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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. They say this guy has recreated that photo shoot 3 times as an adult !!! And he has "Nevermind" tattooed on his chest !!!!
  2. The Nirvana album Nevermind had the naked baby baby in a pool swimming to a dollar bill. I imagine most have seen the cover. Well that baby is 30 now and suing the remaining Nirvana members for "child pornography" !!! His parents were paid $200 for the photo shoot for the album. My feelings are he should go after his parents !! They took him to the photo shoot and were paid for the photo. I guess the man even reshot the photo as an adult !! He wore a swim suit of course. Crazy !!! Google search link below. https://www.google.com/search?q=man+sues+nirvana+over+album+cover&rlz=1C1DKCZ_enUS801US801&ei=g84mYemdIYiPtAbbpbeoCQ&oq=man+sues&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIECAAQAzIECAAQAzIECAAQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEEcQsAM6BwgAELADEEM6BAgAEEM6CAguELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCjAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQowI6BAguEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCxAxBDOgUILhCABDoOCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QM6CgguELEDEIMBEEM6BwguELEDEEM6CAguEIAEELEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQyQM6BwgAELEDEAo6BwgAEMkDEAo6BAgAEApKBAhBGABQqeQiWL3wImDthyNoAXACeACAAYcBiAHsBpIBAzIuNpgBAKABAcgBCsABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
  3. Charlie was a human metronome. Countless drummers expressed he was one of the most precise time keepers.
  4. Well I upped my budget and bought an Asus Rog 5 gaming cell. Thanks for all then input.
  5. The Asus Zenfone and the ROG 5 look very interesting.
  6. My oldest daughter and their family are iPhone and everything Apple. I have some proprietary apps I use that do not support Apple. So I am stuck with Droid based phones. I do love my iPod Classic !!!
  7. Yeah, I always try to keep it around $600 when I buy a new phone. I like the fact the S20 has an sd memory slot. The Razr does not. I always tell people Im an idiot with a smart phone !!
  8. Thing I hate about Samsung is all the bloatware they load on the phone. I always remove it or disable it to speed up the phone. But its the hassle. They say Motorola phones have very little "bloatware" installed from factory. I will research other Motorola phones too.
  9. Shopping for a new cell phone to replace my ancient Samsung S4 !! Yes I know ancient !! Been eyeing the new Motorola Razr (2nd Gen.). Was wondering if anyone has the Razr and their take on it. Ive read plenty of reviews online, but figured I would ask here too. Im also looking at Samsung S20 Ultra. Yes I know the S21 Ultra is out, but I do not need the 10X optical zoom. And I pay cash for my phones and can not see paying $900 for a cell. So any S20 owners, chime in too. But my favorite all time cell was the old Razr's. But the folding screen seems like it may be an issue in the future. And I keep my phones forever, hence my ancient S4. Thanks
  10. Didn't notice the sound level changes. May be the YouTube thread I chose.
  11. I was rifling through albums at our local Walmart and came across WVH Mammoth. Cover looked very cool and I had no idea who released it. I then saw it was Wolfgang Van Halen. So I thought what the hell, I will give it a spin. I was thinking it was going to have a Van Halen vibe. I was surprised !! Sound nothing like Van Halen, and I hear different influences in all the tunes. I hear STP, Foo Fighter, Nickleback, Seven Mary Three and many others thrown in. His own sound, so to speak. Side one is good, but side two is even better. Nice stuff and produced very well. All done at his fathers studio. And from what I read he played all the instruments. The vinyl pressing is nice and the soundscape is very wide. Nice freshman solo album. Here is one of the many great tunes. All you Rock fans check it out.
  12. MikeB


    Which version of Quake ? Quake or Quake Wars ?
  13. Love and prayers to his family. Rugger or Ted please keep us informed on his wifes health. Ted, if you or Rugger learn of any funeral arrangements let me know. I would love to send flowers. Or maybe you can set up an account we all could donate money for flowers ? Fuckin sucks !! Bart was one of the best !! Still is !! Save us a seat Bart !!!
  14. I've known and played with Bart since day one. Had many, many late night games and general conversations. Im really at a loss for words, other than "We love you !! B-Man"
  15. Yeah Im not into rap either. But lyrics are spot on. I was thinking of penning a tune on the same subject. Just for shits and giggles, but I was beat to it. Maybe mash this rap tune up and make it a rock version ?!! Hmm. A lot of verses though. Have to make it at least 120bpm to keep the overall time down.
  16. Figured I would post the lyrics. And see what remarks come in. Spot on IMHO Lyrics If you lie to the government, they'll put you in prison But when they lie to all of us, it's called being a politician You think taking guns away will save our kids from the killings But your pro-choice abortion kills way more children If America's so terrible and racist It probably isn't safe to encourage immigration, just saying All the contradictions are embarrassing You know who hates America the most? Americans Trigger warnings used to be on TV for seizures And now they're everywhere to protect millennials' feelings He, she, his, him, hers, them, they Screw a pronoun, 'cause everyone's a retard these days I hear 'em preaching at a protest that hatred's the problem But hating straight men, white folks, and Christians is common Coca Cola telling people they should be less white They preaching tolerance but if you disagree, they fight There's a race war here, elections based on fear Black lives only matter once every four years Soldiers died for this country and every one of us benefits Give welfare to the bums and forget about the veterans Black folks and white folks divided by the news But we're all the same, we are red, white, and blue Ashamed to be American? Okay, that's cool 'Cause honestly, we are all ashamed of you too Y'all are so fake, oh no The forecast said that there'd be snowflakes, whoa You can't make us see it your way, no way Gasoline and propane, more flames, oh no No more snowflakes They set us up to fail, that's what they built the system for Put an ammunition shop across the street from a liquor store Empowering women used to be different than this before The role models got OnlyFans or dance on a stripper pole Screw it, I ain't trippin', I don't mean to be mean But if our children are the future then our future is bleak They take an Adderall to focus, hit McDonald's to eat They're addicted to phones and they take Xanax to sleep They blurred the lines dividing communism and democracy In 2021, we paint the patriots as Nazis The men playing women's sports get trophies for winning Like great, let's celebrate a man for beating some women If you're black, your life matters, you're supposed to embrace it If you're rich or you're smart then you're probably Asian If you're gay, then you're brave, all of that I'm okay with But if you're white, the stereotype is you are a racist Blaming capitalism like that's the reason things are tough While you tweet from an iPhone and sip on a Starbucks You're supporting what you stand against, you don't think you are but A Percocet addict don't donate money to pharma Damn dog, we're all afraid to speak the truth And the more afraid we get, the more we hate the ones who do You're ashamed to be American? Okay, that's cool 'Cause honestly, we are all ashamed of you too Y'all are so fake, oh no The forecast said that there'd be snowflakes, whoa You can't make us see it your way, no way Gasoline and propane, more flames, oh no No more snowflakes We could all get along but there's no stopping, ayy Everybody's wrong, that's a real problem, ayy They don't wanna hear it, but they still talking, ayy Soon enough we running outta options, ayy This ain't gonna end 'til it's in a coffin, ayy We ain't gon' be friends 'til we try to squash it, ayy I don't know how we can make amends or we drop it Snowflakes melt when it's hot, kid Y'all are so fake, oh no The forecast said that there'd be snowflakes, whoa You can't make us see it your way, no way Gasoline and propane, more flames, oh no No more snowflakes Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Nova Paholek / Thomas MacDonald Snowflakes lyrics © Reach Music Publishing Tom MacDonald - Snowflakes (Lyrics)
  17. Sad times !! We both joined about the same time. Spent many hours playing and talking about all sorts of shit !! Miss you and see you on the other side.
  18. I know Pedro !!!! Your more an aquatic adventurer !! But you should try fuzzy some time.
  19. I could only wish I got raped by a female bigfoot !!! So soft and furry !!!!
  20. Always hire the best !!! Military is no different. On the Harp, Im not sure either why its called that. Im gonna dig online and see
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