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Everything posted by PHUCKITMAN

  1. Not so paranoid as I was not wanting to assume anything. I agree it would be better if we both were a little more kind to each other. I just posted from my experience dealing with both addiction/self-medicating and then finding out the most likely cause for my crazed actions back in the 1980's and 90's. Don't get me wrong I had some epic times while wasted out of my mind as that was the thing to do back then, SEX, DRUGS & ROCK and ROLL and all but it took it's toll and I had to pay the piper. Once my mind and system was clean and clear I was able to have Dr's help figure out the root to my issues. I look forward to not being on your bad side.
  2. This one is cheaper since you only mentioned 1 SSD needing to be mounted and the one you looked up is for up to 2? https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Dual-Mounting-Bracket-CSSD-BRKT2/dp/B016498CK0/ref=pd_bxgy_img_3/143-8263017-7534310?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B016498CK0&pd_rd_r=d77d14ec-4306-4d0d-8c28-e4f2b6d02272&pd_rd_w=J4yDa&pd_rd_wg=KB9UH&pf_rd_p=bd257e40-8799-42ac-88d0-f76e0faf3886&pf_rd_r=V4VJW8C1BJY6YKQGMRYM&psc=1&refRID=V4VJW8C1BJY6YKQGMRYM
  3. Are you being facetious? Whom are you referring to @RobMc
  4. J3st3r you make a valid point about people with Anxiety and Depression self medicating with all sorts of things but mostly Booze and Hard Drugs that lower those feelings of not fitting in, or being filled with worry, or that your life is hopeless, that no one cares etc. Putting chemicals in our bodies that alter our personality to make ourselves feel better has a very long history and it is only in the past 40 or so years that Doctors have studied patients brain chemistry. Some people go thru these sorts of feelings because of their personal environment like a abusive home or lack of opportunity like a good job but most people who stop for whatever reason self medicating are found to have chemical imbalances not always in their Brain but most of the time that's where Dr.'s find the cause for abusing Drugs (That includes Booze), chemicals low or missing in patients brains or bodies. Moving is rarely a solution that works because it doesn't matter these days where you move you can find drugs and booze. I have not had a Drink or used any hard drugs in over 20 years after 3 inpatient attempts to quit drinking and using Coke. The 3rd time it stuck but my first wife moved us across the Country in 1989 to get me away from my friends who used and supplied my habit and it only made me angry. I felt forced to relocate and isolated since I had zero friends when I got to North Carolina from Balboa Island in Southern California where we had a beautiful house and I had lots of business success and tons of friends. Sure our house in NC was awesome but I was lonely and had to restart my business from scratch. I tried to quit in 1991 but the first wife had no interest in supporting me trying to sober up. When I quit drinking and doing hard drugs in 2000 it was because I had enough of feeling like shit all the time and becoming a asshole to the woman I had just married told me I needed to quit or we wouldn't last and I knew she was right and she was beside me the entire time. I quit everything for 5 years and got medication for my anxiety and raising my serotonin levels to normal levels by keeping the blood from absorbing this important Brain Chemical. I started smoking High Grade Marijuana because it helps raise my serotonin levels and is natural. My wife was the one who supported this change because I had a high stress job and she knew how much I liked to light up a joint after work and when out fishing or camping and found the research that showed it could help and like she said when I smoked Pot I didn't become a asshole like I did when I drank and did loads of coke. Everyone's story is a little different but the solution is the same find a Dr' you trust and be honest about your feelings and how you try to deal with those feelings. You are right about 1 step at a time but quitting needs to be all at once to let your body clean out and stabilize so they can find out the best treatment for each person. And for anyone giving others shit like @Snow White don't know how many people who met here in >XI<'s forums and games that became happy couples in spite of the miles and oceans between them. People meet members of the sex they are attracted to in many different ways and this is just one more. If someone is making comments that offend the person they are directed towards will be taken care of if the offended person complains. We have removed guys and gals from the clan for being rudely suggestive to someone or many someone's so telling someone your opinion about a comment not directed at you is just you being nosey and thinking what you post will change the world, well it won't you are just butting in. Most people who get offended here by someone flirting with them take it privately to Sr. Admins for help or their close friends in the Clan. @Janey please remember things will turn around and you will look back and say to yourself wow I have grown a lot and come a long way. Sharing what you are feeling takes a ton of courage and I say Bravo. Nobody knows what others are going thru unless they trust us enough to share and sometimes folks with these issues only feel comfortable sharing the bad stuff because they don't feel worthy of the good things in their life @Mule. It may not be about drama as much as reaching out for anyone who will listen without judging them and saying things that could hurt their feeling and make others distrust them. I hope everyone finds the balance in their lives and stop judging others and spouting mean words at each other myself included. @RobMc and I got in to it and we don't even really know each other at all and have never been friends or shared anything to each other about our lives but on here we went at it. I let anger get the better of me and did and said somethings about another human being I couldn't pick out of a 3 person line-up. There is always hope and you never know when it will show up. Janey Keep the faith
  5. A suspected Covid-19 male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A young student female nurse appears and gives him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse,"' he mumbles from behind the mask, "are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet." He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?" Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles gently in the other. She looks very closely and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look fine." The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly, "Thank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen very, very, closely: "Are - my - test - results - back?"
  6. @PainKiller todays games went great with very little bitching by anyone. I heard no bitching about the format from anyone just heard it about a few maps that people complained about the spawn points not knowing that their team mates dictate where they respawn because of those campers and the longest alive player is where you respawn by. There is one sniper map the one called Bridges or something like that with the 2 tall towers on each side has a ton of background noise but that was about it. You did a great job and we thank you
  7. @rocketman get your posts on here up to 30ish and we will get you a Application for membership. You have been around far to long to not be a member already. Myself, Blackbart and Loader will all support your application so it is just a matter of posts on the website so we know you can navigate it and are serious about joining the Best Gaming Clan/Family ever. Good luck and hope to see those beautiful >XI< Tags at the end of your name
  8. That is a display picture for a Vehicle for Sale, the stickers in the rear passenger side window gives it away. Did you buy the rims or the whole rig?? Either way it looks like a nice set-up
  9. How things have changed over the years, for at least the first 2+ years after Rugger started this Clan/Family >XI< nobody ever saw his face except for the 3 members who worked with him. All the pictures he would post of himself were always from behind or blocked by something. It drove people nuts not knowing what our fearless leader looked like. Now some members are either seeing him in their hallucinations after the Covid-19 vaccinations or their face is morphing in to one looking like they are his doppelganger. Forget worrying about Zombies folks it looks like we have to stock up for the coming of the @RuggerxiApocalypse. We are all screwed because the Ladies will look like him as well. I hope @TBB that this is a short term reaction and you will be able to look in the mirror and not scream OMFG
  10. Sorry to hear about your loss @wildthing, you are right the items can be replaced although not always right away but your home wasn't entered from what you posted which is good news. However that being said I can completely understand your wife's feelings about not being safe in the neighborhood. My Wife follows a local neighborhood news posting site to know what is going on around where we live and what types of crimes are happening so we can act accordingly. There is nothing like that feeling of having your home safety violated. Take care my Man and hug your wife as often as you can so she knows you are there for her and maybe buy a handgun???
  11. Awesome job @PainKiller and to anyone who see's this post feel free to share it with your friends. This should make for some excellent action on the COD2 TDM Server with a equal mix of great Run & Gun DM type games on some great maps as well as some of the best Team Sniper maps with the option to have long range scoped rifles so you can get real good looks at your opponents face before you put a Bullet in it lol. Looking forward to seeing some of you who haven't been in the COD2 servers for a while but there is always room and lots of laughs as well as updates by our friends up north about the weather, the beverage they had, how long ago they did the old lady, the current Hockey standings etc. So you can stay up on what's happening in Canada while playing the greatest game ever made and the one >XI< was founded around. Kill you all later
  12. I don't care who you are that funny right there lmao
  13. Welcome to the FAMILY Dude, you did all the work. This is what happens to people who play our servers and are cool people, they become absorbed in to the Collective. Looking forward to seeing you in game with your new tags on so we can get them all bloody like everyone else. Also looks like you don't have to shorten your name like some were trying to get you to do even though they knew you would prefer to keep your original name. I'll be looking for you to help pad my stats lol
  14. DEEJAYKEG>XI< it looks like @ROCKAPE came up with a great design for your "Retired Member" Tag. You are the first person to receive this Honor and when I say that I really mean it. You are still a Member of the XI Clan and Family and always will be. I have a little idea how diminished skills in game can be frustrating, I am dealing with Nerve Damage from a Auto Accident while at work that was not my fault and after about 90 minutes of gaming my hands just don't want to cooperate and it gets tough to keep playing and by the end of a weekend 3 to 4 hour session my hands are in horrible pain and it wasn't like that before the crash. Keep in mind that almost everyone who plays COD2 gets the Senior Discount anywhere we ask for it without having to show ID. Take care and please stop in now and then to let us know how you are doing.
  15. No the Pfizer one causes a man's Cock to double in size which is why I got that one today, This way I can give the old lady a good honest 4 inches lol. Rugger I got my first shot today so if it hits me like it did my wife I won't miss any work but last Friday she got her second dose of the Pfizer and she was down for about 48 hours but it wasn't as bad for her those 48 hrs as it was for me when I had full blown Covid-19 in the early part of march 2020. It took 12 days to get my test results back to tell me what I already knew and was laying in bed because and couldn't breathe without my asthma inhaler. The Nurse today said most second dose symptoms make people feel like they got the flu and goes away in 48 hours or so and it does make you shit like the biggest dog turn you have ever seen. I can send you more pictures if you would like to see what is in store for you lmfao. If you keep using the arm you got you shot in they say it doesn't get as painful. OH BTW that Turd Picture won me the day for the very first time ever now that's funny
  16. God I feel sorry for your Wife then and sure hope you didn't have any kids that look like you. BallSack would also be a shorter name but I think I have seen a few longer names in game on COD2 so you might be able to fit your tags on without shortening your name. Oh by the way very few people know why my name is spelled the way it is, I took it from the Island in the south of your wife's home country and just changed one letter from a E to an I because I worked at a resort many years ago that the General Manager of the restaurant I was Bar Manager at served both Pacific Northwest Cuisine as well as several Thai dishes using the real ingredients. We had a stir fry veggie dish served over rice he called on the Menu "The Phucket Delight" and you would be shocked at how many customers called it "The Fuckit Delight" or just pointed at the menu and said I'll have this lol. We would explain to them how to pronounce it like it is in Thailand. So my name was a take on that and to see how many people passed 3rd grade English and learned PH is F in most words. You might want to look for a better picture from after you had your teeth done lmao
  17. I will keep an eye on the server this weekend even if I can't play just to see how the spectators affect the auto-balance after the auto assign has put people on teams. I seem to remember that when we have more than 1 or 2 players in spectate it has trouble when it says "Rebalancing Teams in 15 seconds" but hell I smoke a lot of really good medical grade weed that Dr.'s and Lawyers pay $400.00 to $500.00 a ounce for in some States lol. I am also thinking about writing down with each map this weekend how many players are logged in and how many of those are Playing and Spectating and how the teams stack up just so we have a hard copy record.
  18. Yep I play this game because I love WWII history and COD2 still is based mostly on real battles except some of the custom maps but we use weapons only available during that war. I am sure as time goes on you will find many others who have similar interests and they will post shit you think is really cool. The "What are you listening to today" is a very popular thread that connects folks because they enjoy the same kind of music and since we have members all over the world we get to hear so music we forgot about or never have heard because the band wasn't big in the States. Don't see a lot of RAP in there which is extremely cool lol.
  19. Good read Dude this is what makes the website just another cool layer to being part of XI. If you posted this on FB some would think that all you are is some war monger instead of someone who likes learning about and from History.
  20. Yeah this was Duc's way of not being like some social media sites and keeps the thread flowing so you don't get lost in following peoples reply to a specific comment and it getting lost because others don't open those comment sub threads to follow along. Plus with each post being time stamped it makes it really easy to see if there is new posts to a thread and with the @ used it let's you know someone is trying to get your attention. The more you use it and explore and use the search tab you will find it very easy to get the new NEWS that you want to see and avoid the rest. Not every post is everyone cup of tea and you will figure out who you have things in common with which is one of the cool features and the Chat Bar is for giving Dirk shit for the most part since it only holds like 6 lines of comments so he can't always see what people are flipping his way lol. Remember you can't break the website only SITTING DUC can do that lmao
  21. Thanks for the Hard Work and I am hoping to see at least a few sniper maps because as you and many others know that is the only real reason I play the TDM on weekends since I have to get up at about 6am in order to have a few rounds on sniping during the morning with enough players to make it fun for me and others. Last Weekend poor Starfire ended up playing me as others where ending their gaming time on the TDM server. I think the score turned out to be 12 to 1 and When I got the plane it was really of no use since once I killed him we were back on opposite sides. CTF will make the Campers happy because they will surround the flag area with trip wires and landmines and protect the flag and the runners will get a lot of solo flag captures once they figure out the places with the tents and marsh mellows but it will shack things up a little bit. We will be able to look at time in game numbers on Tuesday to see how much folks loved it. Adding the weather will give folks something new to deal with since it make hide some noise and make others louder like footsteps in snow etc. We will never know how folks respond if we don't try so again thanks for the hard work and thinking outside the box to offer us all different options. I also hope the splitting up of buddies who all jump on the same team is a good idea but will there be a way for those of us who see a 7 to 3 game after a few minutes of game the ability to move to the team with very few players to try to make it more even? I find myself doing that a lot after about 3 minutes of game because it seems like players wait to see who goes where and then they all join in on one side with the guys they like or who they think is the best team. Since weapons are universal regardless of teams I always hit auto assign and tend to be one of the first to be on the field after playing so many years so lets hope others just jump in and let their play sort it out. My newest goal is to have more sniper kills myself then the entire other team and someday soon it will happen, you aren't the only one who can do it Painkiller lol. See you on Saturday if I am feeling ok because tomorrow I get my first Covid-19 Vaccination shot on my way home from work and I hear it makes peoples arm very sore on the first shot and a little sick on the second one in 3 weeks. So if I don't stick around long it is just the shot
  22. Good Job Lewie, and we hope to have your application out to you soon and then we can get some >XI< tags on the end of your name and make you formally a Idiot. I know you already are a Idiot based on the guys like me and Loader and Diggler but getting your App. approved will make it formal. You are on the brink of joining the absolute best Gaming Family/Clan that has ever been created as well as the Largest PC Clan in the World. That fact is something I am always proud of when people ask me what I do for fun. Now that you have the website down don't be afraid to post anything about things you enjoy or the Music that makes your body want to dance.
  23. OK "Mr. know it all" this current version of our Clans Website does not have every single thread or post made in the archives like the XI Bible that was built over years of tech and gaming questions so new people and those changing games could just do a search for the answer instead of posting this same issue over and over. As for you statement about where I live you are wrong and I never have lived there. Third before I was a asked to be a Admin which was almost 15 years ago I donated to our costs and you are correct since this new website version and it's data I have not donated a dime as you say. I have donated my time, hundreds of hours over the course of my involvement in XI being available whenever I am not working to feed my family. I have given more time than a lot of Admins since they are newer games but not as much time as others who are super dedicated to making the masses happy. Many Admins will tell you that gaming is not the same after they agree to take on the title, you have to help folks when in game, find hackers, ban players, watch suspected cheaters, when X-Fire was still around answer direct messages about servers frozen, finding banned players and getting the proof to have them removed again, help figure out map rotation options, attend Admin meetings and much much more. I had a discussion with someone who started all this and knows me pretty well and he said he didn't expect a financial donation from me or any of the other Admins since we spend so much time taking care of the day to day operations of the servers and our gaming time is often interrupted so like he said back then it is easy to give $10.00 or $20.00 bucks for most people but it is not required but when you become a trusted Admin with passwords and the ability to ban players you are giving the Clan more than just a few dollars. Have fun with you other threads I don't know you if you walked in front of me and don't really care what your thoughts are about anything. Baron I did not say the $100.00 would go to the first person who did it and so you get nothing nor do your mates. However once I am back to work full time and have settled my claim against the truck driver who hit me and I am not worried about my Wife and Family and my mounting medical bills I will send the $100.00 to Rugger to cover the COD2 servers only. SO LIKE IT WAS BACK WHEN I FIRST JOINED XI I WON'T BE PAYING ATTENTION TO THE WEBSITE MUCH AND THOSE WHO NEED ME FOR ADMIN SHIT KNOW HOW TO REACH ME. I AM NOT GOING TO PLAY YOUR SILLY PISSY GAMES ANYMORE ROBMC. SO TAKE YOUR BIG DICK OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND STICK IT IN YOUR ASS SO YOU CAN FUCK YOURSELF
  24. Looks like this fellow was dropping Rob off at the lake and he hasn't hit the surface yet
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