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Posts posted by chickenhead

  1. On 11/8/2022 at 1:53 PM, RobMc said:

    You been reading these forums for long LMFAO?


    Listen buddy Rob is well respected as a mediator, after the disappointment of you stating Beers sucked dicks I may have a solution. Meet me in the park tomorrow night behind the toilets and we'll work something out, brush your teeth.

    (As we have so many snowflakes this is a joke and I'm not gay)


    @RobMcyea i've seen. what i don't get is admins of a community letting someone who isn't a member/mod/admin run other people off but what i'm quickly learning is folks don't care and that is also fine. Just not really a point in posting rules or asking people to agree to them when there are blatant exceptions. And beers running people off seems counter productive to everything else XI seems to be about.


  2. @WldPenguin with all due respect i would have done that but i have seen admins witness this in game, so i really didn't want to go stirring stuff up because it appears it is allowed. Not saying that about all the admins but somewhere in the admin chain of command i have a pretty good idea someone is either giving beers rcon access or actively letting him use it to abuse people, and for that reason i waited.

    I totally get you guys not wanting to have drama stirred up here and if the answer is i don't play here anymore that is fine but i think we all know i am not the only one mounting these complaints.




  3. this whole thread should be a lesson to anyone who wants to play here that the admins clearly do not care, even non members can harass you and do whatever and the admins will just allow them to play while allowing them to harass you, other players and your game play. F*ck the rules, f*ck being fair, competitive, or having fun. It's clearly an ongoing problem that people refuse to address and it sucks but it is what it is.


  4. @Elvis9 out of the map is allowed according to the rules? If you had a problem with me doing it why is it ok when beers does it?

    Still no admin has accused me of breaking the rules. Why is it cool for your buddy beers to do it but if i go do the same and out play him you all have a problem with it? Playing from the same spots...

    Probably has something to do with not liking to stand up to folks, just tow the line, enjoy the ride, who cares what happens as long as its not you, right?

  5. we're far past that point, i have interacted with plenty of admins and others here, i try to play fair, i play fair everywhere i play.

    Clearly the admins are either feeding beers info and/or allowing him to abuse players or they are just refusing to see that multiple people have had this problem, and refuse to enforce their own rules only when it comes to beers. If other people do what beers does they would be kicked day 1. 





  6. Beers and his friends can walk in here and say whatever, and if the admins want that kind of community here that is fine.

    Everyone wants to walk in here and defend beers but no one wants to address what i have said.

    1. No admin here wants to address beers clear abuse of the rules. I know for a fact this has been brought up both publicly and privately and the admins refuse to do anything. I have seen the screen shots to the admins that won't address this.

    2. everyone wants to walk in here in defense of beers, saying i break the rules but no admins want to address that either, i haven't been addressed by any admins here for cheating or glitching, the only time i was even spoken to by an admin it was in the context of " beers is a bitch, don't worry about it" and that's not me talking shit, that's from an admin watching me play

    3. I change my name to avoid being harassed by beers. you can check the chat logs, i know you have access to them and you will see, when asked i state who i am. and in a lot of cases i state i only change my name to avoid being harassed.

    * double bonus points for whatever admin thought it was okay to let beers dox people, really good job on that one.

    Here's the thing, i know the admins have access to the chat log, and if the end of this means i don't play here anymore that is fine. But i have a feeling that some of you don't like enabling bullies in your space, maybe you do, maybe you don't whatever.

    I don't care if you ban me, ask me to not play here anymore or whatever but for the sake of the other players beers has done this to i will at least ask the admins to do something. It's an old game and i get how much you guys put into it, why would you continue to let someone ruin your servers? 





  7. @the baron anywhere i play from i can be seen and shot. Any time anyone says anything abut not being able to shoot into something i stay out of it. Example: air conditioners, even when other people play inside of them i stay out and just play around it.

    If we're saying a glitches are off limits than that whole servers game play would change. Definitely not just me who gets on roofs and climbs things.

    @WldPenguin Pretty sure i've never had an admin address me while playing or otherwise about breaking server rules.


  8. 15 minutes ago, Frags said:

    The last guy that did what cptmike does got banned. I have posted a video of him in a spot where you could not fire into and he repeatedly went into despite beers asking him to leave and myself. Had this been on a COD5 server where i am an admin not moderator i would have banned you for that one map alone. Yes, beers and a few players including myself get in glitches and see if you can be shot or not when in them. it's not regular game play and we are testing them. Usually one or two people on the map and we are talking about them. It's simple, when you are asked to leave or not get in those spots please get out. Coming in here and stirring shit won't help your cause. 

    Frags i don't play from anywhere that others don't play from. I'm pretty sure i don't ignore your requests to get out of places, i know what glitches are fair and what glitches you shouldn't be in just as well as you and beers. This is a frequent double standard, people get ran off all the time just doing the same thing that happens on that server every day.



  9. @J3st3rif i am breaking the rules of the server please do let me know.


    From the rules i see, glitches are allowed unless they allowing firing without being hit.

    I don't try to do that ever but beers does and the admins here clearly like what ever his lips do for you.

    i can go play elsewhere but as an admin and as someone who expects people to play by the rules. you aren't enforcing your own rules.

    Glitches are allowed in the server rules, personally attacking people is not. at any point and time you guys want to respect your own rules and deal with it be more than grateful. Clearly the admins know what is going on and allow beers to do whatever.

    end of the day i'd like to see these servers stay up and operational but it appears the admins care more about what beers gives back to people vs making him play by the rules.


    I don't try to break rules. beers on the other hand breaks your rules all the time "harassment of players" "harassment of game play" "personal attacks against people fucking doxing people.


    server rules say i can speak how i want so : " i know beers must be sucking yalls dick real good"  i bet he loves sucking it all up his throat its just a shame he can't play worth a shit

    NOTE: jester and elvis who tell me to stay out of the glitches, id be happy to supply recordings of yall and beers doing the same thing hence "me talking shit to beers" which was really just me saying "beers does the same fucking thing all day everyday"

  10. i'd like to start a convo about this server and ask for the admins to weigh in. It's not my server but i like playing on it and think if XI wants it to stay active than something should be done.

    I've been a regular user of this server for a good time, admins can feel free to verify that. I also know other players who have used this server for a long time, are regularly active in xi and do their best to play fair.

    Is there anything we can do about 2_many_beers ruining the server? he's clearly not an admin/mod, yet will repeatedly tell people to leave the server with accusations of cheating or whatever. If he can't get a player to leave the server he will do his best to convince other players to leave, leaving the server vacant.

    For the sake of having some good servers left, what can we do?



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