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Everything posted by baldie

  1. Hi Phantom what Tiger is trying to do is start his ranks all over again on ZOMBIES. This is because of a slight problem with create a class when you get past a certain level (I think its 60) you can no longer change or adjust your weapons which is a bit of a bummer if you fly past the ranks like you do in zombies before you create you fave weapons like the crucifix gun then you are stuck with what you have.. We have mentiond this problem before and we were told that you could not get a hold of the guys who designed the mod. I hope this helps you understand Tigers problem and find a solution for him. Many thanks
  2. Cheers Greywolf and I did not know about Backlot2 being different so I am sorry for my ignorance. But what got me angry was the way the guy totally direspected Rick our admin then continued to bad mouth XI when the map changed. So
  3. Hey Greywolf does your wife know mine
  4. HI Rugger I havent ordererd a hat but my shirt came and I just wanted to say thanks mate its brilliant..
  5. Thanks guys and I will x-fire you guys its just sometimes I am a right hothead and rather than lose my temper and tell these tossers exactly what I think of them. Its easier to have a coffee or two and kick the dog, damn I HAVE NO DOG oh well the missus will have to do But I really do aprieciate everything you admins do for us guy's and girls.
  6. I was on our Starwars Mod server last night and caught a few player's abusing the Backlot map by going out side the normal playing area. I asked them a few times respectfully.. to stop doing this but all i got was verbal abuse and told to shut up or fuck off so I kept my temper and went to contact an admin.. Straight away as soon as I contacted Rick he was there and told these guy's the same thing only to get called a RETARD.. Firstly I want to thank Rick he came straight away and dealt with the problem by giving the main offender a warning. Our Admins do a great job and untill last night I did not realise how much abuse they have to take from Wanker's like these it makes me bloody angry that there is no respect by these people who come to our servers and Abuse the Rules and our members.. I ended up leaving the server because these wankers were cheating left right and centre on the next map it was one shot one kill from round corners And cariied on slagging off XI and our retard members. I did not bother Rick again with this because I was just totally pissed off with these Wankers. I Hope these asshole's come to our forums and read this but I guess they wont have the balls to answer to us all and apologise for their behaviour...
  7. greywolf2 baldiemeat Greywolf is there any chance it could be a little earlier next time so us uk Guy's could take part please.. If not no problem but it would be cool if it could happen say 6 or 7pm your time which would make it about 11 / 12 pm our time. Thanks The time is set for 9pmest as thats when most of there clan and ours is on, Sorry about that. If we get a earlier one then i will post it for ya...
  8. Greywolf is there any chance it could be a little earlier next time so us uk Guy's could take part please.. If not no problem but it would be cool if it could happen say 6 or 7pm your time which would make it about 11 / 12 pm our time. Thanks
  9. I would love too but my comp would explode if I tried too. You see it was built by cavemen but building a new Rig is a major priority for me this year. trouble is I have to buy one part a month only just got the motherbard and case so far lol..but as soon as its ready i will be there i cant wait to play Crysis
  10. Fair enough but I would vote to keep them if we start changing the weapons for cod5 where will it stop.........Yes it is a total pain when you get noobed on any server but i accept it is part of the game. I am playing with a Rig that was made by the cavemen and an internet connection that totally sucks my average ping is 200 plus, do I moan that everyone kills me NO I just enjoy the company of the other Idiots,
  11. Jackncoke i agree 100% with you if it was designed as part of the game leave it alone what is up with you guys get a grip suck it up and kill the bloody noobs. Do not whine and moan about it lets face it if the noobs get kills that way fair play to them its only a BLOODY GAME
  12. Cheers Greywolf you are a true diamond and we all really are greatfull for all your hard work
  13. iil be in if im still awake although i am just a tad drunk lol been down the pub and had a few
  14. Happy New Year to everyone at XI have a great and fun 2010
  15. Just a dumb question but what time will that be uk time
  16. Sorry mate I recieved mine yesterday morning
  17. got mine yesterday and posted pics . brilliant and thanks again Rugger
  18. Hi I just wanted to say mine came this morning and I am delighted with it Thanks Rugger. And I thought I would put up a couple of pics to show it off I HOPE YOU LIKE EM
  19. Hi Porkyxi I will check the phone book and get back to you mate. and as for the Hospital im afraid they rebuilt that and replaced it with a crap ugly hospital that has more problems than the patients lol
  20. Well I was born in Leicester and then moved to Sheffield stayed their to do my senior school years left school and got my first job in Boston uk then after a year moved to Skegness stayed their 2 years Moved to Lochmaben 5 miles from Lockerbie started work in Lockerbie and after 3 years the Plane hit. Yep I was
  21. Hi Noears711 there was a post earlier just before Christmas they have been sent its just that us people outside of the US will tak a little bit longer here in the UK we are still waiting. But I am sure it will be well worth the wait mate
  22. I agree that this is not cheating for the simple reason anyone can do this and its not giving the user an unfair advantage because everyone could if they wanted to. "Unsportsman/woman like behaviour"
  23. You and me both Sonovabich. I think its brilliant
  24. That is awesome now that is what you call talent
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