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Posts posted by dudebroman

  1. A couple of issue I have with this...tanks are fricking over powered. I was in a round yesterday and 1 guy went 54-0 because he was in a heavy tank. He ran over mines and shortly after he was healed, dynamite didn't do much damage, the tank grenades dont do as much damage as they should and the tank gun does less than the grenades.


    Horses are very strong. I shot one with an automatic gun and it did 4 damage. A horse would have bolted and killed the rider throwing it off.


    Lastly, I like the fact the pilots have a limited set of weapons. But the fact that everyone has a parachute, bugs me. But that has done since bf2, where everyone has a parachute to survive high jumps where normally they'd not have them.

  2. guys this is getting old now i left it alone yet i see u lot are addicted to copy and pasting still now it looks more like the kinder garden section please and i thought i was the problem now its starting to look like bullying i allready said i will no longer POST ANYTHING CAUSE IT SEEMS ITS ONLY MY POST U LOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH OK have a spelt that out for ur liking now leave it good buy and good look for the future

    Nobody here has copy and pasted anything. Also, most everyone else is using correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, including people whose native language is not English.


    Now, for this whole "your brainwashed" shit. I'd like to say, no, we aren't. You don't know us. You don't know our life experiences. Its incredibly insulting to me that you assume shit about our lives without a care.


    Now, I'm at the point where I don't care if I sound insulting, but if I do, consider it poetic retribution. Stop with this shit, it is off putting and I'm almost certain people who would be happy to sign up to this site don't because they see this crap, and are put off.


    You call it truth, most of the world's population call it a crock of shit that literal fools and idiots believe.

  3. Wait...so Italian earthquakes are a result of CERN? what about all the earthquakes they had before CERN was even thought up? What about the literally thousands of earthquakes that have been documented over the years dating back to the Romans?


    I'm beginning to give up with the site as a whole because this conspiracy shit is getting tedious. If you've researched on the Internet then I'm not gonna give it the time of day.


    I could make a website with all the conspiracy evidence in the world and some fool will use it as fact.


    Read a book, then cross reference in another book, or 2, or 5, or 10. The more empirical evidence there is, that have been documented and published and peer reviewed, then the more likely I'm going to believe it. Otherwise it's a crock of shit that gets stirred by fools who fit the evidence to suit their beliefs and leave whole heaps of evidence behind, rather than people that take all the evidence and draw conclusions which are supported in repeatable tests and facts.

  4. Someone posted this with links too all interviews and pointed out EVERYWHERE that he lied and caused a shitstorm on /r/nomansky.


    It ended up being deleted by mods within half hour of posting and he got banned from that sub.


    I'm thankful I didn't get it having seen the reviews and videos of the release after day 1 (pre release looked way way better than actual release).

  5. So wait...you impersonate an admin/mod and are generally rude to public players giving us as a clan a bad name. You use known exploits by your own admission. You threaten people in the server with kicks and bans because they call you out on your bullshit. And you want us (well the admins) to let you off for that?


    Good luck. I've got more chance marrying @@SupaDupa than you have of not having the ban hammer smacked down on you.

  6. Wait hold on guys, I need to get my popcorn so I can enjoy the latest installment of Zonk theater.


    I love these episodes.

    Come on over. I got salted, buttered, caramel, plain and chocolate...
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