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Posts posted by billyblade

  1. it depends...if you are gonna use a tank setup i always feel like you have to have a variable voltage type battery. Alot of folks got a SMOKTECH winder...easy to use and fairly inexpensive. My ZMAX has digital readout and ohms dislplay and changes from volts to watts etc etc...but it is overpriced for just plain functionality. If you get to the point where you are inclined to try your hand rebuilding a setup..i recommend a SMOKTECH mini RDA (rebuildable dripping atomizer). its the one that im using in my videos. The build is so easy...you need kanthal wire..available online from ebay 5 to 8 dollars for 100feet...and cotton balls...thats it!!!! easy peazy!!!!!! but you may want to work up to that point.


    remember..on a variable voltage setup...your coil in your tank needs the right voltage to avoid shit flavor and throat harshness. If you have a coil rated at 1.7 ohms you need to run about 3.8 volts to keep it from burning so hot all you taste is metal. if your coil is rated at 2.1 ohms...you run about 4.2 volts. Thats why its important to have a variable voltage for a tank (i.e. Kanger protank or anything comparable...bottom coil setup) as opposed to a starter kit battery or mechanical mod.


    Also..your juice mix has alot to do with things. 80% pg (propylethylene glycol) and 20vg (vegetable glycerin) give a hard throat hit (like your first cigarette)  but that ratio makes the liquid very thin.. Im the opposite..i use 80vg 20pg...doesnt hit hard but lots and lots of cloud...and its thicker..so make sure you ask what ratio your juice is. If you have nicotine that shoudnt affect that mix or the results too much..maybe enhances the throat hit a touch....hope it works for you sketch.

  2. After less than 2 weeks my Kanger T2 mouthpiece broke...I think it was a knock off anyway no docs, or box, and nothing on the barrel of the carto.


    WHAT DO U THINK if I go to a T2S and a tesla...any ideas?


    Oh yeah one question also....what is best for much vapor, dual or single coil? 



    im single coiling because my rda is so small...i would double if i had the right rig...however...im getting great results with a single coil...and double coiling runs through SOOO much juice so quickly that it will cost you in the short and long run if youre cheap like me....

  3. @Hemps: Thanks. I should follow though this and try out a few other flavors. Thanks for the advice.

    ive tried a few now, and mt baker vapes is still tops for me..cheap..nice real time chat and delivered to your door in about 3 days. Spend 15 dollars and you can get a free sample of something else as well. Also check youtube for some rig ideas if you think it might be an equipment issue.

  4. I tried the e-cig, tasted like crap, I do need to quit smoking though, maybe chantic's.

    i tried a blu at first..hated it..then when i switched to a real "mod", i tried tobacco flavor as well. turns out that i would rather taste something actually tasty to my tastebuds, like coconut cream pie, or a peanut butter shake, than a cigarette flavored vape. Some folks i know who i helped switch still like the tobacco flavor, but as time goes by they keep mixing some sweet or fruity bs with it and bastardizing the flavor to their liking like some sweet cigarette type hybrid flavor.

  5. .i think the starter kit sucks as mosty folks find out real quick that for tanks and such variable voltage is the way to go as some coils do differently than other depending on wire, ohms, wick material, juice mix and such. with the starter kit and your standard tank or clearomizer, you cant dial it back if its hitting to hot and giving you nothing but a burnt metal taste. best to just buy an Ego twist or Smoktech winder as they are the bottom pricerange for adjustable voltage batteries, not to mention that the cost of one of these types of batteries and your clearomizer or tank is gonna be about the same.


    everything i have learned in a short time is on youtube guys....you get a ew moments, just type in brand names or  "vape" as keywords and so so so much informative DIY stuff comes up..its unbelievable and answers some questions you havent even figured out yet.....

  6. thanks a lot Billyblade, awesome video !

    This may be exactly what im looking for

    gona check my favs shops to see if i can get one of those

    hey chckn...they sell em on ebay for about 10 bucks plus shipping. I dont know how that applies for overseas charges and anything else..sorry m8...just make sure you expand the airhole...too tough to draw..but its easy. Soft aluminium...i used a pocket knife to make a bigger hole its so soft

  7. i had a zenith trinitron console tv before..i think its still in storage...i wonder if i used it as a monitor if i could get the scores googly beech does?????????




    PS...POST HIJACKING BEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. oh yea im searching for a nice dripping atomizer

    because sometimes i just want a few puffs of this or that liquid and not a whole tank.

    so if u have something to point to me, it would be nice, i will prolly get something from this german website that sell nice clones



    but really not sure what to check yet.

    hey chkn...you should get a mini ...easy easy rebuild and when the wick dries you dont have to change wicks to change flavors. Im vaping 3 different flavors in as many hours on the same cotton ball wick over and over. Easy to carry as well being so small and super cheap....

  9. Just ordered this baby directly from the owner..had to call the USA and speak to him personally...what a beautiful mod...i have the z-atty pro now i have his mod to put it on...i still love my provari's but this baby is the deluxe ....amazing quality and warrantied for lifetime...i can't wait for two weeks to get it fresh off the production line....you'll love this one Coolmd and Chknfngr....Billy look at this beasthttp://www.electronicstix.com/collections/zenesis-hybrid-mods/products/zna-by-house-of-hybrids

    really johnny?????REALLY?????????  FUCKING NIIIIIIICCCEEE!!!!!


  10. I just started reading this the other day, didn't even know it was here and you all were Vaping.

     New Years eve day I stopped smoking, I had one of the worst chest colds I had ever had just to take a breath hurt so I was done. After about a week I was feeling better but the girlfriend said I needed to start smoking again cuz I was being a dick and I will admit I was but ... So a guy from work said hey try this out its working for me. He stopped for New Years resolution, so reluctantly I said I will try them silly things 43days GF doesn't think I'm the biggest dick anymore? There might be more to that story??? 

     Anyways Billy you are a sexy beech as the Google might say. Nice Video I will be subscribing to learn more and reading this particular forum to learn from some others that have quit the :devil: evil Cigarette and started to chase that Fuckin awesome vape cloud congrats to all who have stopped smoking!!!!

    PS Im using the Kanger T3S with a smok 3.2to 4.8 V battery and wanting to learn more to create that cloud lol.


    hey lost....get one of the mini rba's from smoktech or whoever..you can pick em up online on ebay for about 9 bucks. then just do the vid and you become Lando Calrisiun..Governor of Cloud City.......its the cheapest and most effective way to get off a tank. tanks suck in that the coil gets funky and the tatse of your juice is never really as true as it is in a dripper or a genesis atty. That battery is the smoktech winder???? i think...variable voltage that twists on the bottom with no digital readout right? Good solid battery. Alot of my friends at work went with one of those. Good luck dude and keep us all posted..its da bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Was looking for a few Tank mods to try out and hit up YouTube for a few reviews.Then I stumbled apon something I wasn't expecting.OMG this shit is funny as hell.I knew it would vape but HOLY SHIT lmao.





    If anyone has done a Dual coil/dual wic mod on a DiD Clone tank let me know how it turned out.I'm currently using 30awg canthal and braided silica wic but I'm having problems with my VG based juice carmalizing and making a mess out of my wics.I had a stainless Wic in it for a bit but the taste of metal drives me insane.


  12. Well, its official...got my cinnamon bun and it is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!! only problem is when i ordered i fucked up and got my mix backwards. ordered 80pg 20 vg...supposed to be the other way around. In true idiot fashion i was browsing for another flavor while i ordered. Got the second one correct. It is called "udderly nutz"...kind of a peanut buttery thing. i think it needs to steep a bit, but i have 50/50 mixed it with the cinnamon bun to get better clouds and it tasstes pretty damn good. i just ordered another 30ml of the cinnamon bun in max vg to balance out what i got since i ordered 50ml bottles. Super cheap and delivered to your door. Even phil brusardo is totally stoked about the cost...rates it cheapest out of all he has surveyed. remeber the name...Mt Baker vapor........


    Folks..i believe im a true champion of the manual dripper. With my coil setup and cotton ball wicks i have no problem doing the tedious manual dripping for the sake of taste and clouds. 32 gauge kanthal wrapped 11 times  on an average paper clip, and squeezed together ala "nano" style..but not fired after. Averages 1.7 ohms and i run it between 3.6 and 4.1 volts..depends on if i wind up floodong my wick .... The wires is tight enough to pretty much stay nano'd. I then take a cotton ball and unravel it...take off a piece enough to satisfy the size wick i want...shove it UNDER the coil so its super easy to replace whenever i get  a mind to or for other flavors and VOILA!!!!! I use the same coil until it breaks. I just burn it off real good when there is no wick and kinda brush it off with a toothpick. its super simple and i'll do a video real soon to show you guys. I know you folks are more advanced as such, but this setup is soo easy and cheap with maximum results. i have friends with different style auto drippers and genesis style atomizers and such,but my vape results speak ( and puff) volumes over theirs. not to mention the Smoktech mini RBA is super cheap as well. Thats just me, but because of this thread i have found a new hobby and way to enjoy my vice with more enjoyment than 37 years of smoking.


    watch for the video soon and keep clouding my friends!!!!

  13. is this really the "OFFICIAL" thread? ive fallen for that a few times only to find out is was just some "generic" fu post.

    Now, on the off chance this is really the "OFFICIAL" thread..i would like to say......ahem........



    FU CHRIS....FU  CHILE( or lautaro..or whatever the fuck your name is this month............) and last...but not least.....


    FU GOOGLE...have you been drinking....again???




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