virus mutates beyond our ability to control it with current knowledge. Here in the USA our vaccine program was started by a President of 1 party and put into arms in huge numbers by a President of the other party. This is Bipartisan and there should be no reason to not get protected, in fact this treatment came from technology and methods used by our DOD and their programs to protect our troops from all sorts of potential threats on the battlefield. I know we are all going to die at some time but who wants to die alone with the thought that they may have also killed those they cherish the most and forced them to die alone as well. Wash you hands, wash your cloth masks, wash your ass, stay away from me in a building, feel free to remove your mask outside as long as you stay away from me and when this is all in the past ugly people keep wearing masks and unless you are a stripper giving me a lap dance stay away from me.
  15. I would say ask Vic Morrow his thoughts on this question but he isn't available right now to respond, besides who would even want to risk checking out which way is better? Not me
  16. Sorry about your rough Day Dude, I get my second dose of the Pfizer jab tomorrow at Microsoft so I will get one of the newest tracking chips straight from Bill Gates basement lol. I have seen both of my family members who live with me get their first and second dose of the Pfizer Vaccine and they both had very bad days for about 48 hours after that second shot. That is why I got mine set up for 6pm tomorrow after work so I have the entire weekend to recover. 2 of my co-workers got their second shots this week and they both missed days because the Vaccine was working. When you get the shot you get a mild case of the virus that causes your body to rapidly produce huge amounts of antibodies to fight it off and teach your immune system what to look for if you come in contact with it again. Washington is also a will to work State and while my employer is not making this a issue for further employment it is also a will to live State. I choose to live after already having one of the early cases of it in early 2020 since I live in the early epicenter of the first major breakout at the Life care Center about 2 miles from our home and those residents use the same Market and Pharmacy we use. For those who are choosing not to take the vaccine I understand your lack of education about how these things spread and mutate but your choice to avoid a vaccine that will protect you and anyone you come in contact with and reduce the chance for this virus to mutate beyond the vaccine barriers should feel guilty about your disregard for other human beings. It is your choice since you live in a Country that allows you that freedom but did you know the tech behind this was developed by our Military using what they have learned from vaccinating every single soldier for things they don't even tell us about and they can't say no, it is part of their "DUTY" to their fellow Soldiers and the Country so they don't bring some designer virus back from tours abroad. I am a compassionate person but if I hear of someone who refused to get a vaccine that was started under 45 and his Family all got it and 46 just pushed harder to get more of it out faster and that refusal causes someone to get sick of heaven forbid they pass from Covid after choosing not to get protected I will have zero sympathy. If we don't get "Herd Immunity" we will continue to thin the Herd. Red States are seeing a huge rise in cases and experts say it is because of refusal to get shots when there is plenty of doses for their States. Covid has killed over 575,000 Americans in about 13 months, so Covid-19 kills while only a few people have died after the vaccine and they are not sure those deaths were from the shot they got just like the Officer who died during the attempted takeover of the Capitol on 1/6/21. He died from multiple Strokes the following day not from bear spray or a fire extinguisher as originally thought. Just get the shots and the life you save may be someone very important to you like your parent or your drug dealer
  17. BTW it was one of the least expensive pre-built machines I could find with a Graphics Card instead of running onboard graphics only. Plus it runs quiet and has cool lights that the wife likes but she did put me on some wort of budget but even if I had spent a Grand I wouldn't have got as much bang for my buck considering I game, surf, FB, and you tube oh and the rare porn video I talk her into making with her hot 35yr old girlfriend lol. That Tri-Pod I got last Christmas is paying off, already have 9 followers that aren't my brothers lmao
  18. Damn Dean I bought a already built Gamer Master PC by CyberPowerPC from Best buy a few months ago when my CPU and motherboard stopped working. I took it to a place in Redmond and they told me what was wrong for free since they didn't fix it. I use my PC for the same sort of stuff you do so I talked with them and they said don't throw new money into old shit start fresh. Talked to Loader about what he thought I would need and he did say don't get a 6 core processor, if your budget doesn't fit a 8 core get a good quality quad you can afford. I bought this rig https://www.bestbuy.com/site/pc-gaming/gaming-desktops/pcmcat287600050002.c?id=pcmcat287600050002&qp=graphicscardsv_facet%3DVideo Card~AMD Radeon RX 570&sp=%2Bcurrentprice skuidsaas which is now sold out for under $700.00 including tax and free shipping to my home. The same PC was on sale at Newegg for &850.00 plus tax and shipping. I then took the new PC to the shop in Redmond and they pulled all my data, pictures, videos, music, documents everything off my old PC and installed it in the new one, installed up to date drivers for my new PC and made sure it was ready to plug and play even had the same desk top setup and Icons. They gave me back the parts off the old PC I want to keep like the graphics card, Ram, Power Supply and 1 TB back up hard Drive as well as the old one they pulled my stuff off since they didn't wipe it clean. They recycled the remaining parts and charged me $130.00 including tax for all that work and set up and it was done and I was playing COD2 Thru Steam that evening. I would have been in the exact same place as you if I hadn't found this place and told them up front what I use my PC for and what I expect it to do for me in the future. At my age this machine does way more than I will ever use or figure out and I have spare parts that work fine if my wifes PC takes a dive or the Kid and I decide to upgrade her rig a little. Let me know if you want those guys number he does really good work. Oh and my COD2 scores have gone up a good 40% even with my 100 ping and running the game via WiFi
  19. I agree with you 100% about putting in hard work that few see for others benefit and enjoyment and then to have shit and disrespect as you say arriving at your door was the hardest part I have had being a Admin/Head Admin when it would have been easy to just flip to maps I liked and owned people on or taking the time to get evidence on a player using a hack or cheating so our bans stick. I enjoyed the quizzes and felt really bad that they stopped because of my smart mouth and no inflection or tone added to just text. I would be happy to make up some quizzes about American Sports and Rock I would be happy to do them. For 2 years 5 days a week in 2014-2016 on my Facebook Page I posted a "Classic Rock Trivia Question" and stumped my friends a few times even after hints. I did it part as a journal for myself about the shit I remember about the music I love and from my "Glory Days" and in part to teach my friends all who are about 60ish how to use Google to look shit up, then I worded it in such a way you had to ask google the answer to get the question. Still have friends asking for more and also lost a few acquaintances over disputes about a question I posted and that their answer was very very close but not the right answer. Looking forward to seeing your work and again PM me or post how to put some together to add for folks to take and bitch at me because I don't know what I am taking about and how my wife makes more money in 45 minutes than I do all week. That's why I make she work 40 hours a week damn it we need the money JK lmao
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