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Everything posted by Bogleg

  1. Oh yes, I typed one sentence about it. That's clearly "berating." Whatever. I guess I had you confused with some other AGX guy who was whining about bunny hopping a few days ago. I apologize for the confusion.
  2. I was there when Jiggi whined about bunny hopping, and I simply told him that bunny hopping was common and not against the rules on our server so stop complaining about it. I don't recall anything beyond that point being said or done re: thawing or not thawing. In any case you AGX guys are generally fun guys to play with, I don't understand why you've decided to make a big stink all of the sudden. I'm pretty sure if you decided to not thaw your teammates and didn't go around telling them you weren't going to for whatever reason you had (umm, I guess you were trying to prove a point that if bunny hopping isn't against the rules then not thawing isn't either? Whatever) no one would've said boo about it. In the end, everyone just needs to grow up. People bunny hop on our ftag servers. That's life. Not defrosting your teammates in a game where defrosting is critical to the game play might not be a RULE but it's kind of the point of the game in the first place. It probably goes without saying.
  3. I am eagerly awaiting the new !fu command.
  4. I used to go out to Paintball Sam's in Racine, WI back in my hardcore paintballing days for the Valentine's Day Massacre. There would be a thousand or so paintball enthusiasts in the snow and ice. That was awesome fun. Sam's also used to have (and maybe still does?) a "Big Game" every Fall where they'd get a a ton of people. Big games were always a ton of fun. You'd advance and get into a firefight, and the next thing you know a hundred guys are coming out of the woods. Gotta love target rich environments. But... I will always prefer a wood covered field and the five man center flag format.
  5. I have a few old CTF ones from when I started playing XI servers but was in w00t. You will see some familiar XI names in them before they had tags (and a few members that are long gone):
  6. Pete, even if the $60 million comes from revenue generated by the Penn State football program, it's still $60 million off of the bottom line from a STATE FUNDED PUBLIC SCHOOL that they would have otherwise had - and therefore it comes out of taxpayer's pockets one way or the other. As far as the "Football Program" is concerned - the one argument the NCAA made that has given me pause is the one they made regarding covering up the criminal activity of one of the coaches in order to protect the football program - i.e. the football program taking precedence over the safety of children and the overall integrity of the institution. However - that being said, we have a criminal and civil court system in this country specifically to deal with criminal activity; and the non-reporting of an alleged crime by the powers that be at Penn St. IS A CRIME. If the possibility of having your career ended and facing prison time isn't enough to dissuade those that covered these heinous crimes up, why would a penalty on the football program?
  7. I'm a (or was?) a Penn State fan, and I'm very much still on the fence on this, but I am inclined to agree with you, Harry. I'm still thinking about it.
  8. I agree totaly by going on about the story which the media will do will only add to the killers noteriety. somewhere in the process of the media explortation this will go from being a tragic and horiable event to a means of selling newspapers and getting more viewers. The news media will say that they are doing this because people have a right to know but you would be a fool to believe that the news media has peoples interest in mind their main goal will be simply to sell more news papers and get the largest viewing audience they can. and I have to ask myself how much longer before the next horrific event takes place because someone wants to garnish the same attention. preety scary. cheers No doubt - hell, Klebold and Harris are practically household names due to the media coverage of Littleton.
  9. I don't think anyone is suggesting the fault is with any of the victims, Cavey, or even their appearance in the news long after the "facts" have been divulged to the general population. I think the fault people are finding is with the news media in the first place. Certainly, any tragedy like this is going to incur associated costs - for both those physically wounded and those who might just be psychologically scarred, and those people should get compensation if they can to alleviate their pain and agony. And if they can do it on the back of the media, so be it. One thing is for sure, the cable news networks are advertiser supported, and advertisers pay for advertising based on viewership. So the simple answer is if you don't like it, don't watch it, and maybe enough people will share your sentiment that they will either change their programming or (better yet) fall by the wayside. If no one is watching, CNN has no reason to spend money being on air.
  10. This is the problem with advertising supported cable news networks.
  11. Someone else already posted this elsewhere in the forums. In any case, it's a great show (The Network) and this particular excerpt is a poignant (and IMHO accurate) assessment of the United States. We aren't the greatest country in the world anymore. But we could be. We are consumed with vitriol. We are self-centered and unforgiving. We believe everyone should be able to pull themselves up alone. We no longer seem to believe in the basic principal that we have guaranteed rights, and that those rights should be protected at all costs, not squandered in the face of fear. We have a government run by people who just want more and want it now, not by a government that seems to truly believe in the greatness of our possibility. We have a country filled with people who fear education, who fear anything different from themselves, who are eating and drinking themselves into a healthcare crisis that will only get worse with each generation. We have engineered food into unhealthy packaged nonsense in spite of having the greatest farming resources in the world. We are divided. Our elected officials and the pundits who get rich off of them endeavor every day to keep it that way. Division equals money to those that can yell the loudest. We are so disillusioned with our government and the process by which we choose it that a huge percentage of Americans don't even vote, let alone take part in the candidate selection process. We have the greatest natural resources in the world, and as long as they aren't in our own back yard, we don't care what happens to them. Quite frankly, Americans are scared. Scared to lose what they have as it slowly slips away from them. Scared to speak up for fear of being yelled down by some belligerent extremist on the right or the left. Scared to take risks, when risk taking is what has always made this country and it's people great. We cry about a 4% increase in taxes being proposed by our government but don't bat an eye when they pass legislation allowing them to tap our phones or come into our homes at will. Our government and the media that gets rich off of them and us dissembles constantly and diverts our attention from the basic things that have made our country great. We accept cheaper, less quality goods from foreign countries and allow American workers jobs to disappear as a result, then cry about it as if we, as consumers, have no power to say anything about it. We are, in short, a society consumed with whatever will make us feel better right here and now, with no direction or vision for the future, for ourselves or for our communities. Whether it's the quick and easy pre-packaged foods we eat made from all sorts of engineered former-foodstuffs or gratification via entertainment as opposed to art (and you can read R. G. Collingwood's "The Principles of Art" to see the difference), we live in a world that is a suck hole for our emotional energy, and we get zero return on our investment into it. Like the clip says - we used to aspire to greatness. We don't anymore. That movie Idiocracy is actually happening to us.
  12. Well there's 8 minutes and 04 seconds I will never get back.
  13. Going to the ice arena to play some hockey and beat the heat. FU Google.
  14. Damage - Paleo is sort of like Atkins. They are somewhat similar. But on a Paleo diet you are typically eating a balanced meal - not necessarily one that is 50% or more protein-based. I liken the Paleo diet to the "God Diet" (as some call it) - basically you only eat whole foods (and by that I don't mean a whole grain bread), so as a result - no processed foods at all. No dairy in a true Paleo diet (eggs notwithstanding). Basically berries, most nuts, meats, and vegetables. But not all vegetables are considered Paleo. Loader - I saw a movie awhile back where I think the guy who made it had the same thing going on as you. The movie is called "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead" - you may want to check it out. Oh and Loader - BBQ sauce and all that kind of stuff probably has high fructose corn syrup in it - and if I were in a position where diet was causing some kind of disorder like you describe, the first thing I'd do is eliminate all processed crap like HFCS.
  15. Loader, have you looked into a Paleo diet? Basically like a gluten free diet.
  16. I have seen people have good success with Adkins for losing weight, but everyone I know who has tried it ended up gaining all (and more) of the weight back. The key (IMHO) to successful and long-term weight loss is changing your eating habits permanently, and Adkins doesn't really lend itself to this. I would recommend first and foremost starting to track everything you eat. I use this site: http://tracker.dailyburn.com It has an easy to use and comprehensive food database for logging food. Most people have no idea what they really eat every day and would be surprised if they accurately logged it. We're talking every M&M, beer, etc. Kettle-bells are great tools for exercise, but I'm of the opinion that when it comes to weight loss, however you burn calories is fine. In the end, it's a simple math equation - you need to burn more calories every day than you consume. No matter how hard you train, you can't out train a bad diet. Diet is first and foremost the single most important thing when it comes to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.
  17. Working on my next map - I put random mortar strikes in it. I am sorry. FU google.
  18. Another solid addition - welcome T8kdown!
  19. Wow, we've gotten some great members lately. Welcome Taco! Glad to have you aboard.
  20. it's the weekend and i was going to go fishing today, but apparently i have to stain my fence instead. fu google
  21. Quit creeping my member profile you whore. And don't blame me, I stole the idea from Stormcrow. FU GOOGLE.
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